
Street Barsky Ponds (Fryazino): description, history and interesting facts

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Street Barsky Ponds (Fryazino): description, history and interesting facts
Street Barsky Ponds (Fryazino): description, history and interesting facts

The small town of Fryazino in the Moscow region with a population of just over 60 thousand people is famous not only for its scientific and technical institutions, but also for its amazing nature. Thousands of tourists, fishermen and just lovers of quiet, beautiful places with a rich history come here to the famous Barsky Ponds in Fryazino. Until recently, local residents feared that the old street, along with the estate, would be built up with high-rise buildings and shopping centers, but a decision was made to include this territory in the protected zone of the region’s historical and architectural heritage.


The legend of the ponds

Each corner in Russia has its own story, partially or completely embellished with colorful moments and famous characters. So the story of Barsky Ponds Street has a rather confusing and controversial foundation.

Locals are very willing to tell visitors the most popular legend about the origin of these reservoirs. Like, they were digging them back in the 18th century, the minions of the famous Russian rebel Emelyan Pugachev, convicted to hard labor. In favor of this theory is the fact of the presence of surnames that are not familiar to this area, but typical of the Volga region: Subbotins, Zinichins, etc.

However, some local historians note the artificiality of this theory, arguing that the legend was invented back in Soviet times, when kinship with people who once fought with the tsarist government was considered a blessing. Others believe that history originated in the middle of the XIX century, with the beginning of literacy in villages near Moscow. And local history teachers came up with or remade it.


There are ancient sources - “Scribe Books”, which tells about the history of this region already from the XVI century. This source mentions both the village of Fryazino and the large pond near it. So, the Pugachevites could not have anything to do with digging this pond.

It is clear that the history of digging of the Barsky ponds of Fryazino and the laying of the island are connected with the name of one of the close associates of Catherine II, General Alexander Ilyich Bibikov. But it remained a mystery how and why this legend of the Volga Bunatry appeared. It is likely that for his merits in paying off the Pugachevsky rebellion, in which Bibikov participated, he was granted land on the Volga. And that the general brought part of the Volga peasants to Fryazino, and they spread the idea of ​​convicts participating in large-scale construction.

Until the end, this mystery was not solved. On the one hand, there is a historical document that speaks of the existence of a pond a hundred years before the start of the Pugachev riot, on the other hand, several generations of people who grew up on the legend of convicts and do not know another truth.


Lyuboseevka River

Barsky ponds Fryazino could not exist without a small but picturesque river Lyuboseevka. The river is only 12-14 km long, it flows through the city of Fryazino, and affects several neighboring villages. Lyuboseevka is a source of water for the entire district. The largest city enterprise is located on the shore. A dam was erected here, as well as two technical and three ordinary ponds.

Many tourists are interested in the question of whether it is possible to swim in the Barsky ponds of Fryazino and the Lyuboseevka river. Over the past 10-15 years, the water in these places has practically deteriorated, doctors are sounding the alarm, noting outbreaks of disease both among animals and fish, and among people. Local residents are not recommended to swim in the ponds, but such an appeal is not always respected.

The most picturesque place is Barsky Pond, the history of which is associated either with the general of Catherine’s times, Bibikov, or with Dmitry Trubetskoy. Along the banks of the river are ancient churches, as well as the famous Grebnev estate, which today is a place of federal importance and is protected by law.


The history of the estate Grebneva

Barsky ponds of Fryazino attract tourists with their unusualness and the spirit of ancient Russian estates. With the enormous efforts of unknown workers, probably serfs or prisoners, a huge pond was dug and two islands were poured, one of which has survived to this day. According to some reports, an English garden was laid out on one of the islands.

The estate is a grand architectural ensemble. For more than three hundred years of its existence, he moved from one owner to another, rebuilt and changed. Under Prince Trubetskoy, who was an associate of Pozharsky, large-scale hydraulic works on the Lyuboseevka river were begun.

The manor that has survived to this day has received under General Bibikov, who built a large house, house buildings, as well as a church. The next owner, Prince Golitsin, had a very impressive fortune, so he took up the conversion of the estate with special enthusiasm. Two outbuildings, an entrance arch and St. Nicholas Church were built.


The sad fate of one manor

This place was not always lucky with the owners. In 1845, the estate goes to the merchant Panteleev, who sets up a plant for the production of vitriol in the palace interior. With such barbaric treatment, the interior of the manor house was significantly damaged and was partially restored only by the next owner of the estate, the merchant Kondrashov, who was originally a peasant in the village of Fryazino.

In the new century, a new life begins at the estate. The doctor Fyodor Grinevsky organizes a sanatorium here, which turned out to be very useful, since most representatives of the Moscow intelligentsia, in connection with the outbreak of the First World War, were unable to travel to popular European resorts and were happy to travel to the nearest Moscow region.

Current status and development plans

With the advent of Soviet power, the rich and beautiful estate was overtaken by the same fate as most of the architectural structures of Russia. It was looted, the valuable interior was destroyed, the remaining walls were desecrated. Until 1960, the estate passed from hand to hand, patients with tuberculosis were treated here, and local enterprises were also located.

