
Everyone is busy with their life, so no one is looking at you: the harsh truths of adulthood

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Everyone is busy with their life, so no one is looking at you: the harsh truths of adulthood
Everyone is busy with their life, so no one is looking at you: the harsh truths of adulthood



They say that a person becomes wiser over the years. This is true, and it cannot be otherwise, because life itself is a teacher, and the bitter experience of mistakes and failures cannot but be remembered! But do we have to face problems face to face in order to gain invaluable experience? No, if you listen to the advice of those who have already gone through this harsh school.

Shyness and timidity have no place in adulthood

This is normal when shyness is peculiar to a small child or teenager. But in adulthood, it will not bring benefits. It is hard for a shy person to get a job, it is not easy to make friends and relationships, in the end, he cannot defend his point of view. Therefore, to obtain a certificate of maturity or diploma, you need to say goodbye not only to the alma mater, but also with your shyness.


Nothing changes until a person begins to change

You can wish, dream and make plans for how in a year everything will be just great! But this will not happen if you do not take steps to implement their desires and plans. Of course, if you do nothing, then some changes will also occur. But, firstly, it will take a lot of time, which could be spent more profitably. And secondly, it is likely that everything that happens will very remotely resemble what a person wanted. Therefore, you need to take everything into your own hands and manage your own life, and not let other people and circumstances do it.

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Nothing lasts forever

Everything in the world is limited in time. And the sooner a person understands this, the better. Youth, health, relationships will one day come to their logical conclusion. It is a fact. And after realizing this axiom, you need to choose your position. You can be pessimistic about this fact, but you can, on the contrary, be optimistic. If something bad happens in life, a person will understand that this condition will not last forever. Same thing with good points. Therefore, it is so important to value them!


No need to lie

Truth will always come out, no matter how deep it may be hidden. In addition, a lie must be remembered, but with the truth this is not required.

If you decline invitations, they will no longer call you

It’s hard every morning to get up and go to work. It is even more difficult to spend the time and energy remaining after a hard day on social life. But you can not spend every day on the couch in front of the computer, at home or in social networks. If colleagues or friends are inviting somewhere, it’s better to go than to refuse. Otherwise, you can stay not only without invitations, but also without friends.

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No need to be afraid and ask

Of course, few people like to ask for anything. Especially if this is the boss and you need to ask him for a raise or a new position. But you need to take the side of the boss - how does he know that you want some kind of position or you do not have enough salary if you yourself do not say so? Yes, the fear of rejection is great and just fetters the language. But you can go and ask. Even if there is a refusal, then your conscience will be clear - you have done everything possible!


Everyone is busy with their life and no one is up to you

Sometimes it seems that the whole world is watching us and as if waiting for our slightest miss. But this is not so - each person has his own affairs, and most likely he will try to deal with them, and not your persona. And by the way, if you attract attention, it’s only an extraordinary act, good or bad. People will remember this exactly until you or another person does something worthy of human attention.

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Every day you live is an opportunity to become better.

Let's be honest: there are no perfect people. But there are people who strive to be such and every day they live take steps to do this. And there are those who live "Groundhog Day" year after year. They are full of bad habits and they are uncomfortable in the conditions in which they live. If you are one of them, then you should reconsider your lifestyle and take each new day as an opportunity to change. Smoking, alcohol, spending time on social networks are not genetically inherited habits, but your choice. Therefore, you can replace the harmful with the useful. The main thing is to take the first step.


Need to take care of yourself

Cola, burgers and pizza haven't made anyone healthier. Therefore, it is important to eat right - eat vegetables and fruits, cook fresh and tasty dishes every day. Timely examined by a doctor. And do not worry about nothing.


Need to keep a promise

If you make an appointment at a specific time, then you do not need to be late - you should arrive at the specified hour. If you agreed to do some work by a specific date, then you do not need to disrupt the deadlines. It is better not to promise anything at all than not to keep this word.

an old friend is better than two new ones

And it is not just words. In order for this to become a reality, you need to maintain relationships with friends - write messages, call, just meet with or without.
