
Who was born on October 7 from famous and great people?

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Who was born on October 7 from famous and great people?
Who was born on October 7 from famous and great people?

Video: Celebrities born on October 7th 2024, June

Video: Celebrities born on October 7th 2024, June

People born on 7 october are Libra according to the zodiac sign. The air element, patronizing Libra, gives them a number of important positive qualities, for example, determination, charm and poise. Which celebrity was born on October 7th? Let's find out.

Vladimir Putin

On October 7, Putin was born Vladimir Vladimirovich, President of the Russian Federation.

He was born in 1952 in an ordinary family. In the difficult post-war years, the family huddled in a tiny communal apartment. Until the sixth grade, the future president was an ordinary bully boy, but as he grew older he began to realize that he wanted to achieve a lot in life. He began to study diligently, play sports and take part in social events.

The desire to become a scout led him to Leningrad State University, and then to the KGB Higher School. After graduating from Leningrad State University, he was assigned to the state security bodies by distribution. He worked in the GDR for five years, then served as assistant to the rector of LGU on international issues.

The political career of Vladimir Vladimirovich began in 1996. And after 4 years he was elected president of the Russian Federation. In 2004, Putin was re-elected for a second term. From 2008 to 2012 he was Chairman of the Government, after which he again became the head of state.

Putin has two daughters - Maria and Katerina. With his wife Lyudmila, they lived in marriage for exactly 30 years. In 2013, the country was shocked by the news of their divorce.


Niels bohr

The next great who was born on October 7 was the Danish theoretical physicist Niels Bohr. He is rightfully considered one of the founders of modern physics. Each person gets acquainted with him even on a school bench, when, as part of a physics course, they study the Rutherford-Bohr atom model. The planetary model of the atom is far from Bohr's only discovery. He was one of the most prominent scientists of the 20th century and became a laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physics "For Merits in the Study of the Structure of the Atom" in 1922.


Vladimir Molchanov

Vladimir Kirillovich Molchanov is another of the great people who was born on October 7. The host of the legendary program "Before and after midnight" could become a successful tennis player, like his older sister Anna, but the craving for the word did not allow him to do this.

He graduated from the philological faculty of Moscow State University and began to actively engage in journalism. A talented young man did not go unnoticed, he was invited to work as an editor, a senior editor, he was also a correspondent for News in the Netherlands, and was involved in journalistic investigations of Nazi crimes.

Molchanov received the Maxim Gorky Literary Prize for his series of documentary essays, “Retribution Must Be Fulfilled.”

Since 1987, Vladimir Kirillovich has been a TV presenter. He started with the program “Time”, then he led his own information and music program “Before and after midnight, ” then there were “90 minutes”. Today, Molchanov is still broadcasting and making films under the guidance of his beloved wife Consuelo Segur.


Russian actors

In the world of cinema and theater, there are a couple of people born precisely on October 7th. These men are very attractive and brutal. Their talent knows no bounds. Who is it about?

Dmitry Orlov

Russian actor, director, producer Dmitry Orlov was born on October 7. His real name is Sborets, but the actor really became known under the pseudonym Orlov.

The first roles of Dmitry - in the episodes of the films "Brother-2" and "Moscow" - did not bring him fame (by the way, at that time he starred under his real name). However, after them, the directors drew attention to the actor, and already in 2003 he played as many as 3 main roles in the films “Instructor”, “Why do you need an alibi?” and "I am looking for a bride without a dowry."

Orlov won the love of viewers after the release of the film "The Flock", where he also played the main role. Since then, Dmitry has become a very sought-after actor and began to successfully develop as a director, producer, screenwriter.


Anatoly Rudenko

Another of the actors who was born on October 7 is Anatoly Rudenko. A blue-eyed, fair-haired, charismatic man drives lovers of all genres of cinema crazy - from melodramas to action movies. And Anatoly began his acting career with 13 years old - then he starred in the popular television series "Simple Truths."

