
What is the most dangerous animal in the world?

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What is the most dangerous animal in the world?
What is the most dangerous animal in the world?

Video: THE MOST DANGEROUS ANIMALS In The World 2024, June

Video: THE MOST DANGEROUS ANIMALS In The World 2024, June

The phrase “the most dangerous animal”, due to the deep-rooted stereotypical way of thinking, evokes images of bloodthirsty large predators. On land these are lions, tigers and wolves, and in the seas - sharks.

If we study the statistics on the number of human deaths, the culprits of which were representatives of the diverse fauna of our planet, then a slightly different group of leaders emerges in the struggle for the title of the most dangerous.

Consider the top 10 most dangerous animals in the world, compiled on the basis of data from official sources.

No. 10. Brown bear

Our top 10 most dangerous animals in the world are discovered by a brown bear. 5-10 people per year become victims of clubfoot.

Bears live in coniferous and mixed forests of the northern hemisphere. In North America they are called grizzly. The largest individuals are found in the Far East and in the forests of Alaska and Canada. They grow to 2.5 m and weigh about 700 kg. Meeting in the forest with such a hungry omnivorous carcass does not bode well. Early waking up bears, which the people call cranks, are also dangerous. It is better to stay away from the bear lands, so as not to become the next link in the food chain of the taiga owner.


No. 9. Shark

This marine predator is not in vain one of the top most dangerous animals in the world. From his teeth every year from 10 to 25 people die.

White sharks make almost all attacks on humans, the scientific name of this species is Karharodon. They are found in the waters of all oceans, with the exception of the Arctic. They feed mainly on fish, young pinnipeds, and smaller sharks of other species. White shark females are larger than males. The average adult size is 4-5 m in length and weight is about 1000 kg. There are sometimes six-meter monsters.

In search of food, sharks ply along the coast at shallow depths, mainly in warm waters. There are attacks on people. They are very sensitive to the presence of blood in the water, so even a small wound can provoke an attack. But a man is not a favorite dish for a shark, as they try to show in many films about cannibal sharks, but rather a subject of curiosity.


Number 8. Dart frogs

The venom of these amphibians shortens the life path of approximately 100 people per year.

Small frogs, woodpeckers or leaf climbers, live in the tropical forests of South and Central America. The size of adults is from 2 to 4 cm. Amphibians are painted in warning bright colors. They lead a daily lifestyle, feed on small insects.

On the skin of the back they have glands that secrete strong poison. Local Indians have long used it for hunting, wetting the tips of arrows and darts with poison. In terms of speed and toxicity, the substance produced by frogs is much stronger than the famous poison curare.

Of the more than 60 varieties of these motley amphibians, the most poisonous are three species of leaf climbers: two-tone, terrible and golden. Even touching such a frog can kill a person. Often, curious tourists, especially children, become the victims of poisoning. Antidotes to the poison of poison frogs have not yet been developed.

Number 7. a lion

What is the most dangerous animal in the world? Of course, a lion. About 200 people per year die from the attacks of the king of beasts.

The largest feline predators are lions. They live mainly in the African savannah. A small population has survived in India on the territory of the reserve in the Girsky forest. Males grow larger than females. Their average weight is about 200 kg. Lions usually live in small groups - prides.

The main diet of predators consists of herbivores. Most often, people become victims of single lions expelled from the pride. It is quite difficult for them to hunt fast-footed ungulates on their own, and a person becomes quite easy prey.

The largest number of attacks recorded in Tanzania. Although the lion is an endangered species, local hunters are given a license to shoot cannibals.

No. 6. hippopotamus

About 300 people die every year from the wounds inflicted by hippo-looking cute hippos.

Hippos (hippos) live along the shores of freshwater reservoirs of the African continent in small herds. During the day, they spend most of their time in the water, and eat grass in the coastal meadows at night. They do not leave far from the water, a maximum of 3 km. Mature individuals reach an impressive size and weigh 2-3 tons. They have an aggressive behavior.

Hippos are not afraid of people and often attack them both in the water, overturning the boats passing by, and on land during feeding. In some African countries, hippos are considered the main pest for agriculture. In addition to the fact that overnight one hippopotamus can freely absorb up to 40 kg of biomass, it simply tramples a large part of the plantings. Locals often prey on hippos, especially in lean years, which significantly reduces the number of small numbers. Significant damage is inflicted by poachers in pursuit of hippo precious fangs.


No. 5. Elephant

From close contact with the largest land inhabitants of the planet, an average of 500 people die per year.

Proboscis live in some southern regions of Asia (the Asian elephant) and Africa (the African elephant). The latter are noticeably larger than their relatives. Adult elephants grow up to 4 m in height and gain weight up to 7 tons. They live in small herds, consisting mainly of females and their young. They feed on young shoots of trees and bushes, as well as their juicy fruits.

Elephants are aggressive when threatening their offspring. Repeated cases of the attack of drunken elephants, having gone over as a result of eating fermented fruits, were recorded. However, most human deaths are associated with the widespread use of elephant labor in Asian countries, and the elephant is not a horse or a camel at all.


Number 4. Crocodile

What is the most dangerous animal in the world? It’s not for nothing that a crocodile entered our top. Approximately 4, 000 people become victims of cold-blooded reptiles every year.

There are 23 varieties of crocodiles, and they are all carnivorous. They live in tropical areas in the coastal zone of fresh water, found on all continents except Antarctica. The largest representatives of the detachment are combed crocodiles. They grow up to 7 m and weigh about 2 tons. They can be found in Asian countries, on many islands in the Pacific and Indian Ocean, as well as in Australia. The dimensions of the Nile crocodile are slightly smaller.

These reptiles hunt in water. They eat everything they catch. They easily cope with mammals much more than themselves. For a person, any crocodile longer than 2 m and heavier than 30 kg is mortally dangerous.


Number 3. Scorpio

The top 10 most dangerous animals in the world deservedly entered the scorpion. From their bites, up to 5, 000 people die in a year.

Of all the known species (about 1750) of these arthropods, only a bite of 50 species poses a real threat to humans. Poisonous scorpions have a more developed tail section with a sting than claws. They live in countries with a hot climate.

Scorpios lead mainly nocturnal life, and during the day they wait for the heat in shelters. Their diet consists of insects and arachnids. In search of food and shelter, scorpions often climb into a person’s home. There they sting their victims, usually for self-defense. They either step on, sit down, or even lie down. If urgent measures are not taken to counter the toxin, then the person dies. More often, children die from scorpion bites.


No. 2. Poisonous snakes

Poisonous snakes - one of the most dangerous animals in the world - are killers of people. Over a year, about 50, 000 people become their victims.

There are no snakes only in Antarctica. They are all predators. They feed on everything that they can swallow whole. The poison is used during the hunt. The largest of the poisonous snakes is the king cobra, which lives in Southeast Asia, and the most poisonous is the taipan, which lives in the desert regions of Australia.

A person is attacked mainly for self-defense. The most dangerous are cobras, taipans, coral snakes, mambas, sea snakes. From the bite of these types of reptiles, death can occur in half an hour if emergency measures are not taken.
