
Julia Savalia: biography and professional activities

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Julia Savalia: biography and professional activities
Julia Savalia: biography and professional activities



The British actress Julia Savalia is known to viewers on the television series “Purely English Murder”, “Tales from the Crypt”, “Pride and Prejudice”, “Miss Marple Agatha Christie”, etc. Her career began in the early 80s of the 20th century and continues still.


Biography of Julia Savalia

The future actress was born on 09.09.1968 in the capital of Great Britain. Her parents are Roberta Lane and Nadim Savala. My father was engaged in acting, perhaps it was from him that Julia inherited her talent. In its family tree, the star of television series has the roots of several peoples. In her family were English, French and even Jordanians. Parents decided to name their daughter in honor of her grandmother Julia, who was Jordanian, as well as a well-known business woman. For her entrepreneurial activities, her grandmother was awarded the Queen of Jordan Prize.


How was your personal life?

Julia Savalia had many novels. For some time she lived in a civil marriage with British actor Dexter Fletcher, and a little later with an English writer and stand-up comedian Richard Herring. There were also two fleeting novels with Patrick Marber and Keith Allen.

In 2004, the media published information that Julia Savalia entered into an official marriage with the famous British actor Alan Davis, with whom they played in the television series "Jonathan Creek." However, neither Julia nor Alan confirmed this information. They refused to comment on the details of their personal lives, and sued the newspaper for an article published in a tabloid publication.


At the Music Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts (Glastonbury), Julia Savalia meets Rich Annets. This meeting took place in 2005 and after a short time the lovers moved to the county of Somerset - the city of Bath. The couple settled on an old street called the Royal Crescent. But relations with Rich did not last long. Julia Savalia was fond of growing vegetables and yoga. She also entered the Open University, founded in 1969 by decree of Queen Elizabeth II. It is known that since then the couple broke off their relationship.


At the moment, it is not known whether the actress has a boyfriend. However, at 49, Julia looks perfect, so she has every chance to find her fiancée.

Professional activity

The image of Linda Day, which the actress played in the television series "Newspapers", was the very first significant role of Julia Savalia. Thanks to this character, she won the BAFTA Award. After receiving the award, the actress became very popular, numerous offers from various directors fell on her. She gets the main roles in television series, among which it is worth noting the following:

  1. “Pride and Prejudice” (Lydia Bennet).
  2. "Jonathan Creek" (Carla Borrego).
  3. "A little light - in Candleford" (Dorcas Lane) and others.

In 2000, the full-length cartoon "Escape from the Coop" was released. To voice one of the characters (Ginger) invited Julia Savalia. What is noteworthy - this animated film managed to raise more than 200 million at the box office with a budget of $ 45 million.

Although the actress plays most of the roles in television series, her track record also includes full-length films, as well as various television projects.
