
Ivanova Karina Aleksandrovna: a talented daughter of famous parents

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Ivanova Karina Aleksandrovna: a talented daughter of famous parents
Ivanova Karina Aleksandrovna: a talented daughter of famous parents

Karina Aleksandrovna Ivanova is not just the daughter of famous parents, but also an independent, versatile personality. From childhood, she showed interest in music, and in acting, and in modeling. The girl repeatedly won prestigious competitions. Currently, he continues to develop his potential, tries himself in directing. The biography of the talented heiress of the singer Alexander Ivanov will be discussed in this article.


Karina was born in May 1988 in Moscow. This year, the girl celebrated her 30th anniversary. The Ivanov family in which she was brought up is creative. Father is a well-known musician in Russia, the founder of the Rondo group and her ideological inspirer. Mother is a Moscow choreographer. Karina grew up in a creative setting, who, if not her, was to absorb all her charms. From childhood I began to get involved in dancing, vocals. Parents, seeing her daughter’s zeal for creative work, gave her to the choral studio, in which Elena Yurcheva taught.

Studying was given to Karina Aleksandrovna Ivanova quite easily. She was a leading soloist of the choir, along with a group of other students participated in competitions, won prizes. She graduated from music school successfully in 2002. The skills acquired over the years of training were very useful in adulthood. Now Karina is a jazz vocalist, knows how to play several instruments.

Model activities

In addition to the choir, Karina Aleksandrovna Ivanova attended a children's model school. Already in 1996, she first entered the podium. Then she took an active part in one of the Moscow beauty contests. Career developed rapidly. At 17, Karina took part and won the Miss Muscovy beauty contest. There was confidence in their abilities and a desire to prove to themselves and others their own significance.


After graduation, she collaborated with several fashion houses in the capital. I met with stylist Alexei Karakulov, who helped prepare for fashion shows. I entered the school of Glory Zaitsev, where professionals have already taken up her education. Karina learned how to move, apply makeup, combine colors in clothes, choose the right posture for photographing.

Admission to the acting department

After graduating from school with a silver medal, the girl decided to enter a theater university. She chose the Russian Academy of Theater Arts. She studied with zeal and diligence, however, to do something half-heartedly was never her priority.


While still a student, Karina found out about the divorce of her parents. The news was a real blow for her and plunged into shock, and then into a depressed state. Parents lived in a happy marriage for more than 20 years, and never thought about the family breaking up. Now Karina Alexandrovna Ivanova practically does not communicate with her father: he left the family in English, not wanting to help and support neither his daughter nor his ex-wife. In the further education of the heiress, he did not take an active part.

Job seeking

After graduation, despite numerous regalia and great hard work, the girl for a long time could not find herself. They didn’t offer a job, the search was also unsuccessful. In the end, she decided - it is not necessary to work by profession, most importantly, be able to feed herself and help her mother. After her father left, the future actress Karina Ivanova (photos are presented in the article) realized that no one would help them, she would have to survive on her own. For some reason, it was at that moment that I felt like my mother’s defender, a breadwinner, because she was indebted to her parent. Immediately after receiving the diploma, I got a job in the social survey service.


I received a penny wage, but at that time there was no choice - I had to work at least somewhere to be able to feed ourselves and not to cross the poverty line. There were times when there was not enough money even for a loaf of bread. Karina Aleksandrovna Ivanova, whose photo is often published now, tries not to remember about them.