
The problem of the degeneration of the nation: the demographic crisis forced Japan to reconsider its attitude towards foreigners

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The problem of the degeneration of the nation: the demographic crisis forced Japan to reconsider its attitude towards foreigners
The problem of the degeneration of the nation: the demographic crisis forced Japan to reconsider its attitude towards foreigners

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Video: Immigrants could be the answer to Japan’s population crisis 2024, June

Traveling to Japan in 2011, it was rarely possible to meet foreigners working there. Gaijin (Japanese: “foreigner”) was a novelty in a diner or shop even for Tokyo, and in remote provinces, foreigners have not been seen for decades. An American who works in a Japanese restaurant - it was something revolutionary, and this continued until recently.

Over the past 2-3 years, the situation in Tokyo has changed dramatically. Now you can meet workers from Pakistan in fast foods, porters from Brazil work in hotels, and you can often see blond Swedes in the metro. Tokyo has become more international. This is an unfamiliar, but very necessary change for the country, because Japan needs immigration for the nation to survive (in the truest sense of the word).

Demographics on the brink of crisis

Geographers consider Japan a “demographic time bomb, ” and some speak of the phenomenon of “the problem of sex.” People over 65 currently make up 28% of the country's population. According to the Japan Times, fewer babies were born in 2018 than ever since the birth of births began in 1899. In addition, more and more Japanese are leaving the country to live abroad. The consequences are obvious: too many retirees and too few workers and taxpayers.


The Japan Population Institute has prepared a forecast for 2017, according to which, if there had not been any changes, in 2065 there would have been only 88 million inhabitants in Japan (currently 126.8 million people live).

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This situation forced the Japanese government, and society as a whole, to finally rethink the radical, conservative views on immigration.

Down with the gaijin!

Eight years ago, you could meet middle-aged Japanese people who walked with banners in their hands, protesting against the invasion of foreigners. Although at that time there was not even a protest against anyone: several exchange students, American businessmen and representatives of Korean and Chinese minorities.

Any foreigner who has ever dealt with the Japanese will hardly believe that they can be xenophobic. Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun are always sincerely interested in a foreign culture and are very polite. Some people who have lived in Japan for 2-3 years begin to understand what is the reason for this behavior. Gaijin for a Japanese is like a rare animal in a zoo: everyone admires him, but nobody wants to take him home. The Japanese communicate with visitors politely and courteously, but do not seek to establish friendly relations.


The truth is that for centuries Japanese society has been so isolated from the world that any foreigner, even someone who was born in this country, is perceived as a stranger.


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However, now the circumstances are such that conservative Japanese will have to reconsider their attitude towards visitors, and this applies not only to ordinary residents, but also to the ruling elite. At the end of 2018, a law was passed that allowed 345 thousand immigrants to enter the country, among whom there could be not only skilled workers (as it was before), but also those who would agree to work in low-paid posts. In the coming years, those wishing to work in Japan will be able to enter the country with a new category of visas. Also last year, Japan allowed highly skilled workers to obtain citizenship.


But what about the people?

Revision of priorities and values ​​is slowly but surely taking place among ordinary people. In a study conducted by the Pew Research Center in 2018, 59% of respondents said that immigrants are able to strengthen the country thanks to their skills. Most people believe that gaijins no longer bring crime and terrorism to the country.

In short, over the past 8-9 years, the attitude of the Japanese towards foreigners has improved. Actually, it should be so, because a lot of foreigners are now working in the Land of the Rising Sun (at least in Tokyo). And yet, if you look at the situation, then this island nation really needs to use human resources from the outside.

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