
Svetlana Okley: family and photos

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Svetlana Okley: family and photos
Svetlana Okley: family and photos

Svetlana Okley (photo below) is a Ukrainian criminal living in the city of Krasnodon in the Luhansk region. In 2012, together with her husband, she abducted a three-year-old girl Kristina Kabakova. As it later became known, the abduction was committed in order to hide from the authorities and society the fact of the absence of their adopted children in connection with their murder.

It turns out that in 2011, 42-year-old Svetlana Okley beat her adoptive daughters, Lisa and Katya, to death. This story caused the widest public resonance and shook the psyche of many eyewitnesses. No comments here. History has become popular not only within Ukraine, but also in many countries of the former Soviet Union. The case was even discussed at the Moscow famous talk show called "Let them talk." Svetlana Okley was hated by tens of millions of viewers. And you cannot blame them.


The Rainbow Story of Svetlana Okley's Family: “Hero Mother”

The Okley family from Krasnodon, in the Luhansk region, was set as an example for all residents of the city. A mining family with seven children lived prosperously, happily and happily. There were six girls and one boy in the family. The boy and two girls, Lisa and Katya, were adopted.

Everyone in the district knew that Svetlana Okley and her husband Alexander knew a lot about raising children, because they had an example to follow. Everyone spoke of Okley's children as educated and smart guys who always won all sorts of competitions and competitions of a sports and intellectual plan. 42-year-old mother Svetlana Okley wore the title of “mother heroine” and was engaged in a good deed - she composed children's poems, songs and fairy tales, which were subsequently published.

Despite the fact that Svetlana was engaged in samizdat, her literature was in demand among some acquaintances and just residents of the city. Svetlana also organized various children's and not only events within Krasnodon and the whole Lugansk region. In parallel with this, the woman was the founder of the children's family ensemble called Okley.


In 2003, the municipal leadership of Krasnodon presented a large and exemplary Okley family with a 5-room apartment in the very center of the city. Prior to this, the family lived in a nearby village (part of Krasnodon). In 2007, Svetlana was honored to receive the title of “mother-heroine” from the President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko himself. But according to surveys of the neighbors of the apartment building, the Okley family was described as uncommunicative, inhospitable, and closed.

The abduction of a 3 year old girl

In early August 2012, the police received a nervous call. This was a woman living in the village of Semeykino (Krasnodon district), who reported the disappearance of her 3-year-old daughter Kristina Kabakova. From her story, it became clear that the girl was abducted by unknown persons. According to the eldest six-year-old son, who was nearby at the time of the abduction, a motorcycle with a stroller pulled up to them, in which unfamiliar man and woman were sitting. Unknown persons grabbed the little girl and threw him into the carriage of the motorcycle, after which they disappeared in an unknown direction.

Search for the missing Christina Kabakova

In the city, the entire police were raised to their feet, including ordinary residents and volunteer organizations. According to the description of a six-year-old boy, a snapshot of the kidnappers was compiled. All the poles, entrances and fences were in the announcements of the abduction of the three-year-old Kristina Kabakova with the wanted identikit attached. Thanks to the quick reaction and well-coordinated work of society and law enforcement agencies, it was still possible to get on the trail of the desired criminals. As it turned out, a frightened girl was found under a bed littered with many old rags and blankets at Okley's dacha.


After a few minutes, the owners came here, who began to say that the girl is their daughter, and her name is Lisa. Soon, the real parents of Kristina Kabakova arrived at the house, who simply lost their head from shamelessness and rudeness on the part of Svetlana and Alexei Okley.

Realizing that they had been discovered, Okley began to try to get out of the situation in every possible way, arguing that they allegedly stole their unknown two daughters in the winter of last year. For some reason, they did not write a statement to the police, but decided to get even and steal someone else's child.

The son of Ilya asked the police to save him, complaining that his parents would kill him

In the house was the son of Ilya, who stunned by his appearance the authorities. The boy was full of abrasions and bloody bruises on both his face and body. Svetlana’s adoptive son, Okley, waited a moment until his mother noticed and pulled one policeman’s arm in his hand, whispering to him: “Save me, take me away from here, otherwise they will kill me here together.” When law enforcement officers remembered the wife of Alexander, Svetlana said that he was not at home. However, a few minutes later he was found in the attic of the house where he wanted to hide.


