
Konstantin Zhuk - Russian chef and TV presenter

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Konstantin Zhuk - Russian chef and TV presenter
Konstantin Zhuk - Russian chef and TV presenter

The profession of a cook is one of the few professions that has been, is and will be in demand. But the competition in it is incredibly large, and not everyone can succeed in this field of activity. It’s not enough to know the correct recipe, the necessary ingredients, even just being able to cook is not enough. You must be able to understand the taste of a person in order to be able to surprise the most demanding critic. This was successful for the cook and author of many cookbooks, Zhuk Konstantin Vitalievich. He began his journey in cooking not simply, and did not immediately become what he is now. At first he worked in small cafes and pizzerias. We will find out who Konstantin Zhuk is.


Now Konstantin is a professional in his field, he is known and appreciated not only in Russia, but also far abroad. Let's see how his path to the top of Olympus began.


Konstantin Vitalievich Zhuk was born on June 15, 1981 in Moscow. After school, he entered the culinary college. He began his career as a cook in small restaurants and pizzerias of the capital. And from 1998 to 2004. the chef was fortunate enough to work with such culinary masters as Thierry Mona, Richard Queton, and Mark Ulrich.

The acquired knowledge and experience played a role. In 2004, Konstantin was invited to work in the publishing house "Tasty Life" as a chef in the magazines "Collection of recipes" and "School of Deli".

In 2005, a talented cook was invited to the TV show "Culinary Duel" on the NTV channel. At the same time, Konstantin Zhuk begins to teach at the School of Gastronomy. For the first time in the role of presenter Konstantin tried himself in 2009 in the program "Morning Menu".

Around the same time, he became part of the Cooks and Cooks project team. Here he worked together with Denis Krupeni and Sergey Sinitsin. After watching several issues of the program, you can understand that this is not just another show with recipes for fans to cook something tasty, but a whole world of its participants, full of informative stories and events from life.

In 2009, Konstantin Zhuk decided to try something fundamentally new. He opens his own online video magazine kulinarus.tv. The goal of the project is to immerse the viewer in the world of travel and fascinating stories, at the same time telling him about culinary finds. There is both an Internet portal and videos from the workshops in which Marina Kokareva provided significant support and assistance to Konstantin.

Soon after the creation of the project, the talented Konstantin was again invited to work as a cook on the TV show "Morning Menu".


In 2013, Konstantin’s own project, together with kulinatius studio, began to upload video tutorials on the art of cooking for the culinary magazine Home Hearth. A year later, the cook became the advertising face of Moscow Provence mayonnaise. This is his first experience shooting in advertising.

There is always time for a healthy lifestyle!

Such a busy person, as you know, has not so much free time. But this does not prevent Konstantin from taking a responsible approach to his health and lifestyle. He was attracted to power sports since childhood, and now he continues to do weightlifting, and also often watches videos from competitions, but not in order to cheer for ours - this is an additional motivation.


In addition to physical activity, Konstantin adheres to a strict regimen in food. He eats 5 times a day and always receive a certain amount of calories.

Our days

Today, Konstantin Zhuk is the chef of the restaurant "Macaroni and Son" in Sochi, where he recently moved.

In addition to working in the kitchen, Konstantin actively collaborates with magazines such as Men's Health, Tasty and Healthy, Lisa and Home, where he acts as a culinary photographer.

In addition, the talented cook does not cease to please readers with new books. So, for example, in 2015, the Easter Table and the Lenten Table were published. A year later, the books "Raccoons and Funky Ice Cream" and "Raccoons and Instant Cupcakes in the Microwave" were published. And in 2017, after long work on the production of cheese, carried out by Konstantin, he produces "Homemade Cheese". And this is only a small part of the literature belonging to his pen. He began to write books in 2012.


There is enough time to work on a food photo studio, and on my own website.