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Latest News About Alla Pugacheva

Latest News About Alla Pugacheva
Latest News About Alla Pugacheva

Video: После смерти Пугачёвой Наглый Галкин нашёл новую девушку 2024, June

Video: После смерти Пугачёвой Наглый Галкин нашёл новую девушку 2024, June

This post is the reaction of the once devoted admirer of Alla Pugacheva’s talent to the informational tsunami overwhelming in recent months about the circumstances of the singer’s personal life. The period almost from the date of puberty is being discussed. What kind of consumer is this product intended for, and, most importantly, what is the degree of participation of the matron itself in this booth?

The information flow about the personal life of pop stars is an interesting phenomenon in itself. Public meetings and partings of Baskov, Lazarev, Kirkorov, Babkina, Bilan, Galkin with their real or imaginary companions (companions) finally overshadowed their work, if you can call the product they produce. No one remembers what they sing, but everyone knows with whom they supposedly live now or lived six months ago. Unfortunately, in our country, the start of the tradition of promoting stars in a similar way was given precisely by Alla Borisovna Pugacheva (she took an example from Michael Jackson, not otherwise). It should be noted that in her performance the initially public emotional striptease was not an independent way of promotion, but a justified artistic device, the next peasant was still not an intrinsic figure, but in some poetic way, an animated hero of songs from the new concert program. It’s not customary to complicate your life this way. Artistic techniques and poetic images in the works of Babkina and Lazarev are like historical truth in the works of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev.

Unfortunately, with the end of the active creative phase in the career of ABP, she herself joined the cohort of sex speculators. The singer’s repeatedly voiced worldly wisdom did not help her avoid the temptation to turn on the coupon clipper with the philistine interest in peeping into the keyhole. The passion for Pasternak, unfortunately, did not allow his prophetic line “Shamelessly meaning nothing, to be a parable on the lips of everyone” a rule of existence outside the scene. So now we are witnessing a once-ingenious singer in the role of leading disgusting song contests and the heroine of an endlessly repeating series about her own intimate life. Such activity could be attributed to the unprincipled nature of television producers, but the programs are based on interviews with the singer herself, i.e. the mudflow of revelations of varying degrees of deceit is approved by the heroine herself.

Yes, the degree of sincerity of Pugacheva’s passion for her own husbands is a separate topic, not just tabooed, but discussed somehow in passing. The heroine’s prestige is so great that publicly asked questions about the technical aspects of cohabiting with husbands suspected of being gay are considered indecent. The question - how well it is decent to feed the public relations with girlfriends as a model of family life, is not asked. In vain, by the way, all this is broadcast in prime time, our children can be active consumers of these products, build their family life according to the proposed schemes. Weak to God, the young generation of Pugachev with husbands is uninteresting, the target audience of television programs of this kind are provincial housewives who have forgotten about sexual practices with wino husbands. Nevertheless, such propaganda is a threat to public morality; watching healthy porn for the younger generation would be much more useful in terms of the formation of behavioral patterns.

For sincere fans of Pugacheva, who did not forget her status and significance in the 70-80s, to observe all this is sad especially. Many people have a desire to justify the idol. Panegyrics appear, describing the ABP as some kind of spontaneous revelation, not subject to standard philistine assessments. I recall a joke about the petty politician Brezhnev era Pugacheva.

I do not agree. By its behavior, the star devalued its significance for Russian culture. Natalya Medvedeva wrote about the discrepancy between the image of the suffering artist, cultivated in the 70s, and the type of the bandera and the waitress of the sample of the 90s. This is not an artistic transformation, gentlemen, this is an obvious loss of taste. A joke about petty politicians in the era of cultural phenomena used to be dedicated to Solzhenitsyn. Those born in the 90s simply won’t understand the meaning of the phrase “The Age of Pugacheva”.