
How not to fall victim to a pickpocket? 13 situations to watch out for

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How not to fall victim to a pickpocket? 13 situations to watch out for
How not to fall victim to a pickpocket? 13 situations to watch out for

Video: 10 Smart Tricks to Avoid Pickpockets 2024, June

Video: 10 Smart Tricks to Avoid Pickpockets 2024, June

Do you know the proverb "Putting it away - take it closer"? Learn 13 ways to save your acquired property and not become a victim of a pickpocket.

1. Never recount money in plain sight


A person counting money in front of everyone is a full-fledged victim. Pocket thieves will certainly notice a person who recounts his savings in a public place. Criminals specializing in thefts do just that, and they are eyeing people who have cash on hand.

Tip: if you are traveling, then gold jewelry, designer watches are best left at home or in another safe place.

2. Hide your wallet securely


If you feel that a suspicious person is watching you, there is reason to check if the wallet is in place. It is quite possible that just a pickpocket occupies an observational position. At the same time, if you start checking your things at all, this will also attract too much attention. Certified theft specialists point out that cash should be hidden in clothing with inside pockets. Experts also advise against storing all cash in one place. It is best to put money and credit cards in different pockets. For example, money is in the inside pocket of a jacket, and a credit card is in the lower section of a bag or backpack. The fact is that the pickpocket does not have time to penetrate all the pockets of your clothes. The thief needs to go unnoticed, and most likely, he examines only the outer branches of the bag or jacket. If you feel that the pickpocket chose you as the victim, in no case do not panic.

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3. Do not lose vigilance while in a foreign city


In life, there are situations when you, being in a foreign city, are distracted and find that you are lost. Such “victims” for pickpockets are a tidbit. While a person is looking for a route on a map, thieves are activated. They create confusion in order to distract the victim, push the person and quietly take money out of their pockets. Even if you are behind the tour group, try to keep your composure and don't be nervous. The guide will certainly notice the loss and take all actions to find you.

4. Pickpockets rarely work alone


Have you ever noticed a similar situation? A group of people enters a cafe or museum, and after a while, they seem to diverge and behave as if they came in solitude. These are pickpockets! Try to avoid such people and keep them in sight. Pickpockets rarely work alone, their accomplices may pretend to be talking on the phone, but in fact they are eyeing a potential victim.

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5. Thieves create a false alarm


Such cases when pickpockets stage a theft are a frequent occurrence in a public place. While nearby people are distracted by what happened, their pockets will be examined by a thief's assistant.

6. Do not keep your wallet in the back pocket of your trousers.


The first thing pickpockets examine is the back pockets of your clothes. The fact is that people lose their vigilance and accidentally forget that they put the wallet in their back pocket. Even if the pocket is fastened with a zipper or a button, thieves easily cut it with a razor.

7. Pickpockets demonstrate a quarrel among themselves

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Such cases are also not uncommon. You probably noticed that in a cafe a guy and a girl quarreled loudly. The relationships of young people can be fabricated. While people are watching the love scene, an accomplice imperceptibly takes money from pockets of clothes or bags.

8. Do not leave outer clothing or a bag on the back of chairs


When you have lunch in a cafe, never leave things on the back of a chair. While you are passionate about lunch, a pickpocket at this time walks between the tables and looks out who can discreetly take out your phone or money. Personal things should be kept in sight, for example, a bag should be put at the feet or on the opposite chair.

9. Do not listen to music on headphones in a public place


You have seen such young people sitting on the subway or bus more than once. A man listening to music on headphones is distracted from what is happening. A pickpocket can quietly remove a wallet from a bag. Disappearance is detected, as a rule, when the thief has already retreated.

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10. Stay alert at busy crossings or the subway


At a busy pedestrian crossing or avenue, pickpockets often push people to quietly remove their wallet or take off their wrist watches. Similar cases occur in the subway. This technique is probably the most common. As long as a person realizes that he has been robbed, the pickpocket will already be far away. If a suspicious person is near you, try to get away from him as soon as possible.

11. Pickpockets portray tourists


If a person approached you and asked you in broken Russian to explain where the museum is, do not really trust such a person. Perhaps you have a pickpocket in front of you. While you will be explaining how to get to the museum, the thief himself or his accomplice will clean your pockets.

12. They spilled coffee or dropped ice cream on you


Another common trick pickpockets use. They seem to accidentally spill coffee on a person’s clothes. The pickpocket will surely apologize, but remember: this is another thief combination. While the pickpocket will clean his clothes, he will check the contents of the pockets of the potential victim with his dexterous hands.