
Dima Koldun's wife Victoria Khomitskaya: biography

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Dima Koldun's wife Victoria Khomitskaya: biography
Dima Koldun's wife Victoria Khomitskaya: biography

Ten years ago, at the dawn of his musical career, this Minsk guy managed to win the hearts of many listeners with his beautiful voice and sincere songs. The second season of “People’s Artist”, where Dima Koldun was lucky to reach the finals, became his real creative start. The aspiring singer was remembered by the audience for his surprisingly soulful performing manner. The victory at one of the Star Factory contests was a new significant round of his fame.


Dima Sorcerer’s career is hardly dizzying. And yet he is quite in demand in show business. The professional successes of the young singer are in full view. But there is another, no less important part of life where fans and journalists are not so willingly allowed - his family. Many fans of the talent of any artist are often interested in the details of his family life, opening up new facets of their idol's personality. So, fans of a young Belarusian singer often ask who Dima Koldun’s wife is. The article contains information about the spouse of the young performer.

Victoria Khomitskaya: children's love for an argument

As lovers told reporters, their relationship has been going on for many years. Dmitry knows his wife Victoria Khomitskaya (born March 17, 1987, according to the horoscope of Pisces, full age is 30 years old) from the school bench - they studied at one of the Minsk schools, she is in the 9th grade, and he is in the 11th. According to the stories of lovers, Victoria at that time met with a friend of Dima. Once the couple quarreled, and Vika argued with her friend that she would be able to start an affair with Dmitry. Soon, young people really started dating. For some time the Sorcerer did not suspect anything, but when the relationship became serious, Victoria confessed to her beloved about her bet. This information was not so important for Dmitry. Lovers just laughed at Victoria’s childhood argument.


Singer's wife

Victoria is a childhood friend of a young singer, who, according to him, is very proud that he managed to tie the knot with his first and only love. Positioning himself as a true romantic, Dmitry willingly shares his happiness with journalists and fans: in his life there is real great love.

Development of a relationship

It is known that the Sorcerer and his future wife began dating back to school, at the age of 15 and 16. Over the years, their relationship has often been subjected to serious trials. Journalists actively covered the period when the family life of the young singer and his wife Victoria Khomitskaya could end rather ingloriously.

It was about the time when the singer, who was still just starting to build a career, had to move from the Belarusian capital to Moscow. Victoria Khomitskaya in Minsk was kept by her own work. Life began in two cities, which, according to the girl, gave her a lot of excitement. Victoria Khomitskaya was afraid that her lover would be drawn into the temptations of the world of show business, and they would have to part. As they wrote in the media, the lovers even made a decision to temporarily suspend the relationship. But as soon as Dmitry once again arrived in his hometown, their romance resumed.


In 2011, the Sorcerer made a proposal to the beloved, having pleased her, among other things, with a valuable gift - a diamond ring. A year later, the young were already married.

Biography of the chosen one

Little is known about the biography of Victoria Khomitskaya. A beautiful and charming girl, as can be seen from the photos, has a pretty disposable appearance. Until recently, no one knew about Victoria Khomitskaya. They started talking about her after it became known that she had become the chosen one of one of the most enviable Russian suitors.

Her childhood was ordinary, took place in the Ukrainian city of Vinnitsa. The girl was always distinguished by sparkling energy and temperament, but at school she studied medium, and was not particularly distinguished by anything. It is known that parents did not at all predict the daughter of a great future and did not at all dream of a star satellite for her.



The young singer and his wife try not to allow prying eyes into their private lives. There were no representatives of the press at one of the most important events for all lovers - marriage and wedding. This day was especially exciting for Victoria - after all, she had to go through doubts that he really would come. It is known that the number of guests at the celebration did not exceed thirty people - these were the closest relatives and friends of the newlyweds. Secret marriage without special pomp in recent years has become a chip in the design of the relations of many stars who are struggling to hide from the press.

The wedding ceremony of the Sorcerer and his chosen one was held in their native Minsk and was very modest. The celebration was held on the banks of the picturesque reservoir at the Robinson Club (helicopter club). The day, holding their feelings together for many years, the newlyweds did not want to arrange as a social event, so they invited only twenty-six people to the wedding. The groom attended the wedding: mother Tatyana Borisovna, older brother George Koldun (famous TV presenter) with a girl. Guests from the bride were also few: only parents and a few friends.


Eyewitnesses describe the ceremony of exchanging rings as quite colorful and theatrical: the young people exchanged rings of white gold directly on the stage. Then the husband presented the guests with his song “Princess”. According to those present, the tables were lined with many delicacies: here you could see red caviar, salmon, cheese and meat from the grill. The decoration of the table was a specially prepared calf, there were also pancakes and a variety of dishes of Belarusian and European cuisine, including mandatory potato “sorcerers”. Among the drinks guests remembered French champagne and the famous Georgian wine. In addition, guests were treated to real Italian wines, rum, vodka and whiskey. The final chord of the holiday was a grandiose firework.


Before wedding excitements were forgotten, media reported that the well-known singer Dima Koldun, who had secretly married in mid-January, closed for an hour in his dressing room with a fan. When, after this time, the dressing room door opened, the artist was met by flashlights of the paparazzi. The temperamental singer was so discouraged by the unsuccessful conspiracy that he did not deny the fact of adultery. As he told reporters, "this is nothing special, love only helps to live."

Whether Victoria Koldun-Khomitskaya, the lawful wife of the singer, who was passing exams in Minsk at that time, agrees with such a statement, the press remained unknown. But everyone understood the following: this test was not destined to become fatal for a young family.


In January 2013, the news stirred the ranks of fans: their idol Dmitry Koldun and his young wife Victoria Khomitskaya for the first time became happy parents. Victoria, twenty-five, presented her first child, her son, to her husband.


In RuNet appeared photos of Dmitry Koldun with his wife and their son Jan. Journalists became aware that the first-born of a young couple (according to the mother, named after January, the month of birth) was born in one of the maternity hospitals in Minsk. The baby was not large - weighing 2.9 kg and growing 53 cm. This tiny little man managed to induce his father to long overdue changes in the status of their family.


For a long time, young spouses had, as before, to live in different capitals - Russian and Belarusian. Both were connected by their own work and career. With the birth of a son, much has changed in this regard. It seems that the singer has long been tired of rushing between the two cities. Decisive action was taken by him after he learned about future paternity. Upon completion of the repair, the newborn with his mother moved to the Moscow apartment, newly acquired by the singer, which was spacious enough to accommodate the entire young family.

The couple, having gone through a lot of difficulties, again faced serious tests: will they withstand the unfamiliar continuous life together in one space? Will the couple manage to keep their love? This question interested the fans of the singer at that time. The outcome depended largely on Victoria. The young woman has dealt with honor with new challenges.

The birth of a daughter

In April 2016, information appeared on social networks that the popular singer became a father for the second time: a daughter was born in a young family of Koldunov. The newborn with her mother were in Minsk, where the baby was born, and the artist, for whom the birth of his daughter was a real happy event, did not immediately manage to come to them because of work.

The fact of pregnancy was successfully hidden to the last of the spouse. But after the most difficult moment - the birth of a daughter - was left behind, the happy father generously shared his feelings on Instagram. As the Sorcerer told fans, in the world and their life with Victoria, one sun became more.

To the delight of the singer’s fans, who did not expect their idol to have another child in such a short period of time, she was literally bathed in the rays of her husband’s love, as well as the warm congratulations of his fans. They wished the woman and the baby good health, great happiness and all the very, very good. It is known that a girl who was born healthy and strong (weighing 3200 g, height 51 cm) was called Alice.
