
Wobbler - what is it? Types of Wobblers

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Wobbler - what is it? Types of Wobblers
Wobbler - what is it? Types of Wobblers

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The terminology in the hobby world is often incomprehensible to the layman. Fishing is also a whole world, interesting and diverse. Some tackle and lure names may not be familiar to beginners. In our article, we are going to consider one of the fisherman's best friends - the bait wobbler. In advertising, almost everyone could hear this name, but not everyone decided to take an interest in this interesting little thing. So what is a wobbler and what is its exclusivity?

What is a wobbler

Wobbler is a type of artificial bait. It is made of special plastic, sometimes it is made independently of wood.

The name of such a bait comes from the English verb to wobble, which means "swing sideways, shake, roll over from side to side." In other countries, so-called special thin baubles.

The shape of the wobbler imitates the shape of a fish, sick or wounded, that is, easily accessible prey for predatory fish. Some models are equipped with tongues. The tongue of a wobbler is a larger or smaller scapula located in the head of a fish bait. The degree of deepening depends on the size of the tongue: the larger it is, the more the bait deepens.

Wobbler manufacturers are trying to give the bait a color and a game so that they bring a good catch to the fishermen.

We continue our acquaintance with a special bait called a wobbler. This photo will give us an idea of ​​what different colors it may have.


Characteristics of wobblers

Many models of wobblers have been developed. These or those characteristics necessary for various fishing conditions are emphasized. Highlight such features of lures-wobblers:

1. Body shape - as close as possible to what the predator's favorite food has. She is given a certain flaw that will give her a disease or wound. "Non-ideal" and is attractive to fish.


2. Color is a very difficult criterion, since fish preferences change according to mood, that is, they depend on weather, season, water properties, depth, and fish activity.

3. Buoyancy - a criterion by which three main classes of wobblers are determined, which we will talk about later.

4. Oscillation frequency - created by the shape of the wobbler and the scapula located at the “head” of the bait. On this basis, wobblers are low, medium and high frequency, as well as those that do not oscillate at all.

5. Depth, that is, depth in the water column, on which a certain model of the wobbler works. Depending on this criterion, baits can be superficial, shallow, deep-sea and such that work at an average depth (2-3 m).

6. Casting range - is provided by the weight of the wobbler itself and a special system, which is balls rolling in the tail of the bait when swinging the rod.

7. Noise chamber - the bait has a rattle or does not produce any sounds.


Types of Wobblers

There is no single strict classification of wobblers, since this would be too difficult a task. Due to the variety of models, we give only a classification by buoyancy, perhaps this is the best way to somehow generalize our knowledge.

1. Floating

The floating wobbler remains on the surface of the water. It is best used on the shallows, because it will not collect garbage and bottom algae. Such baits will allow you to get around snags and other obstacles if they appear on the way without clinging and without creating a risk of breaking the line and loss of bait.

2. Sinking

Wobblers, which when cast go to the bottom. It takes them some time to go down. Use this bait only in reservoirs with a clean bottom, since the biggest minus of sinking wobblers is frequent breaks when snagged by driftwood and algae.

3. With neutral buoyancy

Such wobblers have another, more famous name - suspenders. This group of lures is separate from the others, and therefore we will consider it separately.


Wobbler Suspender: what is it?

A special group of lures is suspension wobblers. They have neutral buoyancy, that is, they can hang in the water column. The name comes from the English suspend - suspend.

The peculiarity of the suspender is its ability to remain at the point of stopping the lead. That is, if we lead the bait, quickly or slowly, smoothly or jerkily, and decide to pause, then the bait will remain in the same place.

Suspenders are used in cases where the fish do not even pay attention to the moving bait. Passing the wobbler-suspender in the water column and pausing in movement, we act fish on the nerves. This encourages her to attack a possible feed, frozen in range.

The manufacture of suspenders is complicated, so not every company undertakes it.

Where are wobblers used?

Further developing the topic, we will draw an intermediate conclusion. So, we realized that the wobbler is a great bait for predatory fish. It is used only for spinning fishing.

As for the geography of use, wobblers will be relevant both in still and running water, in the sea and on a small pond. Everywhere where predatory fish is found, one or another wobbler model can be used with benefit.

What gives the color of the bait

The colors of wobblers can be found in a wide variety. The most universal are considered golden, silver and green.

By color, wobblers can conditionally be divided into two types: annoying and natural. It is easy to understand that natural wobblers are those that have natural discreet shades.

Natural - the natural color of hunting objects (fry, tadpoles, frogs, etc.) that are in the pond (or may get there). Our predator reacts to such colors almost always stably, but with annoying ones - a completely different matter. You can get on an unforgettable nibble that will surpass natural colors, or you can not even see the bite.


How to choose wobblers

A beginner in fishing is more likely to get confused, trying to find the right lure in the store without preparation. There are specific signs by which you can choose the right bait. So, it is worth deciding on what:

1. The depth at which we catch.

2. The transparency of water.

3. The speed of the current.

And also you need to decide who we are going to catch.

It is worth relying on other factors: in deep muddy water, bright wobblers will work better. With a strong current, it is better not to use a bait with a large spatula, since it can interfere with the game.

Fish also have their own preferences: pike perch like elongated baits, pike like large slow-moving ones, but perch will like almost any small but actively moving bait.

The quality of the wobbler matters. Cheap Chinese goods from the pros have only accessibility. They often do not possess even a tenth of the features needed to attract a catch.
