
Thrifty Shopping: A few rules that will help you not fall for the tricks of cunning sellers

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Thrifty Shopping: A few rules that will help you not fall for the tricks of cunning sellers
Thrifty Shopping: A few rules that will help you not fall for the tricks of cunning sellers

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Video: 8 Best Psychological Negotiation Tactics and Strategies - How to Haggle 2024, June

Probably, it happened to everyone: he went to the store for a loaf of bread, and returned with full bags of products, and even brought a hair dryer, because it was given as a gift to everyone who buys an iron.

Or, for example, a man goes to buy new shoes, and instead of them for some reason he bought a fifth pair of jeans. He comes home and thinks: "Why do I need another jeans? After all, I already have such a model."

In order for us to spend as much money as possible on unnecessary things with every shopping trip, the best marketers work. And the owners of shopping centers pay them considerable salaries for this. Not falling for the tricks of professionals is not easy. We will tell you how to facilitate shopping, but not a wallet.

Instead of a trolley - a basket


Of course, the trolley is very convenient, you can even put a child in it, you don’t have to carry it and tear it up, but you can easily push it without effort. Carts are much more convenient than baskets, which are also in every supermarket. Do you know why?

A psychological trick works here: we are at a subconscious level trying to fill the void. Now compare how many purchases fill the basket and how much the cart. Now you understand that a full trolley will cost you a lot more.


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The farther into the room, the fuller the basket

It happened to you that you searched in vain for salt or baking soda, because, logically, should these products be next to sugar or at least seasonings, but in fact they were in the Juices-Water department?

Dairy products, bakery products and eggs are also located in the far corner of the supermarket, they must be followed. And while we go for these products, along the way we throw beer into the cart (because it's Friday), chips (because to beer), shampoo and hair dye (let it be), and here’s the buckwheat for the promotion! Well, can a person live without buckwheat?


And some do not even reach bread and milk, and the cart is already full.

How to fight: before each shopping trip, be sure to make a list of the necessary and clearly follow it.

Tricky shelves

Supermarket shelves have secrets:

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  1. The farther the product is from your eyes, the fresher it is. You can see this for yourself the next time you buy milk. The freshest milk is at the very bottom of the shelf, and the milk that is closer to you will expire today or tomorrow.
  2. the most expensive branded products are on the so-called "golden" shelves - at the level of your eyes. The product is not of the worst (and sometimes even better) quality, but without a big name, is either on the highest or on the lowest shelf. And it costs several times cheaper.

What to do: before you pay for a product, take a deep breath and think: do you really need it? Do not be lazy and take products from the farthest corners of the shelf.

"Magic" nines

Of course, you have noticed that some products or clothing are not worth a round sum, for example, 34.99 rubles. You probably even wondered why this price is so weird. The thing is this: our brain perceives only the first figures, that is, not 34.99, but 34. And then the price seems to us more attractive and affordable.

How to deal with the temptation: round correctly, clearly realize that the product costs not 34, but 35 rubles.

"Exhibition" at the box office


You paid attention to the stands located at the cash desks, every detail was exhibited on them: chewing gum and assorted sweets, razors and blades, mini deodorants and more. They have a low price, so when you stand in line, it sometimes dawns on you that perhaps you need to take a package of sweets. But this is also a trick of the supermarket: you will give an additional little more savings.


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What to do: just think, it is vitally necessary to buy this trifle?

And again about promotions and discounts

Usually in supermarkets are promotions: goods with a reduced price put up in large aisles. But the following trick is often used: ordinary, non-promotional ones are “thrown” into discounted goods. And the buyer takes them out of habit and leaves in the belief that he has been stingy.

Do not rush to throw out the check!


Sometimes the seller-cashier "by mistake" does not break through the discount on the goods. Or “inadvertently” breaks through expensive products that you didn’t think of buying. Check your checks without leaving the cashier. And keep the check for at least a couple of weeks: suddenly you have to return low-quality or damaged goods.

Weigh the pros and cons"

Products such as sweets, cookies, vegetables and fruits are sold pre-packaged or by weight. Usually, the buyer takes the already packaged goods, because you do not have to queue for scales, get your hands dirty with potatoes or carrots, and indeed, there is no time for all this. But this is a mistake.

In packaged goods, one can almost always observe underweight. Only 10-15 grams is a trifle, but unpleasant. Given that there are many such buyers through the store, it is easy to imagine how much the customers are being deceived.

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Sale! Saldi! Verkouf! Soldes! Discounts!


Let's talk about clothing shopping. When the period of seasonal discounts comes, we all go a little crazy. This is no wonder: it’s hard not to succumb to temptations, especially if there is a little extra money in the wallet.

During this period, there are a lot of people in clothing stores, the atmosphere is agitated, and we succumb to this mood: we begin to grab everything in a row, sometimes not even of their size. And at home, sorting the packages, we bitterly regret that we even went to that store, because in normal times we don’t even look in his direction.


How to resist: take a real girlfriend with you. The one who, without flattery, will express her opinion to you about the things that you are going to acquire. Do not pay attention to the replicas of the store staff.

A seller in a boutique should sell - this is his main function, and he doesn’t care how this or that thing sits on you, whether the style or color suits you. Therefore, it is better to listen not to him, but to those people to whom you are not indifferent.