the culture

The dumbest person in the world - who is it?

Table of contents:

The dumbest person in the world - who is it?
The dumbest person in the world - who is it?

Video: Dr Phil Encounters The Dumbest Girl On Earth 2024, July

Video: Dr Phil Encounters The Dumbest Girl On Earth 2024, July

The dumbest person in the world - who is he? And what is stupidity in general? And is it even possible to separate people according to this principle? Specialists recommend treating this concept very carefully, because it’s no secret that often those who are considered stupid or, say, retarded in childhood, become unique specialists or even geniuses already in adolescence or youth.

Section 1. The most stupid person in the world. General description of the problem


Stupidity, sometimes developing into stupidity, is, of course, terrible for society. Of course, this concept is found almost everywhere, wherever you go, whoever you turn to: in the store, at work, in the gym, and simply on the street.

Agree, the so-called bizarre people are in almost every family, but not one of its members will put a dumb cliche on them. Unfortunately, this cannot be said of public people whose personal and creative life is in full view of everyone. And even more than that, every miss of a star, every answer is off topic, is immediately reviewed by thousands of media around the world.

It would seem impossible to create a rating or a list of the most stupid people in the world. But no! Of course, there are no leaders here and cannot be. As there are no absolutely stupid people who amaze others with their incredible “knowledge” and mistakes. And if stupidity is manifested in a person with a high level of IQ, then definitely His Majesty the case comes onto the scene! Very often, an absurd situation absorbs a person, exposing him in an unfavorable light. Especially popular are, of course, cases with public people: actors, film actors and, of course, politicians.

Section 2. The most stupid person in the world. Special award for this contingent


No matter how absurd it may sound, but in 2003 the American comedy festival Just for Laughs, whose name is translated into Russian as “Just for the sake of laughter”, established the World Stupidity Award. Yes, yes, and such a phenomenon, it turns out, also happens. The most stupid people in the world were named, whose photos very quickly, literally in a few days, spread around the world.

The organizers of the award pursued the main goal - to identify and publicize the stupidity and ignorance of famous people. The winners were not determined at all by the founders, but ordinary Internet users from around the world. However, the competition ordered a long life. In any case, the last mention of it is in 2006.