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Honored Artists of Russia: Leonid Agutin, Vladislav Galkin, Oleg Gazmanov

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Honored Artists of Russia: Leonid Agutin, Vladislav Galkin, Oleg Gazmanov
Honored Artists of Russia: Leonid Agutin, Vladislav Galkin, Oleg Gazmanov

If in the announcement of a play, a movie or a concert, the name of the artist is accompanied by the title of “Honored” or “People's”, this always works: the audience is more willing to attend such events. Is the magic of a loud title really so strong? Not at all. It’s just been known for a long time: an artist of this rank will surely please with a selfless game or singing, which will penetrate into the most secret depths of the soul.


The fact that the title of Honored Artist is somewhat lesser in the honorable hierarchy of awards in comparison with the title of folk does not detract from popular love.

Honored Artists of Russia are the figures of the theatrical stage, cinema, and stage - whose talent, noted at the state level, enjoys well-deserved recognition by many generations of admirers.

The Secret of Bonded Pages by Leonid Agutin

The name of Leonid Agutin is familiar to every lover of Russian pop music. For the first time, the country applauded the singer at the Yalta-92 contest, where Leonid became one of the laureates. His "Barefoot Boy" for a long time was remembered by the Soviet listener.


Two years later, the singer releases the first album, called this beloved song listeners. In the spring of the same year, the album’s songs became hits and elevated the young artist to the top of musical success.

Today, the singer remains one of the most popular Russian performers. New generations of fans are joining the ranks of his fans.

Agutin Leonid Nikolaevich was born on July 16, 68. At the age of six, she enters a music school, besides a general education school, and also studies at the jazz school in the piano class in Moscow. At the end of school, two years (1986–1988) gives up service in the army. As a student at the Moscow Institute of Culture, travels with tours of famous groups.

The 90s bring the singer fame: Agutin is a laureate of prestigious international competitions - "Yalta-92" and "Jurmala-93".

Then he releases the album “Barefoot Boy” that made him famous and becomes the winner of three nominations: “Singer of the Year”, “Song of the Year”, “Album of the Year”. It later became famous “Voice of the tall grass”, “Hop, hey, la-la-lei!” highly appreciated by the audience and the jury.

The following year, the singer makes another breakthrough to the pinnacle of fame and collects sold-out concerts at Olimpiysky.

At the same time, his solo album Decameron was released. Lenid Agutin is the record holder in the number of Golden Gramophones received, along with such figures as Kirkorov and Meladze.

2005: the singer, together with the legendary American jazz guitarist Al Di Meola, release a joint studio album called Cosmopolitan Life, which became the sales leader in the music markets of Europe and America. The album was called by critics "the musical bridge between cultures." A film was created on the basis of the disc, which was immediately appreciated by the audience of many countries.

In 2008, the cohort - “Honored Artists of Russia” - replenished another name: the singer was awarded this honorary title.

2009: publishes the first poetry collection - Notebook 69, which includes lyrics and poems created in the last ten years: “This is my worldview, my credo and my position in life …”, Agutin says about his poems.

From 2011 to 2015, Leonid Nikolaevich took an active part in various shows and competitions: "Zirka + Zirka", "Two Stars", etc. The last project brings the singer another victory.

From 2012 to 2014, the musician is a member of the jury and mentor of the television project "Voice".

The talent of Leonid Agutin - singer, composer and poet - delights fans of good modern music with its potential inexhaustibility.

For all the time of his work, the singer released sixteen albums, which won the love of listeners and brought popularity to the author. One of them is called symbolically: "The mystery of glued pages." I want to believe that the talent of the musician has not yet been fully revealed, the time will come - and he will sparkle with new, unexpected faces.

Life and death of Vladislav Galkin

Another name that rightfully complemented this glorious cohort is Honored Artists of Russia …

“Life should consist of a careful attitude to the world around you and a grateful attitude to … life, ” the actor formulated his credo with such a tautology. It is difficult to judge how successful the fun, sparkling life-lover, immersed headlong into the frantic rhythm of filming, focused on attention to others, but to be grateful to life - anyone agrees with this - Galkin had reasons.


A talented actor - with such inimitable charm and openness, that it seemed to millions of viewers who were continuously watching the ups and downs of films with his participation as if they were not seeing an artist in front of them on the screen, but communicating with a personal friend. Is this not a success?

