
Climate of the Nizhny Novgorod region: features

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Climate of the Nizhny Novgorod region: features
Climate of the Nizhny Novgorod region: features

Video: Module 7 Video 2 2024, July

Video: Module 7 Video 2 2024, July

The climate of the Nizhny Novgorod region is similar to the weather conditions in the center of the western part of Russia. Seasons are clearly expressed. The boundaries between the seasons are due to a change in average temperatures. In the article we will talk about the climate features of the Nizhny Novgorod region at different times of the year.

Climatic nuances


The climate of the Nizhny Novgorod region is considered to be moderate continental, since the region is located in the middle of the temperate zone. The cold season here is quite long and cold, and summer, on the contrary, is short but warm. The climate in the Volga region is much cooler than on the Right Bank, this is especially noticeable in the summer. The southern part of the region has climatic conditions similar to the Middle Volga. Here in the warm season, as a rule, hot weather, and in winter severe frosts prevail. There are no droughts in the Volga region, and in the Right Bank they are not infrequent, often on the southeast side. In general, the climate of the Nizhny Novgorod region is continental. The southwestern part is an exception: the climate here is mild and even.



Many are interested in the climate of the Nizhny Novgorod region. It can be briefly described seasonally: the seasons here are pronounced, but do not always coincide with calendar dates.

  • Winter. The climate of the Nizhny Novgorod region contributed to the fact that the duration of winter here is six months. The first precipitation in the form of snow falls in mid-autumn, and in November there is already snow cover. It lies until mid-April. At the end of winter, good frosts come; in some years, the thermometer showed up to -30 degrees. But in winter there are thaws, and on New Year's Eve it may rain. Temperature indicators can rise to +4. This situation occurs when warm air masses come to the region from the Mediterranean Sea, and on the way they do not have time to cool well. During this period, thunderstorms are not ruled out. Snow can last about 180 days, in the south a little less. In the Volga region, where there are many forests, it lies evenly. In the Right Bank, the situation is the opposite - strong winds blow it away, as a result of which ravines appear.
  • Spring. The season is fast enough, duration: a couple of months - from April to May. Spring begins with an average temperature of 0 degrees. In March, the sky takes on a blue tint. At the end of the month, the sun begins to bake. A crust appears on the snow, which gradually melts, and then completely disappears. Only in the remote forests of the Volga region, a snow-white carpet can lie until mid-May. In spring, less rainfall occurs than in other seasons, as the earth does not warm up well, and there is little moisture in the air.
  • Summer. This season does not come according to the calendar, but begins when the temperature indicators reach +15 - +18 degrees. This is mainly in early June, the number of the 15th. In fact, the season is very short - from mid-June to the second half of August. In summer, people start working in the fields. First weeding, then top dressing, after haymaking, and only at the end is the hot time for collecting bread. The climate features of the Nizhny Novgorod region are such that the heat falls in the second half of July, when the temperature reaches +30. It may be that during the day the heat lasts several weeks in a row. Droughts are not uncommon in the southern part, as there is no rain for a long time. But there are also cool summer periods, characterized by an abundance of rain. Such days are called "rotten summers."
  • Fall. This season is 2 months long (September - first half of November) and differs from calendar indicators. On average, temperatures are below 0, and a pre-winter occurs on the order of three weeks. At the end of summer, the leaves turn yellow; in September, the trees drop them. At the beginning of autumn, the weather is quite warm and calm, people call this period "Indian summers". Frosts begin in mid-September, on the roofs in the morning you can find frost. In October, these phenomena become more frequent, the first precipitation in the form of snow appears, often with rains. Rains and frosts interfere with the collection of bread, so people are in a hurry to do it in the summer.

Investment climate


The investment climate of the Nizhny Novgorod region has improved significantly over the past couple of years. The attractiveness of the region in terms of investment is quite high, the region has several major projects. Every year, more and more markets, studios, and infrastructure facilities open in the region. This is due to the high economic potential of the region, as well as a reliable industrial base, the availability of qualified personnel, well-developed transport and logistics functions.