
Ngok Tkhai - a person who does not sleep

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Ngok Tkhai - a person who does not sleep
Ngok Tkhai - a person who does not sleep

Video: This Man Hasn't Slept In 45 Years - News In History 2024, July

Video: This Man Hasn't Slept In 45 Years - News In History 2024, July

Many people are endowed with some kind of talent: someone knows how to knit beautifully, the other runs through the soccer field the fastest, and the third is successfully engaged in extreme sports. But sometimes a person’s abilities are simply amazing. Vietnamese Ngok Thai has not been sleeping for more than 40 years. Constant wakefulness - a gift from heaven or a curse? During the 40-year insomnia, Ngok Tkhai was unable to answer this question.



The famous Vietnamese was born in 1942. He was a completely ordinary child, none of his relatives noticed anything unusual for little Ngok. The Vietnamese became famous after he stopped falling asleep. This happened in 1973, when Ngoku was 31 years old.

The Vietnamese is married to a woman named Nguyen Thi Bai. She is 4 years younger than her husband. Thi Bai is a housewife, she gave birth to four children Ngoku. None of the children born to the couple inherited the features of their father. The children of Ngok have already grown up and lead the most ordinary way of life.


Life under the gun

Now the man is engaged in agriculture and lives in the province of Quangnam. Vietnamese are often visited by foreign journalists who are interested in its phenomenon. Reporters place dozens of cameras around the house and surrounding area that record all the movements of a man and his family around the clock. With particular interest, crew members watch Ngok Thai at night.

And in the dark, he does the usual things: weaves bamboo baskets and works on the land. The Vietnamese is an ideal worker, he performs more tasks in one day than ordinary people. On sleepless nights, Ngok Thai prefers to spend time in the field. At home, the Vietnamese gets bored at night, he often drinks tea and smokes.

In the morning, a tired film crew tends to get to bed as soon as possible. And Ngok at this time again goes to the field, it is time for him to start working. A Vietnamese receives money from journalists for interviews. Several films have been made about Ngok, but he does not require large fees. All the money that the famous Vietnamese receives, he spends on the development of his economy.


Why did Ngok Thai stop sleeping?

There are several versions that explain the feature that appeared in the Vietnamese. They both look true, but the real reason for insomnia is known only to Mr. Ngoku. According to the first version, in 1973, the famous Vietnamese suffered a severe fever. After recovery, the man lost all interest in sleep, which never returned to him. According to another version, Mr. Ngok Thay once overheated in the sun. After that, the Vietnamese stopped sleeping and began to work at night.

Reliably find out the reason why the elderly man is always awake, reporters failed. They even once persuaded Mr. Ngok to go to the city of Danang. Doctors examined an unusual patient, but found no abnormalities in him. The Vietnamese has good memory, as well as his physical condition. Mr. Ngok does hard work every day and is not particularly tired.

To live so many years without sleep is amazing. An ordinary person with such a rhythm of life could already lose his mind. Some journalists persuade Mr. Ngok to go to developed countries and seek medical help there, because his phenomenon needs to be investigated. But the famous Vietnamese refuses such offers, because he does not know what he will do in an unfamiliar country at night without his farm. The meaning of his life is work, Ngok does not want to sit idle.
