
Modern achievements of the Crimea. Crimea as part of Russia

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Modern achievements of the Crimea. Crimea as part of Russia
Modern achievements of the Crimea. Crimea as part of Russia

Video: EXCLUSIVE: The famous Russian documentary on Crimea with Putin FINALLY with SUBS 2024, July

Video: EXCLUSIVE: The famous Russian documentary on Crimea with Putin FINALLY with SUBS 2024, July

According to the Crimean Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Polonsky, the main modern achievements of the Crimea are gaining a homeland or returning to Russia. And you can’t argue with that! Sevastopol and Crimea did not recognize the legitimacy of the coup in Ukraine and held a referendum where they declared their intention to join Russia by a majority of votes. A turnout in the referendum was 83.1%, and 96.77% voted in favor of joining Russia. Judging by the constant polls conducted by independent press centers, Crimeans do not regret their choice.


Merge process

Russia, too, does not regret anything, despite all the threats, all sanctions, since the annexation of Crimea and in the native Russians themselves awakened the long-naping feeling of the Motherland, which enormously rallied society around the president and his politics. Crimea and its tasks enjoy the full support of the Russian population, its government and government institutions, since there is an understanding of the protection of state interests. The Head of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Sergey Aksyonov outlined in detail the socio-economic prospects and the priority problems that the Republic of Crimea has to solve. Modern achievements will not be long in coming, because the people are inspired by the acquisition of the homeland.

In the literary work of his namesake Vasily Aksyonov “Island of Crimea” there are many real prophecies. How he was isolated from Russia, and Crimea - part of it, in spite of everything, was gaining strength, creating an army, developing industry and equipping the best resorts in the world. The author wanted to mock, looking from the prosperous America of the 1980s, how a great country doomed to collapse. But literary talent is even stronger than malevolence and viciousness. A fantastic story in its main aspects is being realized: Crimea is ours, and the modern achievements of Crimea are just around the corner.



For the economic and social development of both the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol as a city of federal significance, a special targeted program has been created, according to which, by 2020, it is planned to solve all the main problems. In total, 681.2 billion rubles will go to the peninsula.

First of all, transport accessibility, energy independence, irrigation systems covering all agricultural areas, infrastructure modernization, solving problems with water treatment facilities and garbage disposal will be provided.



A special economic zone has been created in Simferopol, where high technologies from the fields of microelectronics and communications will soon be introduced. Now in Crimea there is a lot of construction, which takes into account the experience of the Soviet period, and therefore the modern achievements of the Crimea will be associated with shipbuilding and ship repair enterprises.

Here the enterprises of the canning industry, agro-industrial complexes of gardening and greenhouses are opening. The production of unique essential oil products is already open. Agricultural and industrial technologies are based on the latest achievements of scientific thought. And for the full implementation of these plans, Crimea needs its own branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russian Academy of Sciences).



This idea - the creation of an industrial park near the Black Sea - came not only with the initiative of the Crimean governor. At the same time, news came about the exact same intention of Turkey - the Scientific Valley of a huge area is being created there - like four hundred and twenty football fields. And the Turks have objects to be built. How these two new Silicon Valleys will function, time will tell, the Turkish project is designed far beyond the 2020th year.

Both will compete with the already functioning Skolkovo Technopark, where there are now forty-eight residents, of which thirty-six are companies participating in the project. In five areas innovative technologies are being developed there: nuclear, biomedical, energy-efficient, computer and information, space. The university has been operating since 2011. In the Black Sea region, the project has attracted investment and is being developed; one can expect that the modern achievements of Crimea will soon begin to replenish quantitatively and qualitatively.



In June 2014, the twenty-first international conference on librarianship was held. Guests were welcomed by Crimea. Modern achievements in the world of science, business, education and culture were discussed in great detail, covering primarily innovations in education, publishing, and the book business. They talked about the legal aspects of information activities, and about the future of the electronic book. Initiatives and problems of the legislative order were discussed here, issues of access of the broad masses of the population to print and electronic information were raised.

Since the reunion, the current achievements of Crimea have been constantly discussed in the framework of various seminars and events designed to ensure the rapid integration of all institutions of the Crimea and Sevastopol into the Russian Federation. So, the currency has changed, despite the sanctions, banks are working, there are no trade and consumer problems on the peninsula. Schools and medical institutions work. Moreover, universities combined into a reference university work free of charge in electronic libraries - these are only quite good achievements of Crimea in a year in this industry.



