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Leyla Aliyeva: biography and personal life, photo

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Leyla Aliyeva: biography and personal life, photo
Leyla Aliyeva: biography and personal life, photo

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Video: Most Influential 1st Ladies of Powerful Countries - Wives of World Leaders|Queen Rania Vs Melania 2024, June


In Russia, Leyla Aliyeva is better known from the secular chronicle as the wife of Emmin Agalarov. But at home, in Azerbaijan, as well as in the world community, she is also known as the eldest daughter of the current president of the country.

Public image

Leyla herself has also been actively involved in social and political activities in recent years. Thanks to her strict Caucasian upbringing, the girl honors traditions, and it is difficult to find any scandalous stories in her biography. Journalists often confuse a girl with a Kumyk singer, her full namesake, but singer Leyla Aliyeva and the daughter of the president of Azerbaijan are completely different people.

Leila is positioned in the world community not as one of the offspring of rich and influential families, the main advantage of which is his origin. The girl perfectly understands the face of what a respectable and noble dynasty she is, and tries to live in such a way as to be the pride of the family. She harmoniously combines the beauty and wisdom of an Eastern woman, but at the same time, thanks to her education received in Europe, she is quite Europeanized. This combination is very rare in our time. Due to her natural beauty, vivid oriental appearance and intense social and political activity, the girl arouses media interest and often appears in reviews of socialitechronicles.


Presidential daughter’s childhood

Leila was born on July 3, 1986 in Baku in the family of Ilham Aliyev, who at that time was a teacher at MGIMO, and is currently the president of Azerbaijan. Leyla’s grandfather, Heydar Aliyev, was also the country's president. The biography of Leyla Aliyeva, if we consider the period of childhood, is no different from the stories of most other children. Of course, the girl did not feel a shortage of toys and other material goods, but her parents made efforts to make her grow up spoiled. Her mother, Mehriban Aliyeva, is currently the first lady of the country, and she is a doctor by training. The girl received secondary and primary education in her homeland in secondary school No. 160 in Baku. Mehriban did not want to send children to closed private schools from early childhood, deciding that during this period there is nothing more important than maternal affection and attention. Then, Leila, together with her younger sister Arzu, was sent to study in private colleges in Switzerland and the UK, so the girl is fluent in English. Parents tried to give their daughters everything. A lot of attention was paid to education according to all traditions, so that they never forget that they are eastern women. At the same time, attention was paid to their comprehensive development and education.

Constant press attention


Of course, in 1986, when Leyla Aliyeva was just born, there was no question of a presidential dynasty. But in the 90s, after the collapse of the USSR, when her grandfather became president of Azerbaijan, everything changed. The girl had to go with several guards all the time. She repeatedly admitted that because of this she could not feel free, because she, like all children, just wanted to walk along the streets of the city so that no one would pay attention to her. Nevertheless, already in her young years she liked to participate in various state events.

After leaving for London, the girl breathed deeply, because few people knew her in the British capital, and she had no need to go for a walk with a crowd of security guards. Even now, she recalls the time spent in London as one of the best periods of her life.

Acquaintance with the husband and marriage


One can almost confidently say that the biography of Leyla Aliyeva is crystal clear, with the exception of one incident. During a vacation in a Swiss ski resort, the girl met her future husband - Emmin Agalarov.

He was not a simple guy, but from a very respected and wealthy family. He also received a brilliant education abroad, and his father owns the Crocus Group. The state of the Agalarov family is estimated at almost 400 million US dollars. But the girl’s father, having found out about her passion for the younger Agalarov, was furious, because she is a representative of the presidential dynasty, so the future husband of Leyla Aliyeva should have been from a noble and respected family. But the girl insisted on her own, not wanting to connect her life with a “suitable” person for this, but wanted to meet the one she loves. And dad gave up. Emin had to officially ask permission from the girl’s father to just start caring for her.


Weddings & Events

In the spring of 2006, the young married. The official first wedding ceremony was held in Baku, where a relatively small number of guests were invited - only 240 people. After the newlyweds went to the Maldives on a honeymoon. According to Azerbaijani customs, the bride’s relatives hold another wedding for the couple, so after returning to Moscow, another ceremony was held in Crocus City Hall, where more people had already been invited, as well as press representatives.

Leyla Aliyeva’s wedding was a very high-profile event. The director of the celebration was B. Krasnov, who is the author of the inauguration of V. Putin himself. Vladimir Vladimirovich sent a congratulatory letter to the newlyweds, and American President D. Bush prepared a whole congratulatory video message. The ceremony itself has truly become a grandiose and expensive event. The dishes and furniture for the celebration were brought from the UK on 8 trailers, and the flowers for decorating the halls were delivered on a special flight from Holland.


Family life

After the wedding, Leyla Aliyeva and her husband moved to live in Moscow. This is not surprising, because the Agalarovs clan, of which Leila became a member, conducts all of its main business in Russia and lives in Moscow. But the girl did not have to get bored, and she quickly found classes for herself. She entered the magistracy of MGIMO, where she studied from 2006 to 2008. Thanks to this and her father’s teaching past, she became president of the Azerbaijan Club of Students and Graduates of MGIMO. After moving to the Russian capital, the girl was actively engaged in social activities. Leyla’s husband was seriously interested in music and took his first steps as a solo artist, so the girl often had to attend all kinds of social events with him, presentations of new albums, etc. Leyla Aliyeva once admitted that she knew all the songs of her husband by heart. In December 2008, Leila gave birth to two twin boys in an American clinic, who were named Michael and Ali.

Plastic surgery

Mehriban Aliyeva, Leila’s mother, is not just the first lady, she is also considered the main standard of beauty in her homeland. It harmoniously combines the qualities of an oriental woman, an exemplary wife and a caring mother, and a western woman. It is not surprising that she instilled daughters with good taste, taught them to follow and take care of themselves, to keep fit. Of course, Mehriban uses the services of plastic surgeons. However, Leyla, according to rumors, repeatedly turned to them for help. Of course, the girl herself did not comment on all these rumors, but media representatives, comparing the earlier photos and current photographs, confidently claim that Leyla Aliyeva, whose plastic is visible to the naked eye, still uses the services of doctors.

The girl corrected the shape of her nose. She also regularly uses filler and Botox injections to make certain facial features more expressive.


Rumors of a divorce

Recently, persistent rumors have circulated that Leyla Aliyeva divorced her husband. Emin spent more and more time in Miami and was busy recording a new album. There were also rumors about his romance with Miss Universe by Olivia Calpo, whom he invited to shoot in one of his videos. Also, a new stage of the Miss Universe contest was organized in Crocus City Hall, in the events dedicated to which Emin and his parents took an active part, while Leila was not around. At the same time, she actively participated in public life in her homeland in Baku. Of course, all this could not be ignored, and the media began to write about the couple’s divorce. But Emin Agalarov officially denied all these rumors, saying that there was no divorce.

Nevertheless, you can hardly see a couple that you could so often meet at social events today, since they spend a lot of time apart from work and social activities.