
Natural areas of Russia and their features

Natural areas of Russia and their features
Natural areas of Russia and their features

Video: Russia's Geography Problem 2024, July

Video: Russia's Geography Problem 2024, July

Nature is a complex of interconnected components that are in constant interconnection with each other and depend on each other. Changes in one natural chain will necessarily lead to disturbances in the accompanying components. There is a constant exchange of resources and energy between individual participants in the natural community. The presence of certain relationships is characteristic of each specific territory. This is how natural zones are formed. They, in turn, affect the economic activity of a person and its features.

Natural areas of Russia are very diverse. This is due to the vast territory, the difference in relief and climatic conditions.

Among the main natural zones of our country are steppes, semi-deserts, taiga, forests, forest-steppes, tundra, the Arctic desert, forest-tundra. Natural zones of Russia have a fairly large area, which stretches for thousands of kilometers. Each of them is characterized by a specific climate, soil types, flora and fauna, as well as the degree of moisture in the territory.

The Arctic desert zone is characterized by the presence of a large amount of snow and ice all year round. The air temperature here varies between 4-2 degrees. Glaciers arise from solid precipitation. The soil is poorly developed and is at the initial level. The formation of salt spots is observed in dry windy weather. The climatic conditions of this zone also affect the nature of the vegetation. It is dominated by low mosses and lichens. Less common are polar poppy, saxifrage, and some other plants. The animal world is also not too rich. Arctic fox, deer, owl, partridge and lemmings are almost the only inhabitants of the Arctic desert.

Natural zones of Russia include the tundra zone. This is a less cold zone than the arctic deserts. But, nevertheless, it is characterized by cold and strong winds, which is due to the proximity of the Arctic Ocean. Freezing and snowing is possible all year round. The climate of the tundra zone is humid. The soil is also underdeveloped, which affects the vegetation cover. Mostly low shrubs and trees, mosses and lichens predominate.

Natural zones of Russia are gradually replacing each other. Then follows the forest-tundra. There is already warmer weather in the summer, but winters are cold with lots of snow. Among the plants dominated by spruce, birch and larch. In the warm period, the forest-tundra serves as a pasture for deer.

Lesotundra is replaced by taiga. It is characterized by warmer weather and less severe winters. The relief is characterized by the presence of a large number of water bodies (rivers, lakes and swamps). The soil here is more favorable for the plant world, and therefore the animal world is plentiful. In the taiga, sable, hazel grouse, capercaillie, hare, squirrel, bear and many other species live.

The semi-desert zone is the smallest in area. It typically has hot summers and harsh winters with little rainfall. It is mainly used for pasture.

The division of the territory into zones affects human activities. Numerous natural economic zones of Russia determine its extensive activity in the field of economics.

Each zone is divided into smaller species. There are transition zones, which are characterized by climatic features of each adjacent area. Therefore, each natural territory is inextricably linked with the neighboring. Violations occurring in a certain region of the country lead to changes not only in the climate, but also in the world of animals and plants of another zone.

The characteristic of the natural zones of Russia implies the features of each of them, but they do not have clear boundaries and the division is conditional. In addition, human activities can affect the nature and climate of the environment.