
About the state Yaroslavl circus

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About the state Yaroslavl circus
About the state Yaroslavl circus

Video: Russian Circus in Yaroslavl 2024, July

Video: Russian Circus in Yaroslavl 2024, July

The very first circus, corresponding to the modern concept of it, appeared in Yaroslavl a very long time ago. It happened in 1850, when the first winter Yaroslavl circus opened its doors in anticipation of artists and spectators.

From the history of the circus

The first building for the winter circus in the city was built by the enterprising Italian Rudolf Gwerra. The construction site was chosen extremely well - the very center, right behind the first Russian theater, on the large alley of Streletsky Boulevard. Now the boulevard is called Pervomaisky. The winter Yaroslavl circus appealed to the townspeople. His benches were constantly filled, and tickets for performances scattered in a matter of hours. Contributing to this and laudatory publications in the local newspaper, relentlessly fueling public interest.


This building has not survived. After the revolution, in its place there was a summer cinema with a stage-veranda, which also did not reach our days. Now on the site of the former first circus is an entertainment center.

History of the current circus

The building, in which the townspeople and tourists who come to Yaroslavl with pleasure come today, has a difficult history. The Yaroslavl circus, whose photo is decorated with many tourist booklets with the information travelers need, first opened its doors to the audience in 1889. It was also built by an Italian, whose name was Antonio Besano.

Unlike many of his craft colleagues, opening circus rooms in the central part of the city and ruining in a couple of years, Senor Besano built a building on Sennaya Square. The area was not quite the outskirts, but still was far from the promenade. The calculation turned out to be correct, since the Yaroslavl circus to this day is in the same place. The square, which was called Sennaya, did not retain its name. Now this is Labor Square.


The building was rebuilt several times. After the civil war, in the 1920s and 1930s it belonged to the fire brigade, although performances were not interrupted due to this. Subsequently, it was closed for reconstruction, which lasted until 1937.

In 1937, the official state circus opened its doors to spectators. This Yaroslavl circus was wooden and completely burned down in 1943. After the war ended, big top circuses came to the city on tour, the building was not restored. This situation lasted until 1963. Until the moment when a new model Soviet building was built in Yaroslavl, intended for performances by circus artists and accommodating 1800 spectators, not counting the places in the boxes.

The building was not subjected to major repairs for a long time, which, of course, affected both the quality of the performance and the comfort of the audience during viewing. However, as this often happens, on the eve of holiday dates, officials are thinking about preparing for the celebrations and remembering about cultural objects that need repair. In 2009, the circus was closed for reconstruction, which ended by 2011, that is, just in time for the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the city.

The updated circus is constantly crowded with spectators, and not only Russian stars, but also foreign artists perform on its arena.

Who performed in the circus?

Since the opening of the first building on Sennaya Square, there has not been a month that famous circus artists did not give performances in its arena. Of course, with the exception of those periods when the circus was closed or destroyed.

Among Soviet and Russian artists, the dynasties of the Filatovs, Baghdasarovs, Zapashny, Kio dynasties come to Yaroslavl more often than others. On the Yaroslavl arena Durovs repeatedly performed, the clown Pencil came to the city. In the circus building, on the second floor, there is a photo gallery telling its story in detail. Of course, on the walls of the second floor there are photo portraits of famous artists who gave performances in Yaroslavl.