
Nikolai Vasilievich Zlobin: biography, scientific activity, books

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Nikolai Vasilievich Zlobin: biography, scientific activity, books
Nikolai Vasilievich Zlobin: biography, scientific activity, books

At thirty he arrived in the States. And only twenty years later, according to him, these "strange Americans" became more or less accessible to his understanding. And yet he does not cease to amaze them endlessly. It is difficult to understand the country in which he was not born, did not grow up and did not spend his childhood, Nikolai Vasilievich Zlobin believes.


Political strategist, historian, publicist

Every day he finds in this country something new and amazing.

The star of modern Russian and American political technology, a historian and publicist, Nikolai Vasilievich Zlobin lives and works in Washington. He is currently President of the Center for Global Interests.

He is the author of many books and publications on political and historical topics, in particular the topic of Russian-American relations.

Mutual language

In an interview with AiF.ru, Nikolai Vasilievich Zlobin described the awareness of the peoples of the two superpowers about each other's lives: citizens of America and Russia are interested in completely different aspects of information. The “inconsistencies” in the approaches are so great that they can be compared with people living in different layers of the atmosphere.

Not surprisingly, the political scientist believes that when meeting an American and Russian it is difficult to find a common language.


The little things that make up life

In one of his new books, Nikolai Vasilievich Zlobin described a striking difference in the approach of Americans and Russians to the details of everyday life. Rather, a trifle they seem to him, Russian.

For example, in joint parties to unload the mistress, it is customary in America to come with your own food. When almost everything is already eaten, the hostess tries to get half-eaten treats. She begins to clean the table long before the guests decide to leave. Everyone takes part in cleaning and washing dishes, and then meticulously and amusingly, according to the author, the guests find out where whose plate is. In the end, they agree to deliver the missing dishes to each other the other day. And the conversation can go on penniless plastic cups and plates.

"Country of stairs"

The remark about the Russians, according to Nikolai Zlobin, an American wife (of his own, now former), deserves much more attention. It’s more, because in the “little things” she noticed are the deep signs of the mentality of the Russian nation, the self-determination of the people in relation to the universe.

For the first time, a woman who came to Russia drew attention to the abundance of steps present everywhere: at the entrance to the entrance of the Stalinist skyscraper, at the entrance to the elevator, at the entrance to the park. Take the trolleybus, tram, minibus - you need to overcome the stairs.

"What about retirees, people with disabilities, moms with strollers?" - the woman was perplexed.

After her words, the scientist took a fresh look at this circumstance. There really are many steps in Russia. This characteristic of architecture reflects the aspiration inherent in Russian spirituality - up, up!

And in comparison with the importance of this global tendency to “high”, are there any people with disabilities? Like, however, other citizens.

In America, the political scientist notes, everything is at the ground level. In order to climb up, no one needs to make an effort: there are a lot of devices: ramps, elevators.

There are many aspects to this trifle, the scientist believes, spiritual and social, psychological, worthy of deep analysis.

Take care of yourself

In America, they are used to living on credit. Citizens like their credit cards. Giving loans to them is a good incentive to work without relaxing.

All their lives, Americans have been working on their own social security in old age. Every year they receive information about how the amount of their social security varies depending on income and taxes paid during the year.

Throughout their lives, American citizens earn their old age. Not the state, but citizens are determined to take care of themselves in the future.

Not so in Russia. Russia, the scientist believes, unlike America, is a social state in which the Constitution guarantees citizens the country's care for their old age.

Oh happiness

Americans and Russians also have different approaches to the question of happiness, Nikolai Zlobin believes. Russians, in his opinion, feel happiness more emotionally, but for Americans it depends to a large extent on certain rationalistic considerations.


For happiness, an American needs a sense of social, especially financial, security. The whole life of an average American citizen is a kind of social project whose purpose is to invest in oneself, in children, in health, etc. The American will be happy if he realizes that the project was a success. This is more rationalism than feelings.

Russians are happier, the less requests they have. To live, content with little, somewhere in the outback, enjoy every day, not worry about anything - that’s all Russian. The calmer and happier he feels, the less he has to answer and make decisions for something.

Sharp turn

An invitation to work in America over twenty years ago was a real sharp turn for him. America is the country in which his house is located, where his career has developed and, as Nikolai Vasilievich Zlobin told reporters, his personal life.

Living in the States was never part of his plans. It was a business trip, a contract that dragged on for twenty years.

Zlobin Nikolai Vasilievich: personal life, wife

The scientist married many times and got divorced. One of his ex-wives was an American citizen. With Leah, his current wife, Nikolai Zlobin brings up his daughter.

Nikolai Vasilievich Zlobin: biography

The future political strategist is a native Muscovite, born in 1958 in a family of prominent Soviet scientists. His father, V.A. Zlobin, was a distinguished professor of history. Mother, K. K. Zlobin, is a nuclear physicist.

He studied at Moscow school number 14, he graduated from the history department of Moscow State University.

From 1979 to 1993, he was a graduate student, and then a doctoral candidate at the Federal State Institution (Department of Public Administration). Leading researcher, associate professor, professor of Moscow State University, consultant to the Kremlin.

Teaching and socio-political activities

Between 1993 and 2000, Nikolai Vasilievich Zlobin was engaged in scientific and teaching work in America and Europe: at the universities of Washington, Georgetown, Harvard, and others.

At the same time, he becomes the founder and co-editor of one of the famous magazines published in the USA dealing with democratization in post-Soviet countries.

In the period from 2000 to the present:

  • becomes director of the international news agency Washington Profile;

  • heads the programs of the Center for Defense Information, the US Institute for World Security;

  • is a regular member of discussion clubs and political forums;

  • Member of editorial boards and councils of academic and political publications, such as Izvestia, Vedomosti, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Snob, The New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, etc.;

  • maintains weekly rubrics on radio and television;

  • regular commentator of the BBC;

  • Advisor to the Government of America, consultant to the Kremlin.


Scientific work

Zlobin wrote about 20 books and 200 scientific publications. His journalism has been translated into many languages ​​and published in 30 countries.

He is the author of university textbooks (history, politics, global journalism). In the distant 80s he was given the first "non-communist" school history textbook.

About the "theory of a non-polar world"

In the early 2000s, he put forward the theory that the “non-polar world" underlies the current international system. Based on this, foreign public policy should be seen as a conscious and formalized egoism.


Zlobin supports the idea of ​​“washing away” the sovereignty of national powers. Critical to regional security.

Attitude to Russian politics

He predicts the collapse of the Russian Federation into individual states. He advocates the gradual elimination of Russian internal borders.

It is considered a principal critic of the current Russian government. But the media has information about its informal support to scientists.

About relations with V.V. Putin

  • In 2005, Nikolai Zlobin managed to get a receipt from V. Putin containing assurances of refusal to run for president of the Russian Federation in 2008 and to amend the Constitution to obtain this opportunity.

  • In 2006, during a conversation with political scientist V. Putin, it was stated that he did not consider himself a politician in the traditional sense.

  • In 2008, when asked by journalist Zlobin about how long V. Putin was going to work as prime minister, he issued a catch phrase: "How much God will give."

  • In 2009, V. Putin informed Zlobin that he and Medvedev were “of the same blood”, so they did not need to compete in the next presidential election. They can "sit down and agree."
