
Socialite Nadezhda Obolentseva: biography, age, personal life

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Socialite Nadezhda Obolentseva: biography, age, personal life
Socialite Nadezhda Obolentseva: biography, age, personal life

The protagonist of the capital’s secular chronicles recently again became the secular lioness known in certain circles and the successful business lady Nadezhda Obolentseva. The biography, age, details of her personal life excite the public. No sooner had the rumor calmed down about her previous wedding, when Nadezhda again decided to stun her many followers. Who is she? Where did you come from and how did you achieve all that modern girls dream of? And rightly so, there is something to be interested in, because this lady, according to rumors, has become the new darling of the famous oligar Roman Abramovich.


Biography of Nadezhda Obolentseva

The age at which businesswomen is now located has long been called "Balzac". She is now 34 years old. This is the period when you can draw some conclusions and analyze the first real successes and achievements.

The date of birth of Nadezhda Obolentseva is July 24, 1983. Nadia was born in a family of indigenous Muscovites in the diplomatic service.

At home, Hope spent only the first few years after birth. Later, her parents were forced to move for a long period of tenure in Central America. They took their daughter with them. Here, Nadia quickly mastered Spanish (the main language of the region), which subsequently, of course, came in handy.

Despite some advantages and benefits of the diplomatic service, Nadia did not want to follow in the footsteps of her parents. She was more attracted to journalism. It was at this faculty of Moscow State University that she entered when the time came. In parallel, Nadezhda studied at the faculty of art history of the same MSU. Both of these directions were successfully completed by her in due time.

Editorial activity

After graduation, Nadezhda worked for a short time in her chosen specialty as the editor of the glamorous glossy publication Tatler. In this magazine, which tells about fashion news and trends in the fashion industry, she oversaw a column of socialitechronicles.

Everything turned out perfectly: life in the capital, parents who have the opportunity to provide their daughter with a prosperous future, a diploma from a prestigious Russian university, work in one of the best publications in the world, but Nadezhda did not want to stop there.

"Club 418"

The biography of Nadezhda Obolentseva, whose age by that time could still be called young, a little time later was enriched with a new page. She became one of the founders of the intellectual community of like-minded people called "Club 418". In the team of creators, Irina Kudrina, the wife of a famous Russian politician, spoke with her.

Then it was the first such club of interests created in Moscow. At first, everything was not very rosy, I had to invite visitors, organizing interesting lectures with different representatives of modern art and science.


Today, "Club 418" is a closed community, to become a member of which is possible only on the recommendation of people who are already in it.

Later, a branch of this worthy institution was opened in the northern capital. In addition, applications for opening divisions were received from many cities of Russia.

Personal life

Despite the apparent busyness with career growth and business prosperity, Nadezhda’s personal life is in full swing. With the special status of the founder of the first of its kind, she did not become a “blue stocking” and an “independent businesswoman”.

The partner in her first serious relationship, which almost ended in a wedding, was none other than the famous skater, Olympic champion and simply handsome Anton Sikharulidze.

However, Anton, apparently, yielded “to some indicators” to her first husband, to whom Nadezhda ran away from the “Ice King” just before the wedding.

First marriage

Why the first? Quite right, Hope managed to be married not once, but about everything in order.

So, her first husband was businessman Denis Mikhailov. This man is one of the modern oligarchs of Russian origin. His wife had everything at her disposal: a huge villa in Hollywood (like a castle made of crystal), by the way, among her neighbors was Madonna herself, and in addition, a whole fleet of luxury cars with personal numbers. However, it was not his condition that conquered Hope, because she herself was from a far from poor family. Denis fabulously looked after, gave flowers, expensive gifts and simply surrounded with luxury. He devoted a lot of time to his young wife, but this did not last long. Very soon, his wife lost the priority among the priorities of the businessman and receded into the background in his endless pursuit of profit.


After three years of marriage, Nadezhda realized that she was bored, and she fled to her parents in her native Moscow. Today, she calls her first marriage a mistake and regrets that this happened.

Second marriage

The second chosen one of Nadezhda was the top manager of the group of companies "Neftegazindustriya".

Nadezhda Obolentseva and Airat Iskhakov met by chance in a cafe long before her divorce from Denis Mikhailov. He patiently waited for his moment, knowing then that she was engaged to Sikharulidze. Later, he was somewhat discouraged by her sudden marriage to Mikhailov. And when, finally, the divorce of Nadezhda Obolentseva and her first husband, the oligarch, was officially formalized, Ayrat Iskhakov threw everything at the feet of her lover.

Lush wedding

Marriage is the brightest page in the biography of Nadezhda Obolentseva. Her husband, by the way, is 16 years older than her own.

So, this most grandiose event took place in 2014 on the Italian lake Como. Luxury villa immersed in the splendor of many roses. And the wedding cake seemed to be decorated with a whole million of these flowers, though made of cream.

A wealthy groom bought three dresses for the most fabulous day of his beloved. One from the Russian fashion designer is Valentin Yudashkin, as well as two outfits of exclusive work by Dolce & Gabbana. Nadezhda went to the altar in lacy splendor from Italian designers, the unconditional decoration of which was a chic veil.


Wedding rings of the newlyweds are made by Graff by special order. The bride’s ring was decorated with a huge diamond, and the groom’s ring was made according to the personal sketch of Nadezhda.

After the official part, a banquet followed. A large number of the richest and most famous guests were invited to the celebration. It seemed that the whole bohemian Moscow flew to this festival. Among those present, one could see the model and Miss World Ksenia Sukhinova, the Syutkin spouses, singer Natalya Ionova (Glucose), the Yudashkin family and many others.

The guests and young people were entertained by the sparkling Ivan Urgant, the sweet-voiced Eros Ramazotti, the unpredictable Sergey Shnurov, as well as the legendary group Mumiy Troll.

Until the morning, the gastronomic tastes of the guests were appeased by a variety of delicacies prepared by the best Italian chefs.


However, the fantastic wedding, which was discussed for a long time by the whole bohemian party of the capital, did not become the key to a long and happy life. Nadezhda Obolentseva and Airat Iskhakov divorced after only a couple of years after the marriage.

The details of this breakup are not known to the general public. Hope, being a real lady not only in words, does not reveal the secrets of family life.

Today, she can often be seen at social events alone or in the company of her bosom friend Svetlana Bondarchuk.

The latter, by the way, also recently divorced her husband, the famous film director Fyodor Bondarchuk.
