
Moral principles blur

Moral principles blur
Moral principles blur

Video: How Blurs & Filters Work - Computerphile 2024, June

Video: How Blurs & Filters Work - Computerphile 2024, June

Morality has existed throughout the entire period of the existence of human civilization. Passing through certain transformations caused by changes in the nature of human life and the emergence of new religious teachings, moral principles remained unchanged in essence. Such resilience is explained quite easily - if people did not live by the laws of morality, then civilization would have destroyed itself for a long time. If, for example, murder is not considered immoral, then the world will turn into a grandiose battlefield, where everyone will fight against everyone. If it is not considered immoral betrayal, then broken hearts and frustrated marriages will lead to the degeneration of the human race through the unhappy fate of children.

What we define as moral principles is, in fact, not a restriction of our freedom, but objective laws formed during the existence of our civilization. It is human nature to learn from his own experience, however, it is the knowledge received from his ancestors that makes him a civilized person, capable of being in society. Despite the fact that a man cannot fully understand some laws of morality and does not want to obey them, public institutions should direct him in the right direction to ensure the welfare of the whole society.

This simple truth was understood by every generation of people. However, today there is a clear trend leading to the fact that moral principles begin to be forgotten by people. Immoral behavior is intentionally imposed on people. Messy connections, drugs, crime, etc. - Everything that was considered unacceptable is today exhibited as a role model. Under this influence, many people begin to lose the sense of good and evil inherent in childhood. The concept of a bad deed is eroded, and a person has no idea how to behave properly in society.

But what is the point in such an impact on public consciousness? Who benefits from purposefully leading people toward immoral behavior? Abstracting from conspiracy theories, let's analyze the ideological essence of capitalism. The main goal of the enterprise is to profit by any means. The general characteristic of moral principles, on the contrary, tells us that any paths are unacceptable, and morality vetoes many aspects of human life. As a result, corporations lose billions in profits. According to the ideology of capitalism, it is more profitable for a company to teach everyone how to smoke than to stop cigarette production.

But it’s not so simple. If you dig deeper, it turns out that moral principles in the long run only bring benefits to the economy, not losses. If people were afraid to lie and steal, there would be no need to spend money on numerous checks. And if people did not use harmful substances, labor productivity would be much higher.

The problem is that capitalism does not think about the long term. It is the pursuit of momentary profit in the long run that destroys people. And at the heart of everything is the person’s fear of death. Fear of dying explains the person’s desire to get everything now, no matter what happens to him and the country in the future.

And here we get the most interesting result. Even the most superficial characterization of moral principles shows that they are closely related to religion and belief in the afterlife. Religion saves people from the fear of death, and therefore from the desire for momentary profit and blurring morality, however, it is this desire that kills religion. It turns out a vicious circle or, as economists call it, the multiplier effect. The more immoral acts people commit, the more evil returns to them. This horrific flywheel can only be stopped with the help of fair laws and the inevitability of punishment.