Initially, Rudenko did not plan to become an actor. He wanted to enter the institute of tourism and work in a travel agency of his aunt. But mother Anatoly, an actress of the theater. V.V. Mayakovsky Lyubov Rudenko, convinced him to connect life with acting. For this he is infinitely grateful to her.


Celebrities from the world of music

Several well-known talented performers also celebrate their birthday on the seventh day of October. Do you know who this is? No? Read on!

Anastasia Stotskaya

The list of famous people born on October 7 was replenished in 1982 by Anastasia Stotskaya. She was born in Kiev and from the age of 5 began touring as part of children's groups in Ukraine.

At the age of 18, she made her debut on the professional stage in the musical Notre Dame de Paris, where she was noticed by the "pop king" Philip Kirkorov.

In 2002, Philip undertook to produce Stotskaya, invited her to audition for the Chicago musical and helped record two solo songs that instantly became hits.

A year later, Anastasia won the Grand Prix at the New Wave.

The roads of Stotskaya and Kirkorov parted after the conflict in 2007, the cause of which was the "explosive" character of Anastasia.

After a while, Kirkorov and Stotskaya reconciled, but together they no longer worked. Their relationship is now friendly, Anastasia often asks for advice from a former mentor, and he gladly helps her.

Today, the "fiery" girl is a very popular pop singer and actress. And they love her not only in Russia and Ukraine, but also in many other countries. Anastasia takes part in many shows on Russian channels. The star is often removed for men's magazines.


Tony braxton

Tony Braxton is an American singer and actress. She, along with many famous people who were born on October 7, takes an active civic and life position. Tony now represents an autism organization and is a member of a charity fund to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Tony began to sing in the church choir. She later formed The Braxtons with her four sisters and released her first single. The girls did not succeed in the group, but the producers noticed Tony, and her career went uphill. The debut album of the singer has collected many musical awards, including three Grammys.

However, the most successful album of the performer was the second, released in 1996. It was called Secrets.

In 1998, Braxton, who dreamed of becoming an actress, fulfilled her cherished desire by playing the role of Belle in the musical Beauty and the Beast.

In total, Tony released 5 albums, but none of them managed to repeat the success of the second. Moreover, they fell lower and lower in musical ratings.

However, in 2006 her song The Time of Our Lives became the official anthem of the 2006 World Cup. Tony opened and closed the championship with this work together with the Il Divo group.

Braxton also starred in several films.


Sam brown

British singer Samantha Brown also celebrates her birthday on October 7th. She was born in a family of musicians and from childhood was immersed in an atmosphere of creativity. At 14, the girl wrote her first song, later she was included in one of her albums. Sam was stubborn in nature and did not want her parents to help her in anything. First album “Stop!” Produced by Samantha’s brother. This album was a great success, as well as the next one.

But of particular value to fans of Brown's creativity is her third album, released in a small print run. It was created under the influence of sad events in Samantha's life - her mother was dying of cancer. The album was released under its own label and was a very rare copy, even though it was reissued in 2004.

Brown released several more successful works, but in 2008 ended her career as a singer due to loss of voice.


Famous athletes

Their whole life is a sport. Sometimes you have to postpone the celebration of the celebration until a later date, but on October 7 they still accept congratulations.

Maxim Trankov

On October 7, 1983, in the city of Perm, the titled Russian figure skater Maxim Trankov was born. His numerous regalia in figure skating and the endless respect from the entire sports community of the country led to the fact that he was awarded the highest honor to carry the national team banner at the closing of the Olympic Games in Sochi.

The talent of a young boy revealed in childhood. Already at 11 years old he received the first adult rank, but did not want to stop there. He won all-Russian fame and love of the public together with his partner Tatyana Volosozhar. Together they ride since 2007. In 2015, the couple played a magnificent wedding. Now they are raising a beautiful daughter and are preparing to again please the audience at the Olympics in 2018.
