
A man took a hammer and left with it every morning. After 22 years, it became clear why

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A man took a hammer and left with it every morning. After 22 years, it became clear why
A man took a hammer and left with it every morning. After 22 years, it became clear why

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He was born in a small Indian village, where he lived his whole life. His family, like all the neighbors, was not rich. Moreover, even hints of civilization were absent in the village - there were no schools or hospitals. Due to the lack of the latter, this incredible story began.

Heavy hike

Once, the wife of Dashratha Manjhi fell ill. The ailment was so severe that traditional decoctions of herbs and roots did not help, and the couple had to go to the nearest city, which was located 80 kilometers from their village. There was a hospital where they could get professional help.


However, there was no direct road to the city, as well as any kind of transport. Spouses had to go around the mountain, overcoming numerous difficulties. There was very little to the city when Dashratha's wife passed away.


The man suffered a very painful loss of the dearest person in life. For many days he simply lay looking at the ceiling, and not knowing how to live on. Finally, an idea occurred to him.

The man spent a lot of time searching for the tools that he needed to carry out the undertaking. Finding a hammer, a sledgehammer and a few other things that could not be done without, Dashrath left the house at dawn, and returned only late in the evening. The man simply waved away all the questions of his son.

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