
US party system: characteristics, features

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US party system: characteristics, features
US party system: characteristics, features

Video: Party Systems: Crash Course Government and Politics #41 2024, July

Video: Party Systems: Crash Course Government and Politics #41 2024, July

In the US Constitution, the role of the party system in the United States is not defined. However, this does not prevent her from playing one of the leading roles in the political structure of this country.

Historical excursion

For the Jewish New Year 1787, the US Constitution was adopted in Philadelphia. There were no political parties in the country at this time. Hamilton and Madison, who were the founders of this state, initially opposed the creation of such. The first American president, George Washington, was not and did not try to form any party-political system of the United States. But the need to enlist the support of the electorate led already 2.5 years after the adoption of the Constitution to the appearance of the first political parties, the beginning of which was given by the founding fathers of the republic.


Political parties and features of the US party system from the end of the XVIII to the beginning of the XX centuries.

In its development, the party system went through 5 stages.

The first system included:

  • The federalist party, which lasted from 1792 to 1816, its representative J. Adams became the first party president of the country.

  • Democratic Republican Party. Surprisingly, there was such a united party, the split in which in 1828 served as the beginning of the second party system.

The latter was characterized by the presence of:

  • National Republican Party.

  • The Democratic Party.

In 1832, representatives of the first entered into a coalition with the Anti-Masonic Party and some other political organizations, forming the Whig Party. Democrats dominated during this system. At the turn of the 40-50s. XIX century the issue of slavery was raised with renewed vigor in the new territories; as a result, the Whig Party split into two factions: “Cotton” and “Conscience”. The Cotton Whigs later joined the Democrats, and the Northern Whigs joined the new Republican Party in 1854. The Whigs that remained out of work in 1856 switched to the American Party.

The third party system was formed in 1854 after the formation of the Republican Party. She began to express the interests of the North as opposed to the Democratic, which expressed the interests of the South. In 1860, the last party split into 2 factions, some Democrats formed the party of the Constitutional Union. After the Civil War, the Republican Party dominated.

The fourth party system lasted from 1856 to 1932. The main parties were the same, the Republicans prevailed. The growing role of “third parties” was noted, although it remained small. From 1890 to 1920 the role of the progressive movement was noted, which allowed reforming the local government, implementing the necessary reforms in medicine, education and many other areas of life. At the beginning of the 20th century, Democrats were a conservative force, and Republicans were progressives, and in 1910 the situation began to change.

The fifth party system was formed after the Great Depression in 1933. Since the 1930s, the term “liberal” has come to mean supporters of the Roosevelt course, and “conservative” - its opponents. Roosevelt formed the New Deal Coalition, which collapsed in 1968 due to the Vietnam War.

US Modern Party System


At present, two parties dominate in this country: the Democratic and the Republican. They control the US Congress, as well as the Legislative Assemblies of all territorial units of the state in question. Representatives of these two parties hold the presidency with some order, and also become state governors and mayors of the respective cities. Other parties do not have real levers of influence on politics, not only at the federal, but also at the local level. Thus, the question of which party system in the USA implies a definite answer: “Two-party”.

Characteristics of the Democratic Party

We begin our consideration of the party system and political parties in the United States with the Democratic Party.

She is one of the oldest in the world. At the same time, it positions itself as adhering to more liberal points of view in socio-economic issues compared to the Republican Party. Thus, the Democrats are located a little to the left of the center in the US party system.

Johnson, the president of this party, proposed the idea of ​​creating a “Great Society” in which poverty was to be eradicated. State health insurance, programs of “model cities”, “teachers' buildings”, housing subsidies for the needy, construction of modern highways, and measures to combat pollution of the atmosphere and hydrospheres were created. The size of social insurance payments was increased, and professional and medical rehabilitation was improved.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the US party political system has undergone a number of changes. This was due to the fact that the Democrats advocated racial separation, which caused the sympathy of the white population of the southern part of the country. However, in the 40s, Truman began to implement a policy of desegregation in this territory. Johnson outlawed her in the 60s. Republicans, led by R. Reagan, R. Nixon, B. Goldwater, began to pursue a "new southern strategy", which led to the formation of "blue dog democrats" who began to vote in the same way as Republicans vote.

Currently, due to the peculiarities of the US party system, this party includes 30-40% of the registered electorate, which is determined by the election results. Democrats enjoy the support of residents of megalopolises, coastal states, people with higher education, and income levels above the average. They are supported by trade unions of workers of large organizations, human rights organizations, feminists, sexual and racial minorities. They declare that it is necessary to raise taxes for the rich, to help developing high-tech industries, increase social spending of the state budget, abandon economic protectionism, combat pollution of the environment, protect various minorities, and oppose the fight against emigrants. At the same time, they are against the prohibition of abortion, the use of the death penalty, for the limited use and use of firearms, and the same state intervention in the economy.


Republican Party

The US party system consists of the Republican Party, in addition to the above. It was founded back in the mid-19th century by opponents of promoting the slave system in new spaces and in defense of the North, in contrast to the Democrats, who basically defended the interests of the South.

