
Cypress Lake in Anapa

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Cypress Lake in Anapa
Cypress Lake in Anapa

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Video: Анапа 2020. Болотные кипарисы без озера! Шок! (Anapa 2020. Swamp cypress trees without a lake!) 2024, June

In the Krasnodar Territory near the resort of Anapa, which lies by the very blue sea, there is a small village called Sukko. There are many sights in his district - the "African Village", the knight's castle and Cypress Lake. How to get to it, how it is known - read about it in the article.

Wonderful lake


In fact, this is an artificial reservoir created by a dam on a tributary of the Sukko River. It is located two kilometers from the village of the same name. This place is known for the fact that bog cypresses grow here, their homeland is North America. Thanks to the giant trees, the pond was called Cypress Lake. Anapa is a popular resort on the Black Sea coast, also famous for this lake. Hundreds of tourists come here to enjoy the wonderful scenery, relax on the shores of a reservoir and see first-hand trees.

In the spring and summer, the pond is full-flowing, so the cypress trees are in the water and it’s difficult to get to them, but in the fall the water drops, the roots are exposed, and you can walk along an amazing grove, the likes of which can no longer be found in Russia.

History of creation


Many people want to know how Cypress Lake appeared. History says that mighty conifers were brought from the North American continent and planted for experimental purposes in the distant 30s of the 20th century. 32 trees have taken root, and now the only grove of bog cypress trees in Russia is growing in the picturesque Sukko valley in the Kravchenkova crevice in the delta of a small river. It occupies 1.5 hectares and as a unique object is listed in the Red Book.

Rest on the lake


Is the resting place of many tourists the glorious Cypress Lake (Anapa). How to get to this place will be described below, now we will find out why the reservoir is so popular, because the Black Sea splashes just one kilometer from the village.

First of all, the coast of the lake is very beautiful. The Caucasus Mountains are born here, in the area of ​​the village they are still not high - no more than 400 meters, they are covered with broad-leaved forests, and from afar it seems as if someone has thrown a green cover on top. Beeches, oaks, pines, relict juniper grow here. Coniferous trees along with cypresses in hot weather emit aromatic resins that saturate the air with useful volatile products. Thanks to this, the Cypress Lake attracts those who suffer from respiratory diseases, since healing aerotherapy helps perfectly with asthma, chronic bronchitis and tracheitis, sinusitis and pharyngitis, and is recommended in the recovery period after treatment for tuberculosis.

Lovers of picnics in nature come here, many with children, arrange gatherings on the lake, grill kebabs, organize games in the fresh air, swim and fish (although this is forbidden). By the way, the bottom of the Cypress Lake has a silt, so swimming here is not very convenient.

Infrastructure, entertainment in the area

The pond itself is protected by law, so construction and other similar works are prohibited here. On the shore there are only a few shish kebab houses, braziers and gazebos are rented to tourists. Therefore, the lake is perfect for those who appreciate the natural nature and silence.

Thirsty for a more active holiday can find a lot of interesting things in the area. For example, the medieval castle "Lion's Head" and "African Village".

Jousting tournaments and ritual African dances


The Knight's Castle was built specifically for the entertainment of vacationers. Strictly designed in the style of the Middle Ages, so visitors are immediately transferred from modernity to another era. On the square, surrounded by high stone walls, real military tournaments are held. Spectators can watch how glorious knights fight for the honor and attention of a beautiful lady. The whole performance strictly corresponds to the historical canons: horses, costumes, furnishings - therefore, a complete sense of the reality of what is happening is created.

On the territory of the castle there is a museum of the medieval Inquisition, a forge, a pottery workshop, and the Robin Hood shooting gallery.

Also of considerable interest is the African Village. This is an ethnographic complex whose interior is designed in African style: ritual masks carved from wood and painted with special paint, ethnic music, national songs and "wild dances". Professional artists performing in the show are known far beyond Anapa, as they only perform in the resort in the summer, and tour throughout the off-season and winter throughout Russia and abroad.

The performance was built in a very peculiar way: first, the audience sits at wooden tables, treats themselves to drinks and watches what happens on the stage. But gradually, the artists engage them in the show, and the audience becomes its direct participants. Vivid impressions for all remain for a long time.

Also in the "African Village" there is a shop with thematic souvenirs.