That is why his sudden death was perceived by many as the loss of a loved one. He did not leave forever, this does not happen. He is here - in his films and in the hearts of those who loved him and loves him …

Galkin Vladislav Borisovich was born on 12/25/1971 in a family of artists. His adoptive father is a famous actor and director Boris Galkin. The actor’s childhood passed in Zhukovsky, near Moscow.

Participation in the first screenings was due to my grandmother, Lyudmila Nikolaevna. He made his film debut at the age of nine in the role of Huckleberry Finn in the film S. Govorukhin.

After that, there was successful work in the paintings: “This Scoundrel Sidorov”, “Golden Chain”, etc. - by the age of 18, the choice of profession was predetermined.

In 1992 he graduated from Shchukinsky and entered the VGIK.

The film images created by the actor since 1998 were remembered and loved by the viewer: “Voroshilovsky shooter”, “Truckers”, “In August of the 44th …”, “The Master and Margarita”, “Imperfect Woman”, “Saboteur – 2. The end of the war ”, “ Special Forces ”, “ I am flying ”, etc.

In 2009, Vladislav Galkin received the title of Honored Artist.

Boris Galkin said about one of his son’s roles: “He did more than just an actor, he was inspired by the spirit of the times.”

He was always like that: without a trace he devoted himself to work, love, life in its most diverse manifestations: building a house for parents, cars, horses, airplanes, parachuting …

His friends recall: the actor worked selflessly, he entered the role so deeply that after the shooting he needed, as they say, “adrenaline”, it was impossible to differentiate himself from the image that dominated him … And then it happened …


The shooting of the television series "Kotovsky" was ending. On the way home from Yaroslavl to Moscow, an actor enters a bar and drinks a glass after a glass of alcohol. The bartender refuses to repeat the next batch, and Vladislav takes out a gun and starts firing at people …

No one was hurt, his father joined in, they gave Vladislav probation for 14 months for hooliganism.

Friends explain the incident by the fact that the actor was unable to get out of the image: entering the bar, he was still there - in the civilian, in the role of the legendary brigade commander …

Psychics invited to investigate the circumstances of his death, which happened six months later, speak of the protracted and deep depression experienced by the actor at this time, as well as the feeling of incessant loneliness that haunted him from childhood.

It is known that during this period the actor's relationship with his beloved wife, actress Daria Mikhailova, went wrong. The actor experienced a family crisis very hard.

Vladislav Galkin died on February 27, 2010. His death is attributed to a diagnosis of acute heart failure. A few days earlier, Vladislav was discharged from the hospital, where he treated pancreatitis. Parents were worried that he was not answering calls, and called the police. According to the representative of the Moscow Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the body of the artist was found by police and the Ministry of Emergencies. There were no signs of violent death.

He was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow.

Oleg Gazmanov: “I will be torn in half by a song in flight …”

In the cohort of Honored Artists of Russia, the name of Oleg Gazmanov is one of the most striking.

A talented, inimitable singer, composer, poet, national and honored artist of Russia, Gazmanov is a laureate of many prestigious Russian and international festivals, and a multiple winner of the Ovation Prize.


His repertoire is striking in a variety of subjects: from lyric and dance songs to deep works, imbued with patriotic and civic pathos.

The sincerity of exciting melodies, the uniqueness of the poetic images of his songs, the inimitable gift of the artist earned Oleg Gazmanov national love and recognition.

“Esaul”, “Squadron”, “Officers”, “Sailor”, “My Clear Days”, “The Only”, “Fresh Wind”, “Moscow” - his songs call for unity, teach good, instill love for the Motherland, support in difficult moments of life. They brought up more than one generation of listeners. They are performed with pleasure by leading singers of the country.

Gazmanov Oleg Mikhailovich was born in a military family on July 22, 1951 in the city of Gusev (Kaliningrad Region).

He studied at secondary school number 8 (a graduate of which at one time was Lyudmila Putin).

After graduating from the naval school he took up science, went on ships at sea, taught at the university. Over time, he lost faith in the possibility of being realized as a scientist. He is studying at a music school in the guitar class, since 1981 he has been engaged in creative activities. The first scene of Gazmanov was the restaurant of the Kaliningrad Hotel, then it works in urban VIA.

1989: Gazmanov creates his own squadron, one of his soloists becomes the son of Rodion.

Gazmanov's “calling card” is his hits Squadron, Esaul, Putana, Lord Officers, Sailor. His song “Moscow” is considered the unofficial anthem of the capital.

2012: with the ensemble of song and dance named after F. V. Alexandrova participates in the recording of the Anthem of the Russian Federation.