
Heliotrope - a stone turning the sun

Heliotrope - a stone turning the sun
Heliotrope - a stone turning the sun

Video: Is Heliotrope poisonous to humans? 2024, June

Video: Is Heliotrope poisonous to humans? 2024, June

Heliotrope - a stone, or rather, a mineral for crafts, one of the representatives of the quartz group. Mineral collectors really appreciate him. In its name, it contains two Greek words - “sun” and “turn”, this can be interpreted as “turning the sun”. The chemical composition is expressed by the same formula as that of crystalline quartz (SiO2), but the structure of this mineral is cryptocrystalline, disordered. It is painted in dark green tones with red spots and stripes (iron oxides). In the light, color is unstable. It is characterized by a glass luster, a white line, hardness in the range of 6.5-7, uneven fracture. There is no transparency and cleavage, the mineral does not possess magnetism, irisation (rainbow), it does not react with hydrochloric acid, it’s non-sweet.


Martyr's blood

Due to such a characteristic feature as blotches of red color, the heliotrope (stone) has been called for a long time bloodied, bloody eastern jasper. They have attached and attach mystical significance to him. According to legend, red spots are the blood of Christ, petrified in green jasper. Sometimes the inclusions are yellow, then the mineral is called plasma. The heliotrope is a favorite stone of priests. They make jewelry for ritual clothes and accessories for church services.



They say that the heliotrope (stone), the photo of which is given in the article, helps stop bleeding, prevents hemorrhages, improves blood circulation, relieves soreness during menstruation, and cleanses the blood of toxins and pus. It helps to normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and for this, it is best for the patient to wear bracelets on both hands.

Heliotrope in magic

Often magicians use natural stones in their mysterious work. It is believed that they enhance spells. And the heliotrope (stone) is recognized as an authority in magical rites. Those who wear bracelets, rings, amulets with bloody oriental jasper become decisive, proactive, energetic. The heliotrope is a stone of obsessed people: philosophers, scientists. He is a conductor between man and the infinite Cosmos, gives the ability to control the biorhythms of his own body, helps expand his horizons, opening up the ability to study complex sciences - medicine, philosophy, psychology. Dante wrote in The Divine Comedy that the heliotrope is a stone that will protect the owner from poison and help him become invisible. But the mineral helps to achieve this goal only to stubborn workers, while at the same time it discourages love of luck, as it distracts from hard work. To those who rush from one thing to another, he will bring failure or even misfortune.


Astrological information

Heliotrope - Aries stone. He will help him on his life path and bring good luck. To people born under other signs, the mineral is indifferent, for them it will only be an ornament. The heliotrope favors Aries, who have chosen the profession of a military, a representative of the law, a lawyer. With a talisman made of this stone, they concentrate attention, develop logic, concentration. In Aries-philosophers and Aries-scientists, under the influence of the heliotrope, intelligence reaches its highest heights.