She has held a major position in the party system and political parties in the United States since Lincoln became President of America. Until 1932, Republicans only four times gave the post of President to representatives from the opposite political camp.

The monopoly on power did not bring the party to good. Endless scandals related to nepotism and corruption began to occur, as well as a struggle within it. Until these moments, the party was considered more liberal and progressive in comparison with the Democratic Party, but since the 20s of the XX century it began to go to the right and become more conservative.

Today, the ideas of this party are based on American, social conservatism, as well as economic liberalism.

The main members of this party are white men from small towns, businessmen, managers and specialists with higher education, fundamentalists who are members of the Protestant group. They believe that taxes should be reduced, illegal migration should be prohibited, and legal should be significantly limited, all illegal immigrants should be expelled from the country. They support family values ​​and morality, oppose abortion, same-sex marriage. They want to limit the activities of trade unions, support economic protectionism, the death penalty, and the carrying of firearms. They also believe that US military spending should be increased in order to strengthen the country's security. At the same time, the state should not interfere in the personal lives of citizens and the economy.


Next, we give a brief description of the US party system in relation to the "third" parties.

Constitutional party

It was formed in 1992 under the name "Party of American Taxpayers", but after 7 years it began to be called exactly what it has today - the Constitution.

Its adherents are characterized by right-wing views based on the ideology of "paleoconservatism", in which religious values ​​are mixed with conservative political principles. In social matters, they are close to the position of the religious conservatives of the Republican Party. On a range of issues of politics and economics, they are closer to libertarians.

The number of its voters is insignificant in comparison with the first representatives of the US political system considered and makes up about 0.4% of the electorate. However, even such a modest result makes this party the third political force in this country.

In 2008, their candidate, Ch. Baldwin, participated in the presidential election, but could not even get the votes of party members.

Green party


With this name, the party was created in the United States in 1980. In 2000, her representative, R. Nader, gained 2.7% of the vote in the presidential election. After this, a merger of his supporters from various “green” movements with the formation of a green party took place.

They took their name because of the basic ideas for protecting nature. The main views are center-left. They advocate social justice, equality of rights for different sexes and sexual groups, adhere to the principles of pacifism in foreign policy, believe that citizens need firearms, but state control should be exercised over it. The authorities, in their opinion, should be decentralized, and the economy should receive social development.

About a quarter of the electorate is registered in its members. They occupy elected posts in local government, but mainly by voting as non-partisan. This is a feature of the US party system.

Libertarian Party

It is one of the oldest US parties since it was founded in 1971. Her ideas come down to individual freedom, which implies the same market economy and international trade. Representatives of this party believe that the United States should not interfere in the affairs of other states. They believe that citizens should be independent, government power should have limitations. At the same time, members of this party oppose the prohibition of abortion and drugs, while making some reservations about same-sex marriage, and believe that migration should be minimally regulated. In their view, taxes and government spending should be reduced.

Republican party dissidents often moved into this formation of the US political system.

The number of members of this party approximately coincides with that in the green party. She enjoys quite a lot of voter support, which allowed her to hold her people to various elected local posts in an amount exceeding that in relation to the total of all small parties.


Other US parties

A party with a growth rate is considered to be the party of natural law, which was founded in 1992 by businessmen, lawyers, and scholars who believe that the country's main problems are due to the influence of lobbyists on the government. Their ideology is the direction of conveying scientific ideas to the authorities. She offers the implementation of educational and medical reforms, the transformation of the electoral system in the country, against GMO products and for such a reform of the legislative authorities, in which the formation of coalitions will become impossible. This party enjoys the support of leftist, intellectually minded citizens.

The reformist party was formed by supporters of R. Perrault, who, running for president as an independent candidate, in 1992 won 12% of the vote. They oppose free trade, a 2-party system in the United States, for tax reform, renewal of democracy, cutting government spending, medical and educational reforms, and encouraging Americans to participate in politics.

The Socialist Party is one of America's oldest political forces. It was created in 1898 by union members who organized mass strikes and strikes. They believe that change should be radical, but gradual, evolutionary. Man must be at the forefront, not profit. Party members generally adhere to pacifist views and support the implementation of educational reform. At the same time, the rules of the game in relation to big businessmen should be tightened, the influence of trade unions and public organizations should be increased.


The role of parties in political life

They are not enshrined in the Constitution of the country. Nevertheless, the powers of parties and party systems in the United States are quite large. They participate in elections, offer voters various programs, acting as intermediaries between the government and citizens.

As a rule, in parties there are several confederations of party organizations that unite to achieve the goal of choosing their representatives in Congress or the office of the President or other elected posts. In view of the developed system of federalism in the USA, the strengthening of small parties is observed locally.

The delimitation of the interests of the two main parties was observed only during the Civil War. Within both parties, different points of view are noted, which can be directly opposite to those declared by the party. In this regard, in the formation of the program, party members make compromises. The election result is largely determined by the attitude to the candidate, rather than to his program.

Members of parties in America are those who have voted in favor of candidates from a given party; they do not have party tickets. Each similar political entity has an apparatus that ensures its activity and stability of existence.