
Murphy's Laws. Murphy's funny laws

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Murphy's Laws. Murphy's funny laws
Murphy's Laws. Murphy's funny laws

From birth, man is surrounded by various laws on all sides. The laws of physics, chemistry, geometry, logic, and the laws of philosophy literally fall upon him. Even dropping a sandwich on the floor is law, but what about things more global?


For example, from the very childhood, the entire population of the planet is familiar with the so-called meanness law, according to which events develop in the form that is least desirable in this situation. It is to this kind of worldly truths that Murphy's laws apply.

What are these laws and where did they come from


The beginning of Murphy's philosophical laws was laid back in 1949. Contrary to history, logic and statistics, the foundation of this teaching was by no means put forward by a philosopher, but by an expert in the field of aviation engineering Edward Murphy.

The above captain specialized in emergency research. Characterized by straightforwardness and, as it turned out, a sober assessment of the situation, he once said that "if you can do something wrong at all, the technicians will certainly do just that." The phrase turned out to be so marked that it immediately went on record and got the proud name “Murphy's Law”.

At first, the expression was just a good saying. Perhaps she would have remained if not for one press conference. The thing is that a certain doctor John Paul Stepp decided to disclose to journalists the reason for the amazingly low accident rates, which was based on an unshakable faith in Murphy's law, or rather an irresistible desire to circumvent it. Needless to say, with the easy filing of journalists, everyone has learned about this law? It was then that the first ever Murphy law was born.

Of course, Edward Murphy was not the discoverer, since the law of meanness existed long before that. Nevertheless, it was his words spoken in the right place and at the right time that laid the foundation for a whole philosophical teaching.

Edward Murphy and his law


Too many scholars and valued Murphy's philosophical principles people still argue about authorship. Of course, this question will never be resolved to the end, but it can be said with certainty that the alleged author himself died, precisely following his own law.

The life of captain Edward Murphy ended rather banally and unexpectedly: on a dark evening on one of the US roads, he was shot down by a Briton traveling along the oncoming lane. The car of the discoverer of the law of meanness died out, and he stepped into the oncoming lane in order to catch a ride and get to the nearest gas station, where he was overtaken by an old death. The Briton, of course, believed that he was moving correctly - the habit of left-hand traffic played a key role in this case. In short, Murphy was the victim of just such an undesirable, but unlikely set of circumstances.

The fate of Murphy's laws


Of course, such a vivid, and most importantly, accurate statement, could not go unnoticed. It underwent numerous discussions, received an incredible amount of evidence and became modern thanks to Arthur Bloch’s book “Murphy's Law”, in which not only the law itself, but also its consequences were stated with a fair amount of humor.

The consequences, by the way, were no less accurate. Perhaps it was thanks to them that Murphy's laws got so many fans.

The basis of philosophical doctrine

Just an incredible number of critics have already expressed that adhering to such laws is completely unacceptable. Philosophical teachings of this kind seem to serious men too pessimistic. However, this does not affect their vitality and legitimacy.

In fact, in life everything happens exactly as described: if a nuisance can happen, it certainly happens, and entails the worst of the scenarios.

Sense of humor of our life

Murphy’s meanness law is essentially universal. Remember, for example, the famous song: "for 10 girls, according to the statistics of 9 guys." And such examples are all the time, if you think about it. Absolutely every person on earth sooner or later finds himself in a situation where the right thing at that moment (or better yesterday) is lost. Of course, miraculously, it is not located until it is no longer needed, and later, after you have rummaged through all conceivable and inconceivable places, it will be found right in front of your nose.


This, by the way, is also under Murphy’s law.

“Wash the car when it starts to rain, ” Murphy’s laws read. No motorist would dare to challenge this statement, since the percentage of development of events in this vein is too great.

What about "the snoring first falls asleep"? Is this not the truth? Of course, we must not forget about the truly brilliant statement about the benefits of reading explanatory literature: "If nothing else helps, finally read the instructions." How many instruments have been mastered by the so-called “scientific poke” method? And how much was spoiled at the same time?

Murphy's laws - ridiculous and at the same time absolutely accurate - can explain any phenomenon in our lives. All failures, incidents and awkward situations happen in accordance with them.

Everyday Murphy's Law

One of these postulates says that a person is a much more intelligent creature than he needs for happiness. How many times did every inhabitant of the globe fall asleep due to the fact that some awkward situation from the past came to mind, which should certainly be considered? Millions of millions of times. And this number still tends to infinity.

The common expression is that if you sleep a third day in a row, then this day - Wednesday - is also one of the famous laws. If you think about it, it’s not really possible to argue with him.


Each representative of the fair sex will be able, without any twinge of conscience, to confirm one of the fundamental laws: acne on the face appears about an hour before an appointment. Moreover, the more desirable it is, the greater the catastrophe is revealed in this time period.

The famous staircase syndrome, by the way, also acts in full accordance with Murphy's law: the best arguments are precisely those that come to mind when it is all over.

Murphy's laws for every day, anyway, are pretty sad in themselves. Here is an example: “there is no bad situation that could not get worse.” The limit of excellence, as you know, does not exist. And this is a proven fact.

The laws of meanness in action

If you think about it, Murphy and his followers in the formation of their theory came into contact with dangerous and terrible phenomena in some way. How many troubles happened in the history of mankind in support of these postulates.

Murphy's philosophical principles, or rather the situations from which they are derived, sometimes drove people crazy in the most literal sense of the word. Few people have not heard the story of Oleg Evgenievich Mitasov, who could have built a brilliant doctoral career if his Majesty did not intervene in his life.

The great learned mind, having been piling over his own doctoral dissertation for a long time, one day set off to defend it. And everything would have been wonderful if the potential doctor of sciences had not forgotten this dissertation under the law of meanness in a tram.

This incident made such a strong impression on Mitasov that he literally lost his mind. All the walls of his apartment were covered with strange inscriptions, the most frequent of which was the "VAK", where he was sent for protection.

That's how cruel the famous law of meanness is, if you take your failures too close to your heart.

Another great example is the life of Vincent van Gogh. Poverty, vegetation and social hostility - that’s what one of the greatest artists in history had to endure all his life. Glory came to him only after death, after many years. The master of painting was born and did not live at the right time, in a strange world.

Murphy's Laws and Other Thinkers

Philosophical humor, it should be noted, Murphy’s laws are far from alien, and if you search the world literature, cinema, history and science, you can find quite a lot of followers of merphology.

For example, Chekhov’s famous statement regarding a gun, which must be shot in the last act, does not contradict the basic principles of the famous laws of meanness, but on the contrary confirms them.

Dovlatov, for example, wrote that “the share of absurdity is absolutely necessary in crucial events”, which means that the writer was perfectly aware of the need for the laws of meanness.

Similar laws of philosophy permeate all literature and art. And if you dig a little deeper and turn to science, then the great Albert Einstein himself expressed himself in full accordance with Murphy's laws: “Do you think everything is so simple? Yes, everything is simple. But not at all. ”


Is this not the truth?

The future of Murphy's laws

The same Einstein said that the Universe has no limits and human stupidity, and he was not sure about the latter. That is why we can say that the law of the falling sandwich will be proved again and again, there will be more and more awkward situations, and the law of meanness will drive crazy more than a dozen people. Of course, the limitedness and some stupidity of man is far from the only criterion for the development of the world according to Murphy's laws. There are other, more reasonable, more scientifically based, dry and saturated with facts and figures. Nevertheless, in terms of colors and accuracy they cannot be compared with the law of meanness.