
Cosmonaut Strekalov Gennady Mikhailovich: biography, achievements and interesting facts

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Cosmonaut Strekalov Gennady Mikhailovich: biography, achievements and interesting facts
Cosmonaut Strekalov Gennady Mikhailovich: biography, achievements and interesting facts

Space has always attracted the attention of man. Scientific progress is associated with the study of vast space.

Bright, enthusiastic people who wanted to do something new, to learn the unknown became astronauts. You need to be a truly courageous person to do this insanely interesting, but incredibly complex and dangerous job.

The first cosmonaut was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, many books were written about him, films were made. But among the astronauts there are others, no less famous, but less known. One of them is Gennady Mikhailovich Strekalov. The biography of this wonderful person is described in the article.


The birth of a future hero

Strekalov Gennady Mikhailovich was born on October 28 in 1940 in the Moscow region, the city of Mytishchi. Although the parents lived in the village of Podlipki, since the maternity hospital was not there, women in labor were taken to Mytishchi. Gennady's parents were simple workers, his father was a turner, and his mother was a cleaner. When the war began, mother with Gena and older brother Slava left for the village of Semion, Ryazan Region, and his father was evacuated to the Urals with a factory.

Children's years fell on difficult war and post-war time. Food was often lacking, more than once little Gena went to bed hungry. Many difficulties and tribulations had to overcome Gennady. But everything experienced has formed a solid, decisive character, which helped to achieve cosmic heights in the future.

A few years after the outbreak of the war, Gena's father volunteered for the front, he died at the end of the war in Poland. He hardly remembered his father.


Choosing a Life Path

When the war ended, mother and children returned to Podlipki, then changed their place of residence. At the age of seven, Gennady went to first grade already in the city of Kaliningrad, where he graduated from the top ten. He studied very well, for diligence and diligence he was more than once awarded with diplomas. Studying was easy, from an early age the boy loved to read not only classics, but also adventures, and science fiction. Like many boys, he dreamed of traveling, distant seas, the mysterious and unknown world of space.

It seemed that providence itself directed the boy’s hand when he accidentally broke the glass to Sergey Pavlovich Korolev, the scientist-inventor of space rockets. The boy escaped from just punishment, but later met with Sergey Pavlovich.

"Cosmonaut of the plant"

Dreams about the institute had to be postponed; the family had a difficult financial situation. He got a job as a student of a coppersmith. Having worked there for several years and received a professional 4th category, Gennady decides to study further and enters the N.E.Bauman Moscow Higher Technical School. After graduating from the institute, he began to work in the Design Bureau.

In the 70s, it was fashionable and prestigious to work as an astronaut; at the enterprise they were recorded in a special group. Gene was also offered to sign up. At first he refused, believed that there are more worthy people. But when the crew of the spacecraft died during the descent to Earth and Gena was accused of cowardice, he wrote a statement for joining the squad. He underwent a medical examination, despite a difficult childhood, was recognized as suitable for research in space.


Strekalov Gennady Mikhailovich: family, personal life

When Gennady was asked at the medical board why he was not married, he replied that there was a bride, and he was calling everyone to the wedding. The young man met his future wife Lida for a year. Young people were in love with each other, but he did not dare to offer the hand and heart of his beloved Gene.

The case helped. Having told the medical board about the wedding, Strekalov realized: nowhere to retreat. Picking up courage, he made an offer, Lida agreed. A few years later, the daughter of Tanechka was born, and a year later, Natasha. The birth of daughters was an important event in the life of Gennady, he really enjoyed communicating with the little ones, spending time with them. The family reigned love and respect. Before each flight, he called home.


Strekalov Gennady Mikhailovich: career of an astronaut. Space flights

Gennady waited a very long time for a flight into space, more than eight years. I was about to leave the detachment, but my friends persuaded me not to. The first time in space flew at the age of 40 years and stayed there 10 days. The expanses of the Universe attracted attention, and the distant Earth attracted to itself, it wanted to be protected and protected. Later, Strekalov will become chairman of the Russian Peace Committee.

The next flight took place three years later. The team was preparing for a long job, it was necessary to replace the solar panels. Unfortunately, the orbital station could not be docked, and two days later the team returned home.

A few months later a third flight was to take place, it was necessary to do what was not possible the last time. But at the start there was an accident. Only the emergency rescue system saved from death. In the history of space flights, the one that took place on September 26, 1983, is considered the shortest. The second birthday was considered by this date Strekalov Gennady Mikhailovich.

The history of astronautics tells that the next flight was six months after the accident. The crew included both Soviet and Indian astronauts. For nine days the team was in space.

The fourth flight took place only seven years later. For four months the crew was at the station. Gennady Mikhailovich went into outer space, after the end of the work, almost a tragedy occurred. The hatch did not close, it threatened disaster. Gennady promised himself that if everything ends well, he will never refuse anyone a request. Fortunately, it all ended happily. Gennady Mikhailovich kept this promise. He carried out various requests throughout his life.

Strekalov Gennady Mikhailovich - an astronaut who flew into space for the fifth time at the age of 55. Together with the Russian guys, the Americans flew. For 4 months there was a ship in orbit. The work was difficult, there were only six spacewalks. In addition, just before the departure, Gennady Mikhailovich tore his back, lifting very heavy things. Until recently, it was unclear whether he could make a flight. Fortunately, everything worked out and Gennady was able to fly.


Personality traits

Strekalov Gennady, whose biography is presented to your attention in the article, was a very responsible person. Even despite health problems, he continued to do what he loved to do - space flights. He always believed that you can not let other people down, and poor health and illness can not be an excuse for not fulfilling their obligations.

Cosmonaut Gennady Strekalov was a very curious person, he used every minute of his free time to learn something new.

An interesting incident occurred with Gennady during a space flight with an American partner. They decided to test each other's degree of education. Strekalov suggested that the American remember the names of the American states, he wrote only a third of the names, and Gennady Mikhailovich remembered everything. When the astronaut asked why he should know about this, Gene replied that he was very interested not only in the history of his country, but in the history of other countries and peoples.


Favorite Activities

Gennady Mikhailovich loved gatherings in the men's company, he also liked to play tennis, go to the bathhouse. I liked spending time with my wife and daughters, talking with them about life, discussing books I read, events happening in the world.

He was chairman of the Russian Peace Committee. With a peacekeeping mission, traveled to many cities and countries, helped children, sick, poor people.

One day the Canadian delegation arrived: three adults and 20 children. A small patch occurred, and the delegation did not check into the hotel. Gennady Mikhailovich brought this company to his home.

Serious illness

The fifth space flight was the last for astronaut Strekalov Gennady Mikhailovich. Health problems that began before the start continued in the air.

Gennady Mikhailovich injured his hand while working. The crew even wanted to interrupt the flight and return to Earth. But that did not happen. There were no medicines on board, except for hormonal preparations. Hormonal drugs had to be drunk in huge doses, and this affected the health of Gennady Mikhailovich.

Inexplicable pains in his stomach began to torment him. Numerous examinations made a terrible diagnosis - cancer. The prescribed treatment did not help, and on December 25, 2004, in the Kremlin hospital, Gennady Mikhailovich Strekalov died.
