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Proverbs about fairy tales: what can they teach? The most famous proverbs and sayings

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Proverbs about fairy tales: what can they teach? The most famous proverbs and sayings
Proverbs about fairy tales: what can they teach? The most famous proverbs and sayings

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Video: TOP 20 Quotes from Prince | Most Famous Quotes | Trendy Quotes 2024, June

From time immemorial, proverbs about fairy tales adorned the life of the Russian people. They served as a kind of reminder that the world of dreams is necessary for both children and adults. Indeed, in addition to beautiful content, fictional stories often carried in themselves a deep truth that could open their eyes to many things. After all, it’s not in vain that our ancestors did not get tired of repeating the same thing: “A fairy tale is a lie, but a hint, good fellows in a lesson!”


A world made for children

A fairy tale is first of all a beautiful story, invented in order to please a child. After all, children's consciousness requires magic, otherwise he becomes too bored. This is quite normal, and proverbs about fairy tales constantly remind us of this.

Here are some striking examples of folklore that prove the above:

  • For children, fairy tales are sweeter than sugar bagels.

  • Good story, especially for a child.

  • Only in a fairy tale will you see a pig with a golden barrel.

  • For beautiful past and children go to bed early.

  • The children only need to crush the oven and jokes


What is the main thing in the story?

Also, proverbs about fairy tales always carried one very important reminder. They did not let us forget that in any story, the first place should be the meaning, not the beauty of the narrative. After all, it is he who helps children learn and draw the right conclusions.

Unfortunately, today this message is often ignored, and modern books for children do not always reflect long-standing ideas about good and evil. That is why it is so important to recall the advice of our ancestors and bring them to life. So, here are some good examples of proverbs about the meaning of morality in children's works:

  • Tales are red not in letters, but in what they mean.

  • History is not folding in writing, but folding in fiction.

  • Not every water is suitable for drinking, not every fairy tale worth listening to.

  • Eat porridge, but also listen to a fairy tale, but on the mustache shake what the mind has caught.

  • Without reading the story, do not drop the pointer.

  • Wisdom is not true; it can take root in a fairy tale.

A little instruction for the storyteller

Reading some proverbs about fairy tales, one involuntarily understands that they are addressed not to those who listen to these amazing stories, but to those who compose them. Simply put, they are a kind of instruction that can help storytellers. After all, this business is simple at first glance, but it is worth starting to practice, as words and sentences begin to slip away …

Moreover, as mentioned above, these wise sayings tirelessly remind us that in such stories the most important thing is what they can convey to the audience. And here are a few proverbs to confirm this:

  • If the tale is sweet, then everyone stretches to listen to it.

  • Mal was - he listened to fairy tales, grew up - he began to compose himself, but they just do not listen.

  • Every fiction in a children's fairy tale is good.

  • A fairy tale is gold that glistens in the eyes of the guys.

  • Without a clue, even a good storyteller can fall asleep.

  • The fairy tale begins at first, is read to the end, but does not break in the middle.
