the culture

Rorschach mask: how to do it yourself

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Rorschach mask: how to do it yourself
Rorschach mask: how to do it yourself



Many fans of various stories with superheroes in the title role have heard of such a character as Walter Kovacs, or, as he is also called, Rorschach.


In addition to an interesting biography and exciting events in which he participated, what else did Rorschach's personality remember? The mask he wore had a special property. Which one, we will consider in more detail in this article.

Who is Walter Kovacs

This is a fictional character. He was the main character in the comic books entitled Guardians. Later came the film adaptation of the same film. According to the plot, the fate of Kovacs was determined by one case. Walter witnessed the murder of a little girl whose body the maniac after her death fed the dogs. The hero furiously chopped the killer with a cleaver.

After this incident, Walter became an uncompromising evil fighter. During his life, together with the team, he has committed justice over many criminals. At the end of the story, not wanting to compromise and neglecting mortal danger, Walter Kovacs dies.

Rorschach mask

It was Walter's mask that was his calling card. Since the hero was a policeman, desperate to achieve something by legal means, he wore a mask hiding his true face. Thus, he had the opportunity to rid the world of evil in his own ways, which were not always within the law. The Rorschach mask was made of a special material and had an unusual pattern in the form of contrasting dark spots on a white background.


She had an amazing ability to change her color, which undoubtedly attracted attention. The hero was so closely associated with his mask that he considered it his true face.

The masked patterns resonate with the famous spots from the test of the Swiss psychologist Herman Rorschach. These drawings are called Rorschach spots - they help to study the human psyche and its disorders. According to the psychologist’s theory, depending on what kind of drawing a person sees in blurry blots, the features of his personality are determined.


The same symmetrical and blurry, not having a definite shape spots were on the mask of Walter Kovacs.

The principle of the mask

How does a Rorschach mask work? Despite the amazing optical effect, the principle of the mask is quite simple. There is a special thermochromic paint that allows you to make a dynamic drawing. The fact is that the paint changes color (from black to white and vice versa) depending on the temperature. The threshold to which the temperature component reacts is 30 degrees.

Thus, the paint appears or disappears synchronously with the person’s breathing. It turns out that the mask of the protagonist of the “Guardians” is not at all special effects and not computer graphics. Rorschach mask is a completely feasible undertaking, which can even be realized independently. What is most surprising - to make such a mask is not difficult.

Do-it-yourself rorschach mask

What is necessary in order to make this mask at home? Very little:

  1. Special thermochromic paint (black pigment).

  2. White paint on the fabric.

  3. White mask in the form of a stocking (you can sew it yourself from elastic fabric).


Mix black thermochromic pigment with white paint until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Choose a picture that we would like to see on our mask (you can use blots from the test of a Swiss psychologist). We draw on the cardboard the desired pattern in such a proportion that it rests on the mask in the area of ​​your face.

We cut out the drawing, apply it to the mask and draw a contour. We carefully paint the blot with our paint (if the mask is not from two halves, which you will stitch together later, but finished, you need to put cardboard under the surface on which you will apply the paint so that it does not print on the other side). It is more convenient to apply paint with a foam brush. Let it dry. The mask is ready! Now you know how to make a Rorschach mask with your own hands.