
Moody Raymond: creativity and interesting facts

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Moody Raymond: creativity and interesting facts
Moody Raymond: creativity and interesting facts

Video: Dr. Raymond Moody, LOGIC of NONSENSE seminar ~ Quote #1ThorntonWilder 2024, July

Video: Dr. Raymond Moody, LOGIC of NONSENSE seminar ~ Quote #1ThorntonWilder 2024, July

This American doctor and psychologist gained world fame after the publication of the scandalous book, which posed many unsolvable questions for science. Dedicated to the study of such a phenomenon as death, she instantly became a bestseller, and Moody Raymond continued to collect the testimonies of those who went “beyond the bounds”.

A question that interests all people

Raymond Moody was born in 1944 in the city of Porterdale (USA). His father served as a nurse in the Navy, worked as a surgeon in hospitals, and saw patients die. A convinced atheist, he did not believe in life after death and perceived withdrawal as a fading of consciousness.


Moody Raymond, who read Plato’s Republic work, was incredibly impressed by the story of a Greek soldier recovering from a severe wound on the battlefield. The valiant warrior spoke about his wanderings in the world of the dead. This myth made a huge impression on the teenager, who repeatedly asked his father about what awaits people after death. As Raymond recalls, such conversations did not lead to anything good: Moody Sr. was a sharp and implacable person, in a tough form defending his position.

The phenomenon of miraculous resurrection

After school, the young man enters the University of Virginia, where he receives a doctorate in philosophy and psychology. During training, Moody Raymond met with a psychiatrist, whose doctors recorded a clinical death. Returning to life, the man spoke about his strange experiences and feelings that echoed the story of a warrior resurrected from the dead, described by Plato. The student was amazed at the details of such an unusual journey, accompanied by strange phenomena.

Later, when Raymond teaches philosophy, he often recalls the myth of the Greek soldier and even gives a lecture on this subject. As it turned out, among his students there were many who survived clinical death, and their descriptions of wandering souls in the world of the dead often coincided. Moody notices that everywhere there is an amazing light that cannot be described.


Gradually, the teacher’s house turns into a meeting place for people who want to discuss all the details of their death and miraculous resurrection. Extremely interested in curious facts, the scientist realizes that he lacks knowledge, and at 28 he enters a medical institution in Georgia.

“Near-Death Experience”

The famous Raymond Moody, whose books shed light on issues of concern to all people, is engaged in research at the college, where much attention is paid to the study of parapsychological phenomena. He is interested in past life travel.


It was at this time that the future author of the acclaimed best-sellers was collecting stories about what he himself called NDE - Near Death Experience. This is the state of a person who has a fixed death, but he suddenly comes back to life. But not a single person can tell exactly what happens after a cardiac arrest. The fact is that clinical death is reversible, and biological death occurs in 20 minutes, and no one returned to our world after its ascertainment.

Stories spilling into a book

Moody Raymond conducts research, works as a forensic psychiatrist in a prison hospital. He was the first to describe the experiences of approximately 150 people who came to life after doctors ascertained their death. These impressions were common to everyone who was resurrected, which surprised the doctor very much. “Why are these stories so similar? Is it possible to say that the soul lives forever? What happens to the brain of a dead person? ”- Raymond Moody thought about important issues.

“Life after life” is a book published in 1975 that caused a real scandal abroad. People have always been interested in whether we begin our existence anew each time. Does our spiritual energy disappear after death? Is there any evidence that a person has lived before? And how to touch the "memories" hidden in the depths of consciousness?

“Memories” of Past Lives

What is the story of the world's best-selling book that produced the effect of an exploding bomb? It sheds light on some issues that have troubled humanity since time immemorial, and tells whether there is life after death, a book.

Raymond Moody objectively examines complex phenomena and collects all the memories of people describing the same feelings they experienced when they died: unusual sounds, “tunnel syndrome”, hovering above the ground, appeasement, spiritual light, various visions, and unwillingness to return to the physical body.


Science confirms that our subconscious mind is clogged with “memories” accumulated over millennia, and in order to touch them, hypnosis is necessary, which causes a return of memory to a person’s past lives.

Is the soul immortal?

Moody meets a professional hypnologist who helped the doctor resurrect several episodes from a past life. I must say that Raymond Moody was shocked by this experiment.

“Life after life” does not give an unambiguous answer to the burning question of whether our soul is immortal, but the stories collected in it say one thing: after death, a new existence does not begin, but the old continues. It turns out that there are no interruptions in human life, but not all scientists agree with this controversial statement.

They do not consider regression real memories and do not equate it with reincarnation. Experts are sure that such pictures supposedly from a past life are just fantasies of our brain, and they have nothing to do with the immortality of the soul.

Personal experience

Curiously, the doctor attempted suicide in 1991. He claims to have had NDE experience, and this further solidified his view of the eternal soul of man. Now lives with his wife and foster children in Alabama became famous Raymond Moody.