
Reaching for the stars: tall actors. Sigourney Weaver is 182 centimeters tall, and Uma Thurman is even taller

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Reaching for the stars: tall actors. Sigourney Weaver is 182 centimeters tall, and Uma Thurman is even taller
Reaching for the stars: tall actors. Sigourney Weaver is 182 centimeters tall, and Uma Thurman is even taller

We are more than used to seeing celebrities through the screen of our devices. However, in most cases we can’t imagine what their actual growth is. Is Uma Thurman significantly higher than her fellow workers?

Heels and tricks to appear better in photographs make celebrity growth unnoticed. Therefore, the best way to understand what they really are is pictures or videos with other familiar faces.


Thus, you have the opportunity to compare and decide how tall our favorite actors really are.