
Violet Harmon: Interesting Character Information

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Violet Harmon: Interesting Character Information
Violet Harmon: Interesting Character Information

Video: Violet Harmon is NOT cool! 2024, June

Video: Violet Harmon is NOT cool! 2024, June

Violet Harmon is the real name of the character in the American Horror Story series. Parents of the girl as a result of family disagreements and quarrels decided to move from Boston to Los Angeles. There they randomly populate the Killer House. The role of Violet was played by the young talented actress Taissa Farmiga.

Development of events


Violet’s mother, a housewife of Vivienne, had a dead child, and her father Ben, who worked as a psychiatrist, cheated on his wife with one of his students.

Harmons decide to get rid of all family problems with a change of residence. Such circumstances transfer them to Los Angeles - to the house that they got at a low price. They were pleased with the purchase, despite the fact that, according to the realtor, in the basement there was once a long time ago a murder.

Despite the fact that the appearance of Violet Harmon was quite attractive, in the new school, the girl did not immediately get along with other guys. And the first one with whom the conflict arose was classmate Leah.

New acquaintance


Support from parents Violet Harmon did not have to wait, as they were completely absorbed in their own problems. Therefore, the girl was depressed.

At that moment, when she wanted to cut the veins in the bathroom, one of her father’s patients named Tate came in and said that she was committing suicide wrongly. Later, the guys became friends, which her father really did not like, because Ben considered Tate dangerous, since he told scary stories at psychotherapy sessions.

Upon learning of Leah's bullying over Violet Harmon, Tate offered to teach a classmate a lesson. The guys lured Leah into the basement and turned off the light. After that, terrible sounds began to be heard, so both girls were scared, although Tate insisted that there was no one else there.

In one episode, Violet and her mother were left at home alone. At that moment, they were attacked by three guys who wanted to recreate the murder that once happened in this house. However, thanks to Tate, they managed to escape.

One evening, Violet decides to go down to the basement and meets a latex man there. She is terribly scared until she realizes that in front of her is a laughing Tate, who decided to scare her. Then the guy tells her about the first owners of this terrible house - Charles and Nora Montgomery. However, the girl did not believe this, and instead asked Tate about a date.

Intensity of emotions

In the episode "Mumps and Pig, " Violet Harmon was browsing articles on the Internet and realized that on Halloween she saw ghosts, including people who died at the hands of Tate. The girl cannot bear all this and tries to commit suicide by swallowing Leah's tablets. Tate comes to her rescue again and brings her to her senses. Then the guy declares her love and understands that it is mutual.

After another suicide attempt, from which Violet rescues a guy, Tate takes her word from her to never do this again. Meanwhile, the girl’s parents organize a family dinner in honor of her, but this only annoys her. She leaves for the attic, where she encounters the ghost of Bo. As Tate later explained to her, Violet sees ghosts because she is special.