
Who is a national socialist? 10 Commandments of the National Socialist

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Who is a national socialist? 10 Commandments of the National Socialist
Who is a national socialist? 10 Commandments of the National Socialist

Video: How Hitler Built The Nazi Party's Brand | Hitler's Propaganda Machine | Timeline 2024, June

Video: How Hitler Built The Nazi Party's Brand | Hitler's Propaganda Machine | Timeline 2024, June

The farther the years of the Great War, the stronger the desire of the Nazis to whitewash their crimes. And thanks to the drop in morals, they have no problems with this task. And now, slender ranks of neo-Nazis march through the hero cities. They walk along the very streets where in terrible years it was impossible to take a step so as not to step into the blood of their fathers, brutally tortured by today's idols.


Who are you, a modern national socialist? Why didn’t 20 million lives convince you that the ideology of death is a dead end, and your prophet is obsessed with creating the mythical “pure race” of the mentally ill? It is clear why for the weak and offended the idea of ​​superiority and chosenness is so attractive. Since the times of Sumerian temples and Egyptian pyramids, this hook has caught a lot of illiterate, poorly characterized fish.

The tale of an unusual fate and attention of the universe

Christians are chosen by God in order to usher in a new world - it is difficult to abandon such prospects. Muslims contradict the followers of Christ, calling to kill the infidels, since only their prophet is trustworthy. They turn to the place where the most fertile ground for the seeds of egoism, fanaticism, and any other “ism” is human loneliness. The attention of the universe flatters and forces one to submit to false perspectives.


For a mired in everyday life, disappointed, weak-willed philistine, the call to join the army of the elect becomes a new birth. A purposeless life takes on a higher meaning, and the death of opponents fuels a sense of selectness, staining the fight for imaginary justice in crimson tones. Russian National Socialists, following the example of their older “brothers” using the bloodthirsty instincts of the crowd, recruit those who do not know how to think critically and question the feasibility of massacres.

Who is a National Socialist

Let the word “socialism” not deceive. This is not a familiar struggle with capitalism, familiar from the Russian communist past. The coming to power of the National Socialists in Germany of the thirties marked the birth of a new monster - the ideology of a pure race, when anyone who did not meet the pseudoscientific requirements proving membership in the Aryans was to be destroyed.


Hitler became the first adherent of the bloody religion. The National Socialist, who led the most widespread war of aggression, like those prophets, proclaimed that the Germans were a nation of masters, created to control the rest of the world's population. So in the phrase “national socialist” a word appeared that signified the party’s commitment to radical racism - “national”.

The commandments of the Nazis

Like the devilish church, the Nazi party recruits adherents, playing with loud words about love for the Fatherland, patriotism and heroic destiny. Slogans about the incapacity of hostile cultures will always find support among the people. People have lived for thousands of years protecting their land from raids and ruins. We are genetically programmed to treat our neighbors with caution. Hitler realized that if you turn to one of the basic instincts - a suspicious attitude towards people with different skin and faith, you can combine the short-sighted. So the terrible machine of genocide was created.

Hitler's Mein Kampf became a bible of fascism, and Goebbels's commandments, taunting the philanthropic laws of Christianity, called only for violence. But at that difficult time, this gloomy ideology found unprecedented support - Germany, which was on its knees, squared its shoulders, gaining a goal. Although the goal was not worthy, but the nation is tired of the oppression and humiliation inflicted by affectionate in words neighboring states. These are the calls:

1. Love Germany with deeds, not words.

2. Despise the enemies of the state with all your heart.

3. Always give preference to compatriots.

4. If you demand only duties for yourself, then Germany will regain its rights.

5. Be proud of the Homeland, for which millions shed blood.

6. Carrying Germany deserves the worst punishment.

7. Conquer your rights.

8. Do not be a scandalous anti-Semite, but remember the Jewish threat.

9. Live so that the country is proud of you.

10. To earn fame, you must believe in it.

In this case, the most terrible methods were used. Hatred of dissidents was recognized as the only means of coexistence, and the law called violence and murder an acceptable method of struggle.