
The most interesting facts about foxes: habitat, food and species

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The most interesting facts about foxes: habitat, food and species
The most interesting facts about foxes: habitat, food and species

Video: Fox Facts for Children 2024, June

Video: Fox Facts for Children 2024, June

The ordinary fox belongs to the predatory mammals of the canine family. This species is most often found in the forests of our vast country, therefore it is not surprising that many folk tales, epics and songs were invented about this clever and cunning beast. This article will present the most interesting facts about the fox that will appeal to both an adult audience and children.


The appearance of the animal

As a rule, representatives of the canine family have the same signs regarding appearance:

• elongated head;

• pointed ears;

• thin paws;

• long and fluffy tail.

Reading interesting facts about foxes, you can find out a lot of information about the structure of the animal’s body and its habits. The animal has a beautiful color. The red foxes that can be found in Russian forests have a medium-sized body and a large fluffy tail. Colors and sizes may vary based on the area where these animals live. The length of the body depends on the breed and ranges from 55 to 90 cm, and the tail is 60 cm. The hair on the chest, as well as the tip of the white fluffy tail. The ears are pointed and have a dark color on the back.


Fox fur and molt periods

If the animal lives in the northern regions, it has a large body with dense light hair. Southern foxes are smaller, their fur is much duller than that of fellow living in the north. On cold days, foxes in a dream cover their muzzle and paws with their tail, using it as a blanket.

Shedding in adult foxes begins in February-March, and finally the animal loses its “winter outfit” in April. The red fur of summer representatives of the species appears in early June, and from the middle of summer the winter decoration is already beginning to “ripen”.

Summer fox hair is rarer and shorter, so during this period the animals look funny: with long legs and a large head.

These interesting facts about foxes, namely about their molting, are often used in folklore. For centuries, people have noticed the peculiarity of these animals "change clothes." The hunters tried to get their wool in winter, when foxes walk in chic red fur coats.


Red fox habitat

Red foxes and their subspecies live almost everywhere. They can not be found unless in the Arctic tundra and on some islands.

Foxes living in snowy areas try to avoid territories with continuous taiga massifs.

Red foxes, as a rule, do not hunt near their lair. Some interesting facts about foxes are precisely based on this feature, which is observed in most predatory animals. Naturalists often notice the proximity of foxes with ducks, which they usually hunt. But, being next to such a dangerous beast, the ducks manage to breed their chicks. Also, sometimes foxes occupy the territory near the badger towns.


The most interesting facts about foxes for children

The red-haired beautiful fox with a large fluffy tail is a frequent character in old and modern fairy tales and cartoons. Children know about this predator as a cunning animal that can get out of any trouble or, conversely, able to create it. Little naturalists liked this bright animal because of a peculiar mischievous behavior.

Interesting facts about the fox:

  • Often a fox is called Patrikeevna. This name was given to her in honor of one of the Novgorod princes, Patrikei Narimuntovich, who was very cunning and resourceful.

  • No wonder foxes are called very intelligent animals. They have one interesting way to get rid of fleas. Foxes go deep into the water with a stick in their teeth, and fleas get into this trap. After a while, the animal throws a stick, and with it annoying fleas.

  • Walking away from his enemies, the fox confuses the tracks.

  • These animals are considered omnivores. They do not refuse from plants.

  • The smallest fox in the world is considered to be Fenech - the length barely reaches 40 centimeters.

  • Often these animals are bred as pets, and the animal copes with this role with a bang.

  • Foxes are nocturnal predators.


Interesting facts about the fox are known to children from a very early age. In Russian folk tales, which are known to almost everyone, it tells about the habits and character of the animal. For example, the tale "The Fox and the Crane", in which the wise crane taught the cunning cheat.

Fox diet

Although foxes are predatory animals, there is vegetation in their diet.

Of course, most often ordinary red foxes prey on rodents. They can also catch birds, hares, or fish that predators catch on spawning rivers for lunch. Chanterelles will not refuse eggs. In addition to all this, the animal can feed on different plants, berries and wild fruits. In times when food is too scarce, foxes will not pass by carrion.

In winter, it is most difficult for these animals to feed themselves. Field mice “rescue” them from hunger, on which foxes most often hunt in the cold season. The hunting process itself is very exciting. Foxes move along the snow cover and listen to the squeak of voles. When they discover their prey, they immediately begin to literally dive into the snow, while helping themselves with their front paws. Foxes are very patient, they can stand motionless for a long time, listening to their potential victim, waiting for her mistakes.


This is not the only interesting way to hunt foxes. Sometimes these smart predators throw hedgehogs into the water so that they open up and there is an opportunity to grab them by a place unprotected by prickly needles.

About foxes and their behavior

There are other interesting facts about foxes that cannot be ignored:

  1. In Japan, this red-headed predator is a symbol of the art of reincarnation, and the white fox is considered the messenger of the god Inari.

  2. Sometimes in front of their “victims” these animals are able to arrange a whole performance. They show by their appearance that they are not interested in hunting, and when the prey loses its vigilance, foxes attack.

  3. Representatives of this species are often carriers of rabies.

  4. Little foxes are very playful and restless, but when their mother calls out to them, they immediately stop their games and run to her.

  5. The Arctic fox does not belong to the genus of foxes, but it is popularly called the Arctic fox.

  6. A species with very large ears lives in Africa. This fox eats insects, most often termites.

  7. In our country, three species of foxes live: ordinary, Afghan and steppe.

  8. Animals often hide leftover food for fasting times.

  9. The main enemies of foxes are wolves and eagles.

  10. These animals can make many sounds. For example, they can imitate dog barking.

  11. In ancient Rome, foxes were considered demons of fire.