Operational detention: what are the motives

Alexandra and Svetlana were immediately detained and opened a criminal case. During interrogations, a sincere confession was written by the father and eldest daughter. The fact is that the true motives for the theft of a three-year-old girl was the desire to replace the previously deceased daughter Katya. It turns out that in February 2011 the so-called mother-heroine inflicted fatal injuries on her adopted daughter Lisa, and 9 months later, the second adopted daughter Katya died in a similar way. It turns out that the abducted three-year-old girl was needed in order to replace one of the dead girls.

"Mother Heroine" killed her adoptive daughters

In February 2011, Svetlana Okley set the cherished goal - to force her adoptive children to do everything that was ordered, and on demand. Subsequently, if the unfortunate children contradicted the requirements, she used physical force against them - beat her with fists on the head and legs throughout the body. Children incredibly suffered from pain, because the mother’s aggression went beyond the reasonable.

Svetlana Okley used maximum strength and anger to punish, beating the kids in every possible, sophisticated way. The first could not stand Lisa: soon she died from the received blows. When the “heroine mother” realized that her adopted daughter was dead, she ordered her husband and eldest daughter to destroy the body. Submitting to the will of an inadequate woman, they took Lisa's body out of town to the rural house in which they had previously lived. Thinking about how to get rid of the body, they came to the conclusion that the corpse should be burned. They burned in a metal boiler for four and a half hours.


Nine months later, the turn came to Katya. The case did not differ much from the previous one - for the slightest disobedience, Svetlana passed on to peculiar “educational measures”. Terribly beating the baby to death, her body was dismembered and buried in the same rural house outside the city. The story is also surprising in that, after two murders, the Okley family continued, as before, to take part in the cultural and social life of the city.

The eldest daughter Julia Okley told how her mother mocked children

During the trial, the eldest daughter Julia Okley said that the children were punished almost every day even for minor oversights, they stood in the corner for days on end. The severity and cruelty of Svetlana knew no bounds: if the punished child, standing in the corner, made too much movement or made a sound, then the mother was furious and began to beat the baby. Katya always had big bumps on her head, and sometimes, unable to withstand strong blows, the girl fainted. Also in court, everyone was shocked when they learned that a “loving mother” had pierced Katya’s lower jaw through and through. Confessing, the eldest daughter Julia said that when she fed Katya, food rolled down from her chin and flowed out, since the hole was through the entire oral cavity.

Charges and Sentence

42-year-old Svetlana was charged with the murder of two daughters - Lisa and Katya. In addition, husband Alexander, Svetlana herself and the eldest daughter Julia were accused of abducting a child (3-year-old Kristina Kabakova). Alexandra and Svetlana were taken into custody, and Yulia was given freedom, due to the fact that she immediately repented and committed illegal actions, being subject to the influence of her parents.


At the same time, a criminal case was opened against the leadership of the Children's Affairs Service. The militia considered that service workers should have monitored the family and the condition of the children accepted into it. As you might guess, nobody conscientiously did their job. It was also surprising that in the medical records of the dead girls there were vaccinations in May 2012, and they died in 2011.

Litigation: the lawyer could not stand it and called the defendant “a monster”

On December 11, 2012, Alexander and Svetlana Okley, as well as their eldest daughter Julia, appeared in court. Julia and Alexander pleaded guilty and confirmed that Svetlana was mocking and, in the end, mortally beat her adoptive daughters. Not a single representative of the judicial law enforcement bodies doubted the guilt of the “mother heroine”; she was the only opposition. Svetlana Okley insisted that her children were abducted, and all the charges against her were fabricated.

Svetlana’s atrocities and sadism were shocked even by her lawyer, who in the courtroom called his client a real monster. In turn, Svetlana was offended by this wording and therefore was forced to find a new lawyer. At the trial, she convinced everyone that the charges were falsified, and her husband Alexander and daughter Julia are lovers who want to put her in jail.

Results: how long

Svetlana Okley's sentence amounted to 15 years in prison, and her husband was sentenced to 4 years in prison. Daughter Julia also received a 4-year sentence for assistance in the crimes committed, however, due to her pregnancy, she received a 3-year deferral.

After the case of Svetlana Okley was made public, the public began to resonate about the too short time for the so-called “mother-heroine”. As it turned out, Svetlana was pregnant, and this circumstance is mitigating. It saved the killer mother from maximum punishment.
