
Member of the project "House-2" Roman Kapakly: biography

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Member of the project "House-2" Roman Kapakly: biography
Member of the project "House-2" Roman Kapakly: biography

A stately athlete appeared on the perimeter of the Dom-2 television project on July 3, 2017. One of the professional team players, the champion of the Russian Federation in basketball, came to TNT in search of love. Read the article to learn more about the biography of Roman Kapakly.

Nationality and place of residence

Many fans of the TV show are interested in the origin of the hero with an interesting surname. By nationality, the young man is Moldovan. Born and raised in St. Petersburg, where he lives to this day.

Biography of Roman Kapakly began on November 6, 1998. The main business since childhood has been sports. He succeeded well: at a young age he showed excellent results.


Sports achivments

From the age of 10 he was engaged in Greco-Roman wrestling and taekwondo. He later became interested in combat sambo. He relied on this sport, but health problems did not allow the athlete to express himself fully.

Biography of Roman Kapakly rich in interesting facts. He was engaged in tennis, biathlon, street dancing. A visit to the gym is a mandatory daily program. He is very sensitive to the issue of nutrition and tries to use only healthy foods. I am sure that every person should lead such a lifestyle.

Studying at a sports university and in the future dreams of building a coaching career.

Participation in the television project "Dom-2"

Before the "House-2" Roma did not have a serious relationship. The concept of love was unfamiliar to him.


At the age of 18, Roman Kapakly, whose biography is interesting to many viewers, decided to come to the project with the goal of building relationships. On the first day, he admitted that he feels more comfortable in the company of older women. His choice fell on a longtime resident of the perimeter Marina Afrikantova. The age difference between the participants is 10 years.

But relations with Marina did not start immediately. On the first day of filming a reality show, he brought his favorite to tears. The reason for this reaction was his frivolity and sharp jokes about the girl. But in the Seychelles, he managed to rehabilitate himself and exalt himself in the eyes of Marina. After the first date it became clear - to be a couple. Soon they officially announced their seriousness of intent.