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Famous and famous people of England. Who are the celebrities of Great Britain?

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Famous and famous people of England. Who are the celebrities of Great Britain?
Famous and famous people of England. Who are the celebrities of Great Britain?

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Any country, as you know, is famous, first of all, not for minerals, rich deposits of gold and diamonds, but for its inhabitants. "Who are the most famous people in the UK?" - you ask. As for this country, it has made a huge contribution to the treasury of world culture, history, economics, politics and other areas of society. Therefore, the list will be very extensive.

Every year, according to the results of a survey conducted traditionally in the country, a special list is compiled, which includes the most famous people in England. It includes only the most worthy of them, who have made the greatest contribution to the development of this country. So who are they, the great and famous people of England? In this article we bring to your attention only some of them.

Sir Cliff Richard


We begin to talk about the most famous personalities of the country of Misty Albion with a person unfamiliar to most of our fellow citizens. Just like other famous people in England, in particular his colleague Paul McCartney, in front of his name, Cliff Richard bears the title "sir." These two honored people have common rock and roll roots.

Cliff in the late 50s of the last century instantly became the king of rock and roll and the idol of many British teenagers. As part of the great band The Shadows, accompanying the musician, he reached the pinnacle of his career. At that time, Cliff Richard's group was put on a par with the American The Ventures, noting their huge contribution to the popularization of rock and roll. By the mid-60s, Richard's fame seemed to know no bounds. Many famous people of England came to his concerts.


However, the new fashion that has arisen far and long pushed the great musician from the top of the charts. Only in 1976 he managed to take revenge with his song "Devil Woman", which became his first hit in America. In the 80s, Cliff Richard's career continued successfully, he managed to stay afloat in the 90s, and entered the new millennium with the name of a legend.

In the UK, this artist is put on a par with "The Beatles". More than 250 million albums of this musician have already been sold worldwide. He became the real king of the British charts, taking 25 times the first place in it.

Charles Darwin


To the list of "Famous British" we add Charles Darwin, who needs no introduction. He is known around the world as a great naturalist, the creator of the famous book "The Origin of Species, " the founder of the hypothesis that the human race descended from monkeys.

Charles Darwin scientifically substantiated the idea that during the evolution that took place over the centuries and millennia, not only humans, but all living organisms evolved. Moreover, all of them had common ancestors. Scientists are still arguing about whether this theory should be considered reliable. Famous and famous people of Great Britain and other countries spoke out and argued about her, but did not come to a consensus.

The main driving force behind this process, according to Charles Darwin, is natural selection. In his brilliant assumptions, the scientist relied on artificial selection, which received significant development in the agricultural sector of Great Britain in the late 19th century, that is, during the life of the researcher.

His hypotheses and ideas have become a solid foundation of modern biology, there is a whole doctrine based on the idea of ​​natural selection, called Darwinism. Many famous Englishmen and representatives of other countries are his followers and are called Darwinists.

David beckham


The list of "Famous People of England" includes David Beckham. As part of the Manchester United team, he won worldwide fame. David's parents were ordinary people. My father worked as a furniture collector and worked as a coach for a local team; his mother was a hairdresser. They were very rooting for Manchester United and attended all matches involving this team, held on the home field.

Therefore, we can say that fate itself prepared Beckham for a chance to become famous, and he took advantage of it by attending a training session at Barcelona club, and at the age of 14 he signed a contract with his adored Manchester United. For the first time, a football player attracted attention when he scored a decisive goal against the Crystal Palace team, which allowed his beloved club to take the British Youth Cup in 1992.

Since then, David Beckham was invited to play in various teams, which played the most famous people in England in the football world. So, he worked in the clubs “Real Madrid”, “Milan”, “Paris Saint-Germain” and other strong and famous compositions. Despite the fact that he has already completed his career at this time, David continues to be the champion in the number of matches played in the UK team, of which he has been captain for six years.

Having an attractive appearance, David Beckham was also recognized in 2011 as the highest paid player in football, and now his name is a global trading brand.

The footballer married Victoria Adams, a famous singer from the group "Spice Girls". These famous people of England today are very famous in the fashion world. At the moment, the family has three sons and a daughter.

