
Brahmaputra River. Gene storage of bioresources

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Brahmaputra River. Gene storage of bioresources
Brahmaputra River. Gene storage of bioresources

Video: Sarasvati Civilization | Part 1| Samudramanthan | Dr. S Kalyanaraman 2024, July

Video: Sarasvati Civilization | Part 1| Samudramanthan | Dr. S Kalyanaraman 2024, July

There are many amazing places in the world that fascinate, amaze the imagination and make you enjoy their contemplation. Brahmaputra is recognized by scientists as one of these amazing places. Let’s see which continent the Brahmaputra River is located on, why its valleys so attract tourists from all over the world. Why is this river named after a man at a time when all the rivers in Bangladesh or India have female names?


Where is the Brahmaputra River

Surely, this is an intricate, seemingly even ridiculous and ridiculous name you have heard more than once. But many still do not know where the Brahmaputra River is located. And this is not surprising, because it flows in India, and in China, and in Tibet, and through Bangladesh and, most strikingly, in the Himalayas. It is considered one of the largest and widest rivers in Asia. The most interesting thing is that the river in each country has its own name. Perhaps that is why people are not always able to unequivocally answer the question about its location.

If you translate the name of the river from Tibetan, it will mean "water that begins its way from the tail of a comet." The Brahmaputra River has a length of almost three thousand kilometers. The area of ​​the river basin is about 930 thousand square kilometers. The river begins in the Himalayas at an altitude of 5200 kilometers. Passes the plains, frames the mountains. The southern Ganges is the place where the Brahmaputra River ends.

The height of the water leak here is about five thousand meters, and the average annual flow is more than forty-five thousand cubic meters per second.


A diverse and unpredictable river

It is impossible to say unequivocally what the nature of this reservoir is. Depending on the area where the Brahmaputra River flows, the nature of its waters will also change. There are plains where the river flows quite slowly and calmly. The part of the river that flows through the deep mountain gorges is exactly the opposite in character. Numerous rapids, rapid currents and sometimes even low waterfalls prevail here. Quite often, such turbulent sections of the river are used for rafting.

Peaceful areas are used for shipping. In Tibet, on the banks of the river, you can see countless boat stations. For some settlements, this is the only convenient means of transportation. Also, river waters are used for agricultural and drinking needs, for irrigation. The river valley is considered one of the richest areas in the forest. Valued yew trees around the world grow in these places.

The Brahmaputra River is rich in aquatic and land inhabitants. Along the coast, on the plains and in the valleys of the river, unique representatives of fauna and flora are found. Recently, the remains of pottery were discovered in these places, which attracted more attention to this place of tourists and archaeological groups.

Part of the river, which is located in India, is considered the sacred local population. There are many large monasteries. People believe that the Brahmaputra is directly connected with the god Brahma.


River food

Brahmaputra eats, like many rivers, originating among the mountain peaks, melt water. Water content increases sharply when glaciers begin to melt in the Himalayas with the onset of spring heat. The river also floods in the summer, when a huge amount of precipitation falls in the Ganges Plain. Monsoon showers are commonplace here.

During a spill, the water level in the Brahmaputra can rise to a mark of ten to fifteen meters. Such uplifts in the lower reaches often provoke floods. This river also stands out among others in that during the rise of water the tides are carried out by waves.

Despite the huge hydropower potential, the waters of the Brahmaputra River are not used to their full potential. A hydroelectric power station was built here only in the area of ​​Lhasa (Tibet), and even then it happened back in 1957.