From 1960, it seemed, the revival of the famous Grebnev estate began, writers, artists came here, and art conferences were convened. An attempt was even made to reconstruct, but in 1991, unexpectedly and for unknown reasons, the estate burned down almost completely. Many spoke of this fire as a popular way of buying land in those years. But both the site and the ruins of ancient buildings remain without due attention. Moreover, in 2007 there was a new fire, which destroyed the roof and finally destroyed the stables building. Three years ago, in 2014, they tried to auction the estate, but so far no restoration has been carried out.

And still, every year hundreds of tourists come to the Moscow estate of the Russian princes and Barsky ponds of Russia to the Moscow region. They are attracted by the beauty of nature, and the mystery of the once famous and beautiful estate.

Historical monuments

Barsky pond in the history and modernity of the city of Fryazino plays a paramount role. This is not just a “trick” of the region, but also a favorite and safeguarded place for relaxing, fishing or swimming. Although in the past few years, authorities have strongly recommended not to swim in the Lyuboseevka River and the ponds located on it.

On the territory of the estate and the village of Grebnevo there are important historical and architectural objects. The western and eastern outbuildings are considered to be the oldest buildings. According to the documents, their construction dates back to the end of the 18th century. The Triumphal Arch at the entrance to the estate was well preserved; it was erected in 1821.

The temple in the name of the icon of the Grebnevskaya Mother of God deserves great attention, the creation of which was attended by General Bibikov and the entire population of neighboring villages. Their names were immortalized on a memorial plaque stored in the temple. From all other churches in Russia, the temple is distinguished by the presence on the dome of an archangel holding a cross.


In addition to historical values, guests from neighboring regions are attracted by excellent fishing. It has become a tradition for residents of Moscow and other neighboring cities to come to the Barsky Pond Fryazino for fishing. Pike, perch, crucian carp and roach are found here. According to fishermen’s reviews, the catch is not very rich, but they are attracted by the silence and beauty of these places, here you can relax and forget in nature.

It is known that fish were bred here at the beginning of the XVIII century, launched perch, pike perch, bream and even sterlet. Since that time, environmental conditions have changed a lot, and no one is watching the conservation of fauna. In recent years, everyone has noted the pollution of the pond. A local enterprise is located on the shore, and waste from city canals is likely to be lowered here. Fishermen have often noticed dead birds and fish that have washed ashore.



There are no special tourist routes or excursions to these places. People come to Barsky ponds when they hear about this place from friends or read on the Internet about the beauty of this amazing land. Although swimming in the Barsky pond Fryazino is not recommended by the Ministry of Health of the region due to poor water conditions, in summer there are many tourists on the banks of the river and pond. Some come here every year.

All sights are not far from each other: a manor, a pond, churches. And some are somewhat hidden from prying eyes and require knowledge to find them. So, in the regular garden of the estate, near the church, you can find the remains of two more artificial ponds that were once decorated with marble. Around Fryazino there are rich and dense forests, here locals collect mushrooms and berries, tourists are not recommended to go into the depths of the forest on their own.

Travel Tips

Fryazino index (Barsky ponds) - 141195, you can get here from the Yaroslavl station by train for 1 hour with a little. There are also buses and fixed-route taxis from the Shchelkovskaya metro station. In the city itself there are few attractions: Alley of heroes, monuments and busts of honored figures of the country. The city has a mosque and 8 churches, some of which are architectural monuments.

Traditionally, all tourists come to Fryazino on the street. Barsky ponds, where all the interesting sights of the city are concentrated.

The cost of apartments in the area

Recently, this city near Moscow has become a popular place to live. More and more residents of the capital began to move to a beautiful and quiet place. Over the past few years, several apartment buildings have been built here, inexpensive cottage villages have been erected.

A one-room apartment (Fryazino, Barsky ponds) with all the amenities, but without much repair, will cost 2-2.5 million rubles. In the city center, prices are slightly higher, from 3 million rubles, but still much lower than in Moscow. To the capital 40 min. - 1 hour by train and 30-40 minutes. by car, because many choose Fryazino for permanent residence.


Hotels and restaurants

For temporary residence in the city, it is easy to find hotels and hostels. The cost of living near the street Barsky ponds in Fryazino starts at 500 p. For example, near the railway station the Gorodok Hotel is open around the clock, which offers both economy-class and luxury rooms. In the city center there is a multifunctional center “Fryazino M”, which provides services of a cafe-restaurant, hotel and its own bakery. The complex specializes in providing high-level service, mainly to residents of Moscow.

The city has dozens of cafes and pizzerias, bars and fast foods. Of the network cafes, there is only Burger King, the rest of the establishments are typical only for this area.

Sberbank ATMs are located in Fryazino at the following addresses: ul. Komsomolskaya, d.19, building. 3, st. Shkolnaya, d. 1., Alfa-Bank - Prospekt Mira, d. 8.

Crime stories

Fryazino, like the whole of Moscow Region, is a favorite place for meetings of criminal authorities. In the 90s there were also clashes of groups over spheres of influence. So, in 2001, the Abkhaz criminal king Alkhas Agrba was detained here, who tried to "pull over" all spheres of influence in the city and the region.

One of the last detentions took place directly on Barsky Prudy Street, one of the criminal authorities named Meshcher was arrested here. He was subordinate to the ethnic groups of the city, which sold drugs throughout the suburbs.