
Castles in the air, or what clouds are

Castles in the air, or what clouds are
Castles in the air, or what clouds are

Video: Castle in the air - Don McLean Original 2024, July

Video: Castle in the air - Don McLean Original 2024, July

Each of us watched the clouds, how they suddenly appear in the sky and then they swim, changing their shape: either a dog, a fish, a castle with towers, or a caravan of camels. So, let's figure out what the clouds are.

Different, but at the same time, the same.

Cumulus clouds. Metamorphoses occur precisely with them. These are snow-white clouds that grow right before your eyes. They are called "messengers of good weather." But is it only good? Of course not! They, like any others, carry both downpours and rains, but, however, are short-lived.


Cirrus clouds are faithful messengers of the rains. If you saw them, then after two days, wait for the rains. They are thin and translucent, resembling feathers in appearance. The sun and moon shine through them. They are being replaced by other clouds, which are lowering lower and lower … They are layered and rain, clouds are overflowing with water. In mountainous areas, they sink so low that everything around is immersed in a ghostly fog.


Lentils. Some clouds have such an unusual shape that they are easily mistaken for a UFO. Only this "object" does not fly. These are perfectly calm, motionless clouds. Even the wind will not make them budge! Their other name is “torpedoes”. I think it’s not worth explaining that they called them that because of the striking resemblance to the shape of a torpedo, dolphin or any other oblong streamlined object.


Often over the mountains you can see a cloudy “waving flag”. This happens due to the air rushing over the peak covered with snow, which then cools and condenses. The water vapor that is in the air begins to condense into a cloud that looks like a flag through which air flows. If you stand under this "flag", then you will experience certain sensations …

Speaking of what kind of clouds there are, it should be noted that “lentils” and “waving flags” are an indisputable sign of worsening weather. “Torpedoes” are an invasion of “alien” air, accompanied by hurricanes, rains, blizzards and heavy snow!

Not all that glitters is gold …

A unique natural phenomenon - clouds with a silver sheen. Admire them in the photo. These clouds were first observed by the famous Petersburg astronomer Cerarsky in the 19th century. For a long time, science could not determine what kind of "fruits" these are, and what kind of clouds there are of this variety yet. Only when it became possible to follow them from space did much become clear. It is proved that they arise due to fine particles from the Earth and micrometeorites flying from space. All this plays the role of condensation nuclei for moisture, which rises high above the planet.


By the way, there are other opinions as to what silver clouds are. For example, some scientists claim that they can be formed by particles of volcanic dust. This version got its life after the most powerful eruption of the volcano Krakatau. Other scientists say that these are very small particles of meteorite material that invaded the atmosphere of our planet. In favor of this theory is the fact that after the fall of the so-called Tunguska meteorite in different parts of our planet, one could admire the bright silver clouds.