Diana of Wales


The "Famous People of England", the list of which is very extensive, includes the name of this princess, known worldwide as Lady Dee, who also needs no introduction. Her popularity, the excessive attention of the paparazzi and became fatal for this woman. She gained world fame thanks to a non-standard approach to solving many social problems, which is not typical of a representative of such a conservative family as the Windsor.

The princess’s pedigree dates back to the ancient Spencer-Churchill dynasty. In 1981, she married the English Prince Charles and lived with him for 15 years, having given birth to two sons, Harry and William. The last five years of spouses' life have been very difficult.

First, Charles, and then a year later, and Diana publicly told reporters about their infidelity. Camille Parker-Bowles became the mistress of the prince, the same woman whose candidacy the prince's family rejected a long time ago, in the 70s. Camilla later, in 2005, still became the new wife of Charles. Bilateral betrayals eventually led to a divorce in 1996, on which Elizabeth II, the Queen of England, particularly insisted.

A year after the divorce, Diana crashed in a car accident in Paris. Then, in 1997, a remake of the song "Candle in the Wind" by Elton John was dedicated to her, earlier, in 1973, dedicated to Marilyn Monroe.

In 2007, this hit became the best-selling single in the world. In addition to music, the name of the great Lady Dee was immortalized in cinema and literature, and in 2002 the people recognized her as the third of the hundred great inhabitants of Great Britain. Not only ordinary residents, but also many famous people of England and other countries were inspired by her example.

Charlie Chaplin


Charlie Chaplin's fame was also very great. This representative of London inherited his talent from his parents, who worked as artists in the music hall. The most famous for him was the image of the tramp Charlie. Actively starring in short comedies combining buffoonery and pantomime, he achieved maximum fame. At that time, namely in 1910, such comedies were the most popular silent film genre.

Mature period of creativity

Then, in the next decade, Charlie Chaplin in his work began to address serious social problems, being both a producer, director, scriptwriter and composer. But the earliest image of an extravagant tramp was remembered most of all by the inhabitants of Great Britain and the world. At the end of this decade, Charlie Chaplin moved to the United States, where he founded United Artists with three other artists."

This great man began his career at the age of only 13 years old, when he first appeared on the stage of the music hall, and for 75 years he worked actively, almost to death. At the turn of the millennium, the inhabitants of Great Britain called it the tenth of a hundred great stars of world cinema.

Many books are devoted to the genius comedian; more than a dozen different films, feature films and documentaries, have been shot about him. The name Charlie Chaplin has become a household name, which speaks of great popularity, which has not been reduced so far.

James Cook


We add to the list of "Famous People of England" a brave navigator, James Cook, who truly glorified his country. Since the time of Vladimir Vysotsky, he has been haunted by an incorrect stamp stating that he was allegedly eaten by cannibals. In fact, the great captain fell in a battle with the Hawaiians, famous for their thieves' antics, for the property belonging to his ship. At that time he was making the third round-the-world voyage.

James was very brave and gloriously went his life from a young coal miner of the Hercules company to a world-famous navigator. At the place where he was struck by a spear of Hawaiians, now there is a monument built by their descendants in recognition of the great merits of this researcher.

The Legacy of the Great Mariner

As a legacy, James Cook left behind a lot of carefully drawn maps, which for a long time served as guiding points for posterity.

Despite the fact that the seafarer had to leave home for a long time on long expeditions, Cook was married and had six children. Even as a young man, he showed a penchant for studying marine affairs, reaching fanaticism. James Cook longed for knowledge, and this forced him to go further and further in his voyages.

The captain also owns the discovery of a remedy for the treatment of scurvy, a terrible disease that claimed the lives of many sailors at that time. James Cook became famous for his tolerance in relations with the natives and friendliness for them.

Later, already in our time, in honor of the ship "Endeavor", the first ship, the commander of which was Cook, called the spacecraft on which the fourth landing of the Americans landed on the moon. Together with Ivan Kruzenshtern and Francois de Laperouz, this Englishman is the greatest navigator in the world.

William Shakespeare


This writer is simply impossible to get around by creating an article on "Famous People of Great Britain." His pen belongs to truly immortal literary masterpieces, which to this day are put on the stages of world theaters.

Each of us is familiar with the famous saying "To be or not to be?". This author created an impressive and significant legacy of tragedies, comedies, chronicles, poems, as well as three epitaphs. His most popular and beloved creation is Romeo and Juliet. The stories of Hamlet, King Lear, Othello and Macbeth are also very famous.