
The metro station "Buninskaya alley" and "Butovskaya" branch: characteristics, interesting facts, design

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The metro station "Buninskaya alley" and "Butovskaya" branch: characteristics, interesting facts, design
The metro station "Buninskaya alley" and "Butovskaya" branch: characteristics, interesting facts, design

In this article we want to introduce you in detail to the 170th Moscow metro stop. It is located on a gray-blue branch - "Butovo". It will be about the Buninskaya Alley metro station. And we will start with general characterizing information.

First meeting

The Buninskaya Alley metro station is the southern terminus (last from the center) of the Butovo line. Next to it is Gorchakova Street.

The opening of the heroine of our story took place in 2003, before the New Year - December 27. Together with it, the launch of the first stage of the blue-gray branch (from "Starokachalovskaya St." to "Buninsky Alley") became a kind of gift to the townspeople for the winter celebration.


It got its name in honor of Buninsky Alley - the streets of Moscow South-Western Administrative Okrug. The station is located in the area of ​​South Butovo.

Like all others in the Moscow metro, the Buninskaya Alley metro station has its own unique features: the southernmost in the entire metro subway and the farthest from the Kremlin walls. But will it always be that way?

Information Summary

The Buninskaya Alley metro station is also distinguished by the fact that it is a ground, flyover type variant. It has one island platform, the length of which is 90 m, the height is 9.6 m, and the width is 7 m.

The station has one lobby, which is western - it provides access to Buninsky Alley, ul. Kadyrov, Chernevskaya. On the eastern side there is an elevator for disabled people. The platform itself is protected from adverse weather events by a metal canopy supported by twin supports. The tracks are closed by an anti-noise screen, which is why in the apartments located near the Buninskaya Alley metro the rumble of racing trains is not so audible.


The station is open from 5:48 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. It is integrated with land transport routes - buses 94, 288, 117, 636. Since the “Buninsky Alley” is the final one, there is a single-track dead end behind it, where trains turn in the opposite direction - to the center. It is designed for eight standard cars.

As for the distant plans, it is planned to extend the Butovo line from the “Buninsky Alley” by another three stations to Novokuryanovo. The project also includes the construction of an electric depot.

About the Butovo line

The gray-blue line, of which the Buninskaya Alley metro station is a part, is the 12th in a row in the Moscow metro system. Geographically located in the districts of North and South Butovo. Integrates with the orange (Novoyasenevskaya - Bitsa Park) and the gray branch (Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard - Starokachalovskaya).

The Butovskaya line consists of seven stations put into two stages: the Starokachalovskaya - Buninskaya Alley section was opened in 2003, and its extension to the center to the Bitsevsky Park in 2014. Interestingly, the branch was built according to all metro construction standards, but at the same time it is designed to accept shorter trains. These are standardly three wagons. Maximum stations can accept 4 standard or 3 "Rusich".


Note that the section "Skobelevskaya St." - "Buninsky Alley" passes above the ground. It is important to note that the tunnels of the Butovo line after the Starokachalovskaya line are actually a continuation of the gray line, but at the same time, passengers need to change trains to get to the gray-blue.

Until 2014, the 12th line was considered in the general system of the "underground" "easy metro", because passed over the earth. Today, out of 10 km of the total length of the branch, 3.7 km are a ground flyover. Then, in 2014, she was the only one who was completely behind the Moscow Ring Road.