
Caracals: beautiful wild cats that can easily be domesticated

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Caracals: beautiful wild cats that can easily be domesticated
Caracals: beautiful wild cats that can easily be domesticated

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Video: Wild Cat Fanatic Lives With 14 Felines | BEAST BUDDIES 2024, June

Caracals are among the most expensive cats in the world. Buying a real caracal is quite difficult, because in Russia there are practically no nurseries involved in breeding these cats. Representatives of the breed are distinguished by an unusual exterior and mind.

Photos of caracals

The most beautiful wild cats, according to most of the inhabitants of the planet. It is impossible to resist the charm of a kitten.


It is difficult to believe that adult cats weigh about 18-20 kg, looking at a curious baby.


Representatives of the breed live up to 12 years in the wild. Caracals live in captivity for 17-19 years.


The visiting card of the animals is tassels on the ears, red-brown fur on the back and white marks on the neck, stomach and chin.

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Adorable cats are real predators. The main food in the wild is small birds, rodents and antelopes.


Pets are able to develop tremendous speed. They accelerate to 80 km per hour during the hunt.


The main activity falls on the night hours and early morning.


They prefer to live in areas with the largest number of forests.


Caracals are born hunters. They easily and gracefully catch birds flying low to the ground.
