men's issues

Hunting from the approach: concept, opening of the season, permission and advice of hunters

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Hunting from the approach: concept, opening of the season, permission and advice of hunters
Hunting from the approach: concept, opening of the season, permission and advice of hunters

Video: Off Grid with Ralph and Vicki Episode 3 Dealing with Landowners and Permission to access property 2024, July

Video: Off Grid with Ralph and Vicki Episode 3 Dealing with Landowners and Permission to access property 2024, July

For the production of animals and birds, several types of crafts were invented. Judging by the numerous reviews, hunting from the approach is quite effective. Its essence is to approach the trophy at a distance of a shot. For this, a person will need to know about the habits of a particular beast. According to experts, it is not necessary to take dogs from an approach to hunting. The beast can be hunted individually or in pairs. For safety reasons, if you have to deal with a moose, wild boar or bear, it is advisable to go fishing in a group. You will learn more about hunting from the approach from this article.

Getting to know the way

Fishing from the approach involves a hidden foot approach to the beast. It is under such a definition that this method appears in the decree, which indicates the permitted types of fishing. Thus, hunting from the approach is carried out without involving vehicles. Judging by the numerous reviews, in addition to knowing the habits of animals, the hunter must have excellent reaction, patience and observation. Participants in this event must have hunting tickets and weapons storage permits.


In the absence of these documents they will not be allowed to harvest. Also, an authorized representative or individual entrepreneur in charge of the hunting grounds is provided with papers stating how many animals and which species are to be shot.

What is the feature?

According to experts, the main condition for a successful hunt is to remain silent. It will be possible to imperceptibly approach a beast or a bird if the hunter possesses certain skills and the skills of silent movement over rough terrain. To do this, before entering the field, the territory is carefully studied, paths are chosen in which sound will not resonate. For example, experienced shooters recommend approaching the target in troughs and troughs. Of great importance is the time for hunting. The fact is that in the morning and in the evening the air has high humidity, as a result of which the sounds are not so clearly audible as in dry weather. This will give the hunter the opportunity to imperceptibly approach and make a shot.

About equipment

You need to go fishing in camouflage or comfortable clothing. It is important that she does not rustle while a person is moving. It is also desirable that the hunting equipment be with fixed movable elements. To do this, they are tied with a conventional insulating tape. To hunt from the approach in the fall, put on light waterproof shoes. For fishing for billhooks or bears, you need to have felt cloaks with rubber soles. Since during the hunt you will have to move in deep snow from approaching in winter, many shooters acquire skis. This method of transportation is quite noisy. Therefore, the sliding surfaces are glued with skins. Such covers are also called camus. They are elk, horse and from the seal.

What is required for hunting a hare

A shooter who decides to go hunting with the hare approach needs to have good physical training. In addition, you should familiarize yourself with the habits of this animal and its habitats. Hunting is possible if the hares have bred enough.


How is the hunt going?

The essence of this event is that the hunter must walk many kilometers on foot until he "picks up" a hare from his hole. If there are few of these animals in any locality, a person will simply lose a day. It happens that the animal does not break away, but carefully raises its head to see who disturbed it. One person cannot always notice this movement. Therefore, experienced hunters recommend to go fishing in a group of 3-4 people. In this case, it is possible to get around places with limited visibility. For example, from the sides view the forest, shrubs and weeds. In the field, hares can hide in the edge of the ditches. They are formed in those areas that are not processed by a plow. It is easy to find them: there will be large stones, telegraph poles and supports of high-voltage lines. You should move slowly and be prepared to fire offhand at any time. Therefore, it is desirable that the hunter have good shooting skills.

When to go on a hare?

Typically, hunters go fishing on quiet, dry and frosty days. It is in such weather that the hare easily leaves its shelter, and does not lie to the end until a person steps on it. So the animal behaves if there is warm, damp and windy weather.

How to hunt for roe deer?

The beginning of the season is the end of summer. The hunt lasts from the last days of August to September 20. The season coincides with the rutting period. Next from October to December. The exact dates should be clarified, as they may vary in each region. To shoot this type of animal requires an appropriate license. In autumn, roe deer hunting from the approach is best carried out on windy and rainy days. In such weather, the beast is often deployed in an open and well viewed area by the hunter. Due to inclement weather, the flair and hearing of this animal is dulled. Therefore, the shooter can not worry too much about his disguise.


