
Vitaliy Zakharchenko: biography, personal life, photo

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Vitaliy Zakharchenko: biography, personal life, photo
Vitaliy Zakharchenko: biography, personal life, photo

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Video: ED1000 - Revolutionary Shockwave Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction 2024, June

Vitaliy Zakharchenko is a man who made an excellent political career and reached incredible heights in his country. He was a very successful Ukrainian lawyer and eventually became the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Vitaliy Yuryevich Zakharchenko (family, photo politician is of interest to many), became known throughout the world in 2014, during the events on the Ukrainian Maidan.


Then, as a minister, he decided to forcefully disperse the protesters, which turned against him when a change in the higher government took place in Ukraine. After that, Vitaly Yuryevich Zakharchenko (whose family, of course, followed him) was forced to leave the territory of his country. At first he went to the Crimea, then went to Russia, where he received citizenship and remained in permanent residence.

Brief data on the youth of the future minister

Vitaly Yuryevich Zakharchenko, whose biography is presented in the material, was born on January 20, 1963 in the Donetsk region, namely in a small town called Konstantinovka. His parents were simple workers: his mother worked in the fuel depot of the railway, and his father worked there as a machinist.

Received education

Vitaliy Zakharchenko (see photo in the article) graduated from local secondary school No. 15 in 1980 and decided to connect his future life with jurisprudence. However, immediately after school, he got a job. Since 1981, Vitaly worked at the local metallurgical plant. Frunze. It is known that he soon went to Riga, where he studied at a special police school of the MVS SRSR.


Vitaliy Zakharchenko graduated from this institution in 1986 and continued his studies also in Riga, at the branch of the Minsk Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He graduated from the National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. During the entire training period, Vitaly Yuryevich Zakharchenko (Minister of Internal Affairs in the future) received specialization in several areas, including accounting and auditing; law enforcement.


For a long time, the future minister worked in the internal affairs bodies. In the period from 1984 to 2008, he held various operational positions, and also worked in senior positions. In 2008, he resigned from the Ministry of Internal Affairs by age, while receiving the title of Major General of the Police. Further, a little more than a year, from 2008 to 2009, Vitaliy Yuryevich Zakharchenko was appointed deputy chairman of the STA (tax administration) in the Poltava region.

A close friend of Yanukovych Jr.

Many characterize Zakharchenko as a strong-willed person who has had great ambitions since his youth. He always strove for leadership positions and, by virtue of his character, was never willing to play secondary roles. But at the same time, further rapid growth in the career of Vitaliy Yuryevich is associated not with his character, but with the fact that he was close to the family of Yanukovych - the then president of Ukraine. A well-known fact is that the future minister was in close friendly relations with the president’s son, Alexander. In December 2010, Zakharchenko was appointed head of the tax service of Ukraine.


And already in 2011, Viktor Yanukovych by his decree dismissed the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and appointed Zakharchenko in his place. Thus, a new Minister of the Interior appeared in Ukraine.

The sad events of 2014

For three years, Zakharchenko was in charge of his ministry, but an unexpected end came in 2014. The notorious events of Euromaidan drew public attention to the activities of the Minister. To say that the situation prevailing in Kiev was tense - to say nothing. As you know, thousands of protesters gathered on the Maidan, and this rally was originally exclusively peaceful in nature. Then information appeared that executions of civilians had begun. The media said that they shot both the civilian population and the soldiers of the Berkut detachment, but it was impossible to find out who became the instigator of the provocations.


There was a complete mess on the Maidan, and it was only clear that several dozen peaceful protesters were shot. It is these people who went down in history under the name “heavenly hundred”.


The first and main version of the one who was involved in the shooting of civilians, of course, was the fact that the soldiers of the Berkut detachment (which was disbanded in Ukraine after these unfortunate events) were the first to open fire. Since the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who directly oversaw and gave orders to this special unit, was Zakharchenko, it was he who was accused of mass executions.


February 21, 2014 Vitaliy Zakharchenko by the decision of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine was urgently removed from his duties. He was accused of exceeding his official powers, executing illegal orders, and also that he ordered the use of firearms against civilians. It was stated that his actions violated a number of constitutional rights of Ukrainian citizens.

Hasty move to Russia

After such accusations, the ex-minister, of course, hastened to leave the country. Initially, the Ukrainian media voiced information that Vitaliy Yuryevich left the territory of Ukraine on the night of February 21-22, 2014 and went to neighboring Belarus. He fled from his country in a car that was accompanied by fighters of the Sokol detachment. On the afternoon of February 22, information appeared that the Prime Minister had been spotted at the Donetsk airport, where the border guards had not let him out, and the Minister disappeared, leaving the airport premises. After that, for a very long time, until April 2015, the whereabouts of Zakharchenko was unknown.

The former ex-minister made himself known only in the spring of 2015. He gave an interview on Channel One and stated that he now has Russian citizenship and lives with his family in Russia, respectively.

Many disclosures and the opening of a criminal case

Even when Zakharcheno was in a high ministerial post, periodically there were various publications in the press in which it was said that Vitaly Yuryevich and his family were clearly not living on ministerial salaries. The country house, which can hardly be called otherwise than the mansions, was especially publicized. This mansion is located near Kiev, in a village called Podgortsy. The building occupied a rather large territory, the length of the fence only along the road took 300 m. In addition to the main house, there was a separate house for security, a garage for several cars. A helicopter hangar was built very close to the mansion, and there was also a helipad. The question of what funds Vitaly Yurievich built a similar mansion for a long time remained open.


Later, Zakharchenko was charged with illegally receiving more than 1 million hryvnias from a certain advertising agency called Zhorsonk, which was paid to him as royalties. This amount was even declared in the tax return of the ex-minister, that is, the receipt of funds seemed quite legitimate. But later it was established by the investigation that the Zhorsonk agency was actually created not with the goal of conducting any activity, but in order to fictitiously launder income and receipts into Vitaly Yuryevich’s accounts.

Accusation of a ministerial family of illegal income

Soon, various accusations of Zakharchenko in taking large bribes began to appear. In addition, it became known that members of his family received millions of hryvnias as income from fictitious enterprises, among which there was BF Ukrbud LLC. This organization was registered in Odessa, and in 2013 it was officially declared bankrupt. At the same time, relatives of Zakharchenko, namely one of his daughters, son-in-law and spouse, for a long time received large amounts from the bankrupt, which in total reached the figure of more than 81 million UAH.

Zakharchenko Vitaliy: personal life

The ex-minister has been officially married for a long time. It is known that his wife's name is Lyudmila Valentinovna, in their marriage they had two daughters. In Ukraine, Lyudmila Zakharchenko was known not only as the wife of the minister, but also as a professional breeder of Maltese lapdogs. This business hobby brought the woman a decent income, since the average cost of a dog of this breed reaches $ 5, 000.


In Ukraine, Zakharchenko had his own nursery. After the events of 2014, it was announced that Lyudmila Valentinovna was selling this business. But after she went after her husband to Russia, Lyudmila continued to engage in the breeding and sale of Maltese lapdogs already there.