
Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov: relationships, wedding, children

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Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov: relationships, wedding, children
Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov: relationships, wedding, children

Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov are the hosts of the popular talk show on the Russia 1 channel. In the program "60 minutes", which is released on weekdays, the main political events that have occurred or are taking place in the world are regularly discussed. Experts in a particular field are constantly invited to the studio, depending on the topic of the program. Often the degree of glow on the set rolls over due to the inability of the parties to the discussion to come to a consensus.


However, few people know that the journalists Popov Yevgeny and Olga Skabeeva are a married couple. On the broadcast of the program they jointly broadcast, this is not at all felt, which indicates a high level of professionalism. Both graduated from the Faculty of Journalism and for many years have been participating in serious and successful television projects, usually devoted to politics and social issues.

Evgeny Popov. Biography

Popov Evgeny Georgievich (09/11/1978) - a native of the city of Vladivostok. From school I was familiar with my future profession - after classes I worked on the radio. Graduated from Far Eastern State University. In parallel with his studies, he worked on local television.


Having received a diploma of DGU in 2000, he was accepted into the Vesti team of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company as a correspondent in the capital of the Primorsky Territory, shortly after which he moved to Moscow.

International journalist

During his career as a political observer, Popov Evgeny Georgievich worked in many cities and countries: North Korea, the United States of America, etc. He is known for his anti-opposition views. For a long time he covered the unstable situation in Ukraine, which resulted in the “orange revolution” and the illegal seizure of power by opponents of the political views of Viktor Yanukovych.


All television programs to which Popov is somehow related, unlike many similar (but unfounded) ones, are always backed up by stories and interviews with people who are influential on the world stage. It is felt that the journalist deeply delves into the area of ​​the issue under study and does not make ordered, but honest, truthful reports. Not surprisingly, many do not like such material. The Ukrainian authorities, for example, included him in the sanctions list for public statements about his attitude to the inclusion of the Crimean peninsula in the Russian Federation and the hostilities that have been ongoing for several years in the territory of Donbass.

“News at 23:00”, “Special correspondent”, “News of the week” - this is a list of only some well-known projects in which Evgeny Popov took part.

Olga Skabeeva. Biography

Skabeeva Olga Vladimirovna (12/11/1984) was born in the Volgograd region (Volzhsk). She gained her first journalistic skills while working in the editorial office of a local newspaper in which she wrote articles.

She graduated from a higher educational institution in St. Petersburg with honors, after which she began her career at the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

Winner of the Golden Pen 2007 awards in the Outlook of the Year nomination and Profession Reporter 2008 in the Journalistic Investigation nomination.


Prior to this, the lead "60 minutes" Olga Skabeeva released the author's program "Vesti.doc". It covered topical issues for which not every reporter, especially the largest information media holding in the country, will undertake.

Journalist from God

The viewers were once again convinced that the girl was a journalist by vocation in June 2016, when, having received the consent of the German journalist Hajo Zeppelt, who had slandered Russian athletes, to be interviewed, she was unexpectedly denied a rather aggressive manner. The reason was Olga's uncomfortable questions, to which the German paper-maraka had no answers. The courageous behavior of a journalist who defends the honor of not only athletes from Russia, but also the country as a whole, cannot but cause respect. The resonance caused by this video story probably made me think about the scandal surrounding our Olympic team not only in the Russian Federation, but throughout Europe.

In one of the few interviews, the journalist gave herself the following characteristic: “Journalism for me is a well-considered and thought-out step. I have clearly defined my choice of profession in the tenth grade. Since then I have been living in categories of goals and achievements. Ambitious and, perhaps, overconfident - I don’t know. Life will show. I treat everything with irony, which, I think, is the main journalistic quality, besides literacy, meticulousness and curiosity. It is preoccupied, first of all to oneself. To the people around - no less. Work, I think, it needs to be worn out, otherwise there is no sense la. I attach great importance to trifles. I like to read."

Interview to the program "Morning of Russia"

Answering the questions of Anastasia Chernobrovina and her co-host, the presenters of “60 minutes” Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov said that in their program they should answer the main question of the day in sixty minutes, and that her similar name (which, by the way, Olga suggested) is either otherwise it forces invited guests to concentrate as much as possible on this time in order to fully reveal the topic. The program goes live, and its technical capabilities make it possible, if necessary, to contact any point in the world where major events are currently taking place. After the end of the broadcast, the viewer should not have any questions about the disassembled situation.

When asked by the host of the morning program about how two independent journalists manage to lead “60 minutes” so harmoniously, without interrupting each other, the couple, without thinking for a second, gave the answer: “We are not agreeing. It all works out somehow. It’s very convenient, and this is probably also the distinguishing feature of our show."

Unrivaled duet

Indeed, serious disputes often flare up on the air, to the extent that participants are almost ready to go personal. However, the couple, without raising their voices and without resorting to the help of the security guard, always manages to reassure opponents by finding the right words and not allowing the brewing conflict to grow into something more.


The charm and tact of the host play an important role in this. Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky, for example, when he is in a “state of political affect”, probably only Skabeev can stop from the numerous staff of the Russia 1 channel. To the best of strict and always tactful, it calmly relieves the situation, neutralizes the flaming "duelists", like a cobra fakir.

Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov. A wedding about which nothing is known

A wedding for any average girl is an event, it would seem, of her whole life. But Skabeeva Olga Vladimirovna and in this matter turned out to be a black sheep. Not a single note in the press, not a single mention on the Internet. This secret is kept by spouses for seven seals. There is only one explanation for this - genuine mutual feelings. Only this reason can push two people to such a reverent attitude towards personal life. When colleagues from the Russia 1 TV channel asked the couple whether the presenters of the 60 minutes program were discussing working moments after the broadcast, they replied: "Only on the way home." Apparently, at home, the husband and wife are busy with other things, and if they talk, then on abstract topics.


By the way, in an interview, Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov are stubbornly silent about the wedding.

Another secret

One gets the impression that the couple literally wants to envelop their lives in mystery.

Another point that haunts the audience watching how Olga Skabeeva and Yevgeny Popov arrange their lives is children. It is reliably known that the couple bring up a small son. Zakhar was born in 2014, and this, perhaps, is also all that can be said, paying attention to this issue, except for a few photos on social networks in which the baby is present.