
Mountains of the Krasnoyarsk Territory: East and West Sayan Mountains, Ergaki Range, Byrranga Mountains and Putorana Plateau

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Mountains of the Krasnoyarsk Territory: East and West Sayan Mountains, Ergaki Range, Byrranga Mountains and Putorana Plateau
Mountains of the Krasnoyarsk Territory: East and West Sayan Mountains, Ergaki Range, Byrranga Mountains and Putorana Plateau

Byrranga, Ergaki, Putorana … Do you know all these names? The mountains of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are not so famous as the ridges of the Caucasus or the same Altai. But from this they do not become less picturesque and interesting.

Features of the relief of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

One of the largest regions of the Russian Federation in terms of area is the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Stretching from the coast of the Arctic Ocean in the north almost to the border with Mongolia in the south, it is characterized by a huge variety of relief forms, climatic conditions and natural landscapes.

The mountains and plains of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are separated from each other by a clear border - the Yenisei. The valley of this Siberian river divides the territory of the region into two parts: the western mainly flat and eastern elevated, occupied by the vast Central Siberian plateau with average heights of 500-600 meters.

Many Russians mistakenly think that there are simply no mountains in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. This statement is very far from the truth. In fact, mountain ranges and ranges can be found in the southern and southeastern parts of the region, as well as within the Taimyr Peninsula in the north. The highest point in the region is the Grandiose peak with a height of 2922 meters above sea level.


We list all the mountains of the Krasnoyarsk Territory:

  • Western Sayan.
  • East Sayan.
  • Ergaki (ridge).
  • Kuznetsk Alatau (partially).
  • Yenisei Ridge.
  • Putorana Plateau.
  • Byrranga Mountains.

Western Sayan

This mountain system, stretching for 650 kilometers, only partially enters the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The mountains of the Western Sayan are stretched mainly in the latitudinal direction and consist of several tens of ridges. The width of the mountain system varies from 200 to 80 kilometers. In the north, it is bounded by the Minusinsk depression, and in the south - by the Tuva. In the east (in the upper reaches of the Kazyr and Uda rivers), the Western Sayan joins the ridges of the Eastern Sayan.

The most expressive part of the Western Sayan is the Ergaki ridge. It is known for its pointed rocky peaks, which attract the attention of many tourists, climbers and extreme sports. The name of the ridge, most likely, comes from the Tuvan word “ergek”, which translates as “finger”. The peaks here bear original names: “Dragon Tooth”, “Dinosaur”, “Stone Castle” and others.


East Sayan

The Eastern Sayan stretches for almost a thousand kilometers, from the right bank of the Yenisei to Lake Baikal. These mountains have a clear folded structure, since the directions of their main ranges completely coincide with tectonic faults. Within this mountain system, young volcanoes are found. The most famous of them is the Kropotkin volcano.

It is here that the highest point of the region is located - the Grandiose peak (2922 m). It is the main peak of the Kryzhina ridge and picturesquely rises above the surrounding landscape by 400 meters.

Within the Eastern Sayan there is also a unique geological formation - Krasnoyarsk Pillars. This is a whole complex of bizarre cliffs scattered in the Yenisei Valley and some other rivers, about 370 million years old. The Krasnoyarsk Pillars are nothing more than the frozen lava of ancient volcanoes, which underwent weathering processes over time.

Putorana Plateau

In the northern part of the region there is an array of extraordinary beauty - the Putorana plateau with maximum heights of 1500-1700 meters. For the savagery of the local landscapes, this area is often called the "lost world" of Siberia. Rocky gorges and steep slopes coexist here with deep valleys and beautiful waterfalls. The surface of the plateau is covered with frozen basalt lava flows, which scientists call Siberian traps.
