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What is a "synecdoha"? Examples of using it in speech

What is a "synecdoha"? Examples of using it in speech
What is a "synecdoha"? Examples of using it in speech

Russian language has a wide range of expressive means. One of them is the synecdocha. Examples of its use are found in Russian literature quite often.

For example, sometimes a singular is used in a speech instead of a plural.

Everything seemed to die in silence -

Trees, birds, reeds, Silent and eagle owl, and wild boar …

Then - thunder hit the drum !!!

Sometimes the use of the plural instead of the singular indicates to us that the path of the synecdoch has been applied here. Examples of such a transfer of meaning on the basis of a quantitative relationship from one subject or phenomenon to another are also often found in fiction or poetry.

Youngsters hardly imagine themselves

Not Rasmussen. Fate

Gives a lesson to them: on a halt

Kindle fire. One praise!


It happens that the name of a part of it is used to designate the whole - it is also a synecdoch. Examples may be as follows:

1. He knew that in the village of Nikishkino he was waiting for a roof and bread and salt.

2. In his herds we counted one hundred twenty-nine heads of large-horned animals.

3. And he could not deceive them, seven pairs of naive eyes that listened with hope to him.

The use instead of the generic generic name also indicates that in this case a synecdoch is used. Examples of such a replacement are as follows:

1. Oh, you uneducated peasantry! The Internet itself will not work without a modem.

2. The soul is singing! Hello friends - my pioneering from childhood!


Very often, on the contrary, a specific name is used instead of a generic one. For instance:

1. No, I won’t go today for a walk: my penny has dried up, alas …

2. Waves beckon my sail forward …

In the distance, romance is calling again!

Sinekdoha is very close to metonymy. Often literary scholars argue about what type of pathways an expression refers to. This happens due to the fact that metonymy is also built on the constancy of relations between phenomena, although a bit of a different nature.

The Pushkin line “All flags will be with us” will be regarded on the one hand as “all ships will come to visit”. That is, there is a synecdoch - using the name of the part instead of the whole.

If we consider that the word “flags” carries the semantic load of the word “nation”, then this is purely metonymy.

Thus, we can conclude that the synecdoha is an expressive tool that allows the transfer of value according to a quantitative attribute: from the one to the plural and vice versa, from part of the subject to the whole. Also, it implies the replacement of a generic trait by a species trait and, on the contrary, by a species trait; the name of a single object or phenomenon more general or plural, and the whole group - one representative of the set.


Examples of synecdochi can often be found in ordinary, vernacular life.

“Mom, do you have money now to buy me an apple?” - asks the girl in the store parent. Using in speech instead of naming cash, finance in general, a specific substitution - the word "money", the child, without knowing it, uses the synecdoch.

And the old avid football fan sadly states: “Yes, the current fan has gone another … Not like before!” The whole community of fans in his speech is called as if it is one single person.

So in this way, people ignorant of linguistics easily use the path with the sonorous name of "synecdoha".