
Johan Beckman on juvenile justice in Finland

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Johan Beckman on juvenile justice in Finland
Johan Beckman on juvenile justice in Finland

Video: Johannes Koskinen (Former Minister of Justice of Finland) 2024, June

Video: Johannes Koskinen (Former Minister of Justice of Finland) 2024, June

The Finnish human rights activist Johan Bekman, who holds the title of Doctor of Social and Political Sciences, is well-known not only in his homeland. In many countries he is known as a publicist, scientist, publisher, whose specialization is criminology, sociology of law, political history.

This representative of the “Finland Anti-Fascist Committee” devoted a lot of his publications to our country.

Biographical Information

Johan Beckmann, whose biography is closely intertwined with Russia, comes from a family of Swedes living in Finland. His date of birth is 05/18/1971.

Since 1997, he worked for two years in the capital of Estonia. Later he often visited St. Petersburg, this enabled him to organize a publishing center Johan Beckman Institute in the Northern capital since 2000, where military history books are published.


Since 2006, Johan Beckmann, whose photo today can be found on the pages of many journalistic publications, became a doctor of political science. He obtained his degree at the University of Helsinki. In his work, he revealed the topic of Russian and Estonian organized crime.

For some time, Beckman gave lectures to university students in the city of Turku, and in recent years has been teaching in Joensuu and Helsinki. The topics of his lectures are criminology, sociology of law, political history.

Johan Beckmann is an assistant professor of sociology of law at the University of Helsinki, and an assistant professor of criminology at Joensuu.

About the works of Beckman

In 2007, Beckman's book about the murder of A. Politkovskaya was published in Finland. In the Russian version of this work, he suggests that the organizers of the Politkovskaya murder are political forces that are making various efforts to discredit the Russian president.

Johan Beckmann devoted a number of works to Finnish-Russian relations, he studied in detail the military history of Finland.


Estonia found out about Beckman after the publication of a work devoted to disputes about the famous monument, which is called the Bronze Soldier. The author touched on the historical stage of this republic since the forties of the last century, examined the facts of cooperation between Estonians and Finns with German Nazis.

History always leaves its mark on today, Johan Beckman knows it well. The human rights activist in this book examined in detail the issue of the activities of the republican leadership regarding the movement of the monument.

A lot of information in the book is devoted to the Holocaust in Estonia. According to the author, this republic cannot become a fully independent state.

Reaction to a book about the Bronze Soldier

Many Estonian statesmen praised this work very critically. In particular, as a deputy of the Riigikogu Welliste, this book was recognized as an element of the information war unleashed against this Baltic state.

Extremely negative remarks about the book were made about the book from the lips of the police commissioner for security, Andreas Kahar.


In connection with the release of this book, Johan Beckman received repeatedly anonymous threats.

In an open letter addressed to the rector of the University of Helsinki, some Estonian and Finnish public figures condemned the book, recognizing it as "hostile propaganda directed against Estonia and its people."

Johan Beckmann, "On juvenile justice in Finland"

In this article, the author expressed bewilderment over the fact that in Finland it is possible to remove a child from the family, citing only suspicions. These suspicions can be written to the social service, and only one person can decide on the removal of the child. It usually doesn’t reach the court.

Social workers are often feminists. In the future, the child is given to a foster family or to a private orphanage.

In connection with the allocation of good money by the state to support children, there is the possibility of obtaining a good income. Given the inviolability of private ownership, verification of such an orphanage is practically impossible.


The Finnish Ministry of Health has prepared recommendations in which Russians and Africans are portrayed as scary parents beating their children. In this regard, the child can be removed from the Russian mother for any minor reason.

For example, a desire to travel with a child to the Russian Federation may serve as the basis for his removal.

Beckman expresses extreme surprise at the fact that priests of the Protestant church in Finland can bless a homosexual marriage.

Johan Beckmann: "Finland without a mask"

In this opus, the author expresses a curious idea: many Finnish officials have the confidence that the Russian state will collapse during 2015-2025. As a result, in their opinion, some significant territories should become Finnish.

They believe that Russia is a developing country, an “economically underdeveloped parasite state, ” in which all incoming foreign investment is plundered by greedy leaders.


Leading "experts" of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland characterize the Russians as "lazy, greedy, dodgy liars", incapable of leading activities and taking responsibility.

According to these employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the only positive development of events in Russia is its complete disintegration.

Attitude to Russian

In the Finnish media, Russians appear only in a negative way. Residents of Finland consider Russian women prostitutes, and men - thieves and bandits.

Finnish entrepreneurs are investing in the development of the Karelian territories in the firm belief that these territories will be returned.

Leading Finnish politicians express a desire to conduct ethnic cleansing in Karelian lands, Russians, in their opinion, are subject to eviction.

The Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has a plan for complete ethnic cleansing in Karelia. Land ownership and all real estate are described, documents are prepared for transferring it to the Finns. At the same time, it is planned to hire a servant from the Russian population for a small fee.

About Beckman's Observations

The author of the article regrets that the Russians have formed for themselves an overly positive image about politics and the people of Finland. Soviet propaganda, this country has always been portrayed as benevolent.

Those who lived in Finland in the nineties remember well the growing anti-Russian hysteria.


Finnish revenge-seekers have to hide their sentiments; they know that Russians cannot be threatened openly.

Johan Beckman in his work writes that he conducted research during the nineties. For the conversation, he chose not only ordinary Finns, but also officials, diplomats.

He was struck by open ridicule, contempt and hatred of Russia and the Russians. Even from respectable Finnish politicians and officials, he had to hear reviews about their Russian colleagues as greedy criminals and deceivers.

Representatives of the elite spoke openly about the possibility of the collapse of Russian statehood and the return of the Karelian lands to Finland.

Position of officials

The Finnish Consulate General in St. Petersburg instructed the Finns to prohibit the mention of revanchist topics in Russian conversations. All Russian organizations were required to do the same, that is, the topic of the return of the Karelian lands was strictly prohibited.


The information received by Beckman about Finland’s plans regarding the use of the Russian population as cheap servants is of interest.

There is evidence that in 2015 Finland will need 200 thousand foreign workers for low-paid work in the service sector. It is such a population that lives in the territory that the Finns intend to return.

Given the lower level of education, according to Finnish revenge-seekers, Russian workers can be paid much less.

About the Russian leader

Johan Beckman speaks of Putin only positively, considering him the most influential politician on Earth.

Beckman recalls an article almost a decade ago in a leading Finnish newspaper, which regretted the lack of voting rights among the Finns in the Russian presidential election campaign. At the same time, the newspaper expressed the idea that the Russian president has much more influence on the life of Finnish citizens than the president of Finland.

This proves that even in that period Putin had an influence that exceeded Russian borders.

In today's world, the role of Russia and its president as a whole on the world stage has increased significantly. In particular, recent events have shown that in terms of authority, Russia with Putin at the head surpassed the UN, which failed to do anything to solve the problem in Syria. The Russian president managed to take real steps in this direction.

For example, he managed to practically prevent the blow of American troops and NATO against Syria and prevent the possible outbreak of a world war.