Crimea, the decision to leave Ukraine to Russia was not cheap. Sometimes you can observe how even an ordinary divorce process deprives a person of a “face” (or even both!). In this case, Ukraine lost the “face”. Crimea lost water for irrigation of agricultural land (for which it paid), then - roads to the mainland through Ukraine, and finally - electricity.

In winter, even in Crimea, it’s winter, and electricity is, like everywhere else, heat and light. However, even from these harsh circumstances, very positive achievements of Crimea as a part of Russia were obtained. It did not work to starve Crimeans and plunge into lack of money, trying to disrupt the tourist season, it will not work and freeze.


The second of December 2015 entered the history of Crimea as a new holiday - the day of the end of the energy block, which lasted eleven days. Kerch was in the most difficult situation, so the power engineers worked heroically, because this city received only three megawatts from the CHP. And here is the first thread of the energy bridge along the bottom of the Kerch Strait laid! There is electricity in the Crimea!

Of course, rolling blackouts will continue until the work is completed, but enterprises have begun to work, factories and plants have come to life. And on December 3, the Crimean energy system was fully synchronized with the UES of the Russian Federation along the Taman-Kamysh-Burun line. The Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation reported that the load would increase gradually and be distributed equally by all capacity to all municipalities. This is only the first stage of the energy bridge from the Kuban to the Crimea. But Crimea already has achievements!


Clinic on the South Shore

The energy block did not stop at the end of November 2015 opening an integrated naturopathic clinic in Alushta, which has no analogues in the post-Soviet space yet. Healing in the clinic according to the technologies developed by professor, doctor of medical sciences Galina Hünninen, famous for her detoxification technique with high clinical effect.

Given that the Republic of Crimea is Russia, modern achievements will accompany not only due to circumstances, but even contrary to, such is our Russian character. The Crimean travel industry that uses modern technology will flourish not only in the summer, but also year-round, since the most advanced practices of both domestic and foreign medicine are being introduced. Achievements of Crimea for the year in the field of tourism are truly worthy of a separate word.


The road to the Crimea

For some reason, it is customary to consider Crimea only in the tourist aspect. But this region has huge potential - infrastructure, production. Of course, it is impossible for tourists to recoup such a huge, difficult and fabulously expensive object, like a bridge across the Kerch Strait. What modern achievements of the Republic of Crimea should be accomplished in order to prove the necessity of creating this object? However, everyone sees the need. The tourist season last year showed all the inconveniences of the ferry, all its weaknesses. And the next season promises to be even more crowded.

Russian Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov summed up the work of the Kerch crossing over the past year and outlined plans for the future. The bridge will be built in three years. In 2015, Russian Railways specialists have already begun construction of access roads. The railway bridge will apparently be built in the first place. For the construction of the automobile crossing, the determination of the contractor is premature, project documentation is not ready. However, things are moving, surveys are being conducted, geologists are working. In the first half of 2016, the Tuzla Spit will already receive the first building materials.

"Crimean bridge"

The wine companies of Kuban and Crimea decided in their own way to note the construction of this fateful bridge connecting mainland Russia and the peninsular Russia. Nineteen thousand meters of the bridge will be marked with nineteen thousand bottles of collection wine called the Crimean Bridge, which are just laid in the cellars of the wineries. The official launch of the bridge will be festive! It is then that buyers will see wine with such labels on sale.

From the Crimea side, the famous hundred and twenty-year-old Massandra responsible for the holiday is a legendary plant. Six thousand bottles of white muscat and six sherry were laid there. The factory where they make champagne wines, Novyi Svit, laid seven thousand bottles of Pinot Noir from Sevastopol grapes, most similar to Champagne berries. The Krasnodar side laid exactly the same number of wines of its own production. “Fanagoria” created a noble drink of red grapes - a blend of “Saperavi” and “Cabernet Sauvignon”. Winery "Chateau Taman" produced white wine in honor of the opening of the Crimean bridge, the plant "Sauk-Dere" - red.

Import substitution

In Crimea, nurseries are being created for growing grape seedlings. Existing breeding and genetic centers are financially supported, and new ones are being created. The Institute of Wine and Grape "Magarach" and the Nikitsky Botanical Garden solve the problem of providing Crimea not only with grape seedlings, high-quality fruit and berry crops. Grants have already been received.