In winter, it is better to go out in windy and clear weather. On such days, judging by the reviews, it is easier to find the beast. The wind will drown out the steps and smells of people. You can hunt individually or in pairs. Experienced hunters come with a well-trained dog. Its task is to notice the roe deer before a person, raise it from its place and drive the beast in the direction of the owner.

Before setting off for fishing, the shooter needs to explore the area, namely woodlands and forest glades. This is where roe deer are preferred. You should also consider disguise. Clothing in its color scheme should not differ from the area. In the autumn, it is better to use khaki camouflage, in winter - gray and black suits. So that she does not rustle during movement and from the wind, preference should be given to soft tissues. It will turn out noiselessly in rubber boots or felt boots.

As practice shows, a well-fed animal is less careful. Therefore, it is best to start the hunt in the early morning. At this time, roe deer will just graze. Day and evening, this beast is more alert. Experienced hunters take advantage of the fact that roe deer have low vision. The beast does not learn the smell of man, if you go against the wind. If the animal turned its head towards the hunter, then it should be frozen and not move. Most likely the roe deer will not see the person at a great distance and will continue to graze.

How to moose?

The peculiarity of this beast is that, like many other ruminants, it needs rest after feeding. The fact is that moose cannot burp gum and digest food on the go. This circumstance is used by wolves. Predators drive the beast until it is completely exhausted and falls. To man, unlike a wolf, this method of hunting is not available. People use several other methods, one of which is moose hunting from the approach. In autumn, it is not difficult to identify the beasts. Do this on broken bushes and corroded tops of plants. If such places were found, then soon it will be possible to see resting moose.


After discovering the family, select the target. Since the female often wears calves at this time of the year, the old moose should be shot.

About Tracking the Cleaver

Many beginners are interested in how the hunt from the boar approach occurs. According to experienced shooters, this lesson is very exciting and exciting, but also quite dangerous. The hunter will have to concentrate as much as possible all his strengths, abilities and skills. You must also know the hunting ground and habits of the cleaver.


Wild boars are nocturnal animals. Rest with them comes in the daytime. In addition, boar prefer not to change their habits: for watering and feeding, they mainly go to the same places, leaving behind clearly visible paths. In these footsteps, hunters determine where exactly the billhook feeds. This should be done in the afternoon. Since boars behave noisily on a grease, the shooter has a chance to get closer unnoticed. Approaching the boar rookery is quite dangerous. Despite the fact that bill hooks with relatively low vision, they have very developed hearing and sense of smell. Since the wild boar is a herd animal, several individuals can rest in one place. If one boar feels the danger, it will raise the others who are able to deal with the enemy. Cleaver is allowed from the beginning of summer until February 29.


About the rules of conduct

Hunting wild boar from the approach provides for the following rules:

  • The gun should always be loaded and ready to fire.
  • The hunter should not use perfumes. According to experts, the boar can even smell the smell of shampoo or shaving foam.
  • Proceed in the daytime.
  • You need to move slowly and carefully. It is advisable to periodically make small pauses and listen to the sounds.
  • They approach the wild boar from the leeward side.
  • Shooting is made from natural shelter: a tree, a boulder or a stump.

Due to the fact that the boar is very secretive, a novice hunter can go straight to the boar. Often, the billhiker specifically waits, then to bump into a person. Such a collision may prove fatal for an inexperienced hunter.

About black grouse

The hunting season begins in August from the third Saturday. In some regions, it lasts until the end of December or February. Grouse hunting from the approach is to imperceptibly approach a bird, and then shoot it. Grouse is a rather cautious species. Therefore, experienced shooters use vegetation as a cover. It is necessary to catch the moment when the bird will not look around. This is most conveniently done when the black grouse feeds. Therefore, they go fishing in the morning and evening hours. At this time, the game will leave the hole and go in search of food. The hunter first discovers a hole, then sneaks up imperceptibly, and then shoots at the frightened bird. Before fishing, it is advisable to conduct exploration. The purpose of this event is to explore the area. After the hole is detected, the arrow must be checked to see if there are black grouses there. To do this, inspect the snow near this place. If traces of wings are visible on the ground, it means that the bird flew away.


Too close to the hole is not worth it. Need to shoot from a three-